The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Seeing as they have that connection to the Argent Tournament, I’m sure Blizz will make you have purely out of spite.

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I have assembled a list on classes.

Possible Classes-
-Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest. Highly likely.
-Rogue, Paladin, Monk. Likely.
-Shaman, Druid. Unlikely but possible with new lore additions.
-Warlock. Highly Unlikely. (We have one NPC who might not even be a Warlock)
-Death Knight, Demon Hunter. Straight up no because no Allied Races get hero classes. (Death Knight might be possible in the future.)


I actually did those when it was new- on TWO characters. But yeah that would suck for newer players who haven’t touched WotLK.

Even though you can solo those dailies pretty easily now, the fact is you can only get a certain amount of rep per day- so you’re forced to wait a certain amount of time to get to exalted… as long as you don’t miss a day.


Yea I have it too, but I’m sure it would be a “crap” show on the forums for new players.

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I’m pretty sure that they would create a whole new faction like Alamara stated- or link it to a different more relevant and recent faction.


You’re probably right about that. Dark Irons didn’t require the Thorium Brotherhood after all.


Now THAT is a faction I haven’t heard in forever!



I want Dalaran to return to the fight. Maybe in 8.3 as part as the offensive into Quel’thalas. I know a nice little place in EK where they can land the damn city.


I’d love to know what’s happening in Dalaran. Portal room indicates it’s back in Northrend, but a canon update would be cool.

Current Hearthstone is about former HS villains joining together to invade Dalaran and send it to Shadow realm or something. While Hearthstone adventures are not canon, there has been Hearthstone ideas that transitioned into canon (albeit modified), like Liadrin having golden eyes or the tortollans.

I wonder if this Hearthstone expansion could have some crazy ideas for the Silver Covenant that would eventually be adapted to canon.

Though Silver Covenant + pulled into Shadow is not something I’d like to see, if you know what I mean.

I’m also eager to know what will be in 8.3… Dragon Isles? War reaches Quel’thalas?


We don’t want anything from the Blood Elves… Just the Kingdom that they stayed and rebuilt after it was destroyed…

I hope that Blizzard never caves into you bunch, and finds a way to obliterate every freaking High Elf left in existence.


That is… kinda hostile.


If you’d kindly stop showing up only to act offended and attacked whenever anything is brought up about Quel’thalas or Blood Elves, it’d be appreciated


Yikes, imagine being so toxic to people who just want to have fun


Fits right in with the red faction, at least. :smiley:


It’s almost like this is a freaken War Expansion and Quel’Thalas is a target regardless if High Elves are added or not…

It’s almost like Void Elves are already set up to go against Silvermoon…

It’s almost like Horde could lose all of Ghostlands and not really lose anything…


tbf they kind of already started this process by adding void elves. high elves have been relegated to flavor NPC status in BFA so far. even alleria, one of the few named high elves i can think of easily, is a void elf now. while alliance adventurers have been working almost exclusively with void elves and Umbric in the war effort so far :+1:


Dragon Isles will probably be where we meet the Dragon Elves that look like Nozdormu.

Maybe this is the route they are going to take with High Elves after all!


Not a single person has asked that the Alliance get Silvermoon City. There has been talk about a data mined leak that may point to a war front in Quel’thalas but that’s all I have seen.



“Silvermoon Warfront” has been talked about since Beta. It’s not something we came up with or are requesting.

It was found around the same time as MECHAGNOMES that people thought wasn’t going to be a thing.

Even the post they are reacting too are about when it happens and not requesting it.


People complain that High Elves can steal Blood Elves screentime if they become playable. However, I don’t know if you guys noticed, but almost all the time that Blood Elves have screentime, save some cases in WOD and BC, Blizzard make use of the High Elves to mirror it, instead of using another Alliance race.

WOTLK Dalaran:
:large_blue_circle: The Silver Enclave X Sunreaver’s Sanctuary :red_circle:

Crystalsong Forest:
:large_blue_circle: Windrunner’s Overlook X Sunreaver’s Command :red_circle:

:large_blue_circle: Caladis + Silver Covenant X Myralion + Sunreaver’s :red_circle:

Argent Tournament Grounds:
:large_blue_circle: Silver Covenant Pavilion X Sunreaver’s Pavilion :red_circle:

Zul’aman Intro:
:large_blue_circle: Vereesa + Silver Covenant X Halduron + Silvermoon Farstriders :red_circle:

Isle of Thunder:
:large_blue_circle: Jaina + Vereesa + Silver Covenant X Lor’themar + Aethas + Silvermoon :red_circle:

:large_blue_circle: Vereesa + Silver Covenant X Liadrin + Silvermoon :red_circle:

Even Terokkar Forest back in Burning Crusade, while it wasn’t actually against the Horde Sin’dorei, Allerian Stronghold :large_blue_circle: is situated in opposition to Firewing Point :red_circle::

So, nothing is going to change, instead, we can expect even more development for Thalassian lore.