The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

are we going back in time now? pre void elf? :thinking:

Fyrebusche - “This was from legion! Time travel!”

Yes. I’m a mage. We do that.


I wouldn’t engage too much. She’s best left alone.


I’m no stranger. :purple_heart:


Just checking. You do you.


Technically, any change to the past is a retcon (the name comes from “retroactive continuity”). People often confuse retcon with only the bad ones, where you change known story or add some clashing elements to known lore to fit your needs. A change to the past that does not clash with known lore nor alters story is still a retcon, but a well done one.

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its funny cause blizzard had to make sure all the Blood elf NPCs had the darkest skin tone and red hair and high elf NPCs had my gorgeous blonde hair and fair skin tone

its almost like they dont want people to get confused which elves are which for the story narrative :smile:

Completely off topic but I love your guild’s name.

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I hope no Druids for High Elves: reason in two words…
Cat clans.
flips hair

I always wondered what a high/ blood elf animal forms would look like. I do have a question though, if High Elves were to become an allied race, what rep must you get to exalted? Silver Covenant? Or some other reputation? And what classes could they not be? I assume they cannot be warlock and demon hunter, but what else?

It gets in your bones man.

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ideally their classes would be warrior, paladin, rogue, hunter, mage, priest, and monk.

Warlock and demon hunters are a hard no from me, DKs all rejoined silvermoon it seems.

There is a case for shamans to be added seeing as there is a lodge in the hinterlands that interacts with the wildhammer and this lodge specifically has rejected the continued use of arcane magic. It wouldn’t be that far fetched some of them picked up shamanism being taught by the wildhammer.

Druid is more wishful thinking and tbh I don’t think they should have druids. I do support shamans though because alliance needs more shaman variety.


I imagine they would get most default classes-

All of these tie into their lore and make the most sense.

Warlock, Death Knights, Demon Hunters are straight off the table. Paladins are likely. Shamans are possible due to the Quel’danil’s connection to the Wildhammer and Draenei. It would require some some new lore and stuff- but I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch. Druids would require a major lore explanation- although I recall druidism has been mentioned in their lore. (This would apply to blood elves too.)

As far as Druid appearances… maybe something like a cross between night elf forms and lynxes native to Quel’thelas? I dunno.

/edit- OH, I forgot about Monks. They’d probably get monks since most races have gotten monks and I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

Elenedhel… your face!

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honestly I don’t want blood nor high elves getting druids because I expect forest trolls at some point in which their forms would include lynxes and dragonhawks.

Its been an idea thats been tossed around. I personally don’t like it either as there’s not much explanation so far to back it up (shamans are more likely as I pointed out) I was more or less just humoring the idea.

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Yes, it is…amazing, even for one of us!
I had hidden behind those goggles too long; engrossed in professions and such.
However, in these trying times, the world deserves some enjoyment.
Gaze away.
Flips hair, as his golden eyes sparkle


Classes I would say are reasonable to expect for High Elves:


Monk is also a likely candidate but its possible Blizzard may decide otherwise as they did with Lightforged Draenei.

Death Knight would make sense but since allied races can’t be the hero classes (so far) it’s not something I would expect. The same could be said for Demon Hunter but that’s even less likely if only because then Blizzard would have to give Horde another Demon Hunter race.


Shamans could be a thing with a little creativity. It could be like how elves in LotR use magic rings of elemental power.

It would need to be something new. Maybe a union of the remaining high elf groups.