The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I don’t mind High Elves having Warlocks for the simple fact that it’s no different from other races that would have them. Warlocks are regularly ostracized and casted out in a number of the racial cultures that have them as a class option and High Elves could follow suit in that. Heck, even the Blood Elves don’t actually take nicely to Warlocks like was regularly believed when they first came out.

That said, even if High Elves didn’t have Warlocks it’d be no big deal either. I think they’d work just having the same class options as Nightborne, but subbing Warlocks out for Paladins.


We explained it to you earlier didn’t we?
Well, there are High Elves that didn’t name changed (most of them are not from Quel’thalas) and never took Kael’s and their brethren path, preferring to remain in the Alliance despite their kingdom orders, they weren’t tainted by Fel, they didn’t left the Alliance let alone joined the Horde. They are the ones we are asking to be playable, since they showed loyalty to the Alliance in the entirety of World of Warcraft and had important part in the story in Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria and Legion


This is all basically the case, except for the part about all High Elves (who survived Arthas) restyling themselves as Blood Elves – not all of them did so, with some never leaving Alliance-held or Alliance-aligned territories at all.

These High Elves have been entirely disassociated with both Blood Elves and Quel’thalas for a few decades, conservatively, with the Warcraft Chronicle suggesting that many High Elves have lived as citizens of Alliance-aligned nation-states/city-states for as long as 2,700 years.


Yeah we did explained, details all the way over here in the 8000s, 5k posts but it was only a month ago.
I really hope you aren’t doing this intentionally, for what reasons would you post on the other thread?


Lorewise, warlocks are a class that shouldn’t exist for players. Or, at least, not for most races.

Before WoW, warlock magic was banned. It was simple as that. But, once they became a player class, Blizzard started making them slightly less despised. Nowadays, it’s almost as if they were just another mage.

It’s weird that classes reflect a race’s culture, but most races that can be warlock should have them as outcasts. (Another class that feels weird in most races is monk, but these are not shunned like warlocks at least).


Orc Warlocks come to mind as something that should basically be as rare as a unicorn, at this point, solely because of how many times they’ve been targeted for slaughter by the higher-ups.

I would say they should have made Shadow Priest a full class in itself and maybe have it deal more with ghostly spirits than demons.

Although what’s done is done now, Warlocks have come a long way in the story being a capable anti-hero class.


Warlock magic among orcs was straight up banned in Warcraft 3. However, for WoW, lore was changed so Thrall tolerated but kept them under watch.

One thing I don’t like about warlocks is how demon-related the class is. I think a “dark magicioner” class that combined demonic, necromantic and shadow magic as its specs would be more interesting and varied.

Nowadays, yes. But it was just another lore change due to gameplay limitations. You can’t really be an outcast in WoW, so the warlocks ended up being “heroic”. Before WoW, however, they were seen as straight up evil.


That’s the theme they were going for with the spec in MoP, which was strange they cut it out after they decided about what class fantasy should be for each specs. Affliction fit nicely with Old God stuff tied to it because there’s a lot of shadow magic in the spec, Demonology the quintessential demon-themed spec, and Destruction more tied to a mix of shadow and pure raw fire magic damage, mainly derived from the Firelands.

It really made the class seem akin to the D&D Warlock class, that bargains for various different powerful entities, not just demons, to gain their magic.


I’m pretty sure Garrosh straight up murdered any and every Warlock he could find, as well.

I found a full PDF of the Warcraft manual.

Read that to see how much lore has changed since then.

For instance: page 26, in the shaman entry, says pretty clearly that warlock magic (and necromancy) were banned from the Horde by Thrall.

I dislike that they always summon demons. I wish there were ways to change the demons into other things, like fire elementals, void beings, undead and other dark stuff.


Death Knights have changed a ton since Warcraft 2 as well.

Originally it was Gul’dan animating dead alliance knights. Rather than Ner’zhul.

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If I had to chose, Affliction would be all Shadow Magic with some Necromancy and Destruction would be more explosion based.

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Yes, I remember they even had big plans for glyphing demons to fulfill more player choices, but then walked back on it I think.

I think Destruction is fine. You can sacrifice your demon for power and have a lot of fiery spells that can be turned fel. It has a strong theme.

Yes, Affliction being all shadow with some necromancy would be awesome.

I liked Demonology better when it was about becoming a demon. The post-Legion version of summoning endless demons is something that would fit great into a necromancer class (with undead rather than demons, of course)


Well, it would be Destro as Burst, Demonology as Sustained, and Affliction as Ramp Up/AoE.

As for the earlier discussion on “Retcons”.

If it changes existing lore it is a Retcon.

If it is a new development it is not a Retcon.

If it adds something to old lore that was not known or defined it is not a Retcon but a New Development.

Saying High Elves always had Druids/Shaman would be a Retcon.

Saying they just started learning to be Druids/Shaman would not be a Retcone. It would be a New Development.

Saying there was an ancient group/order/person that was forgotten/not known about that existed was Druids/Shamen is not a Retcon. It is a new Development.


We answered this same statement you made back in February.


tbf, even blizzard doesnt know how to distinct high/blood elves from each other


thats why they moved on to void elves imo

Strange. They seem to be doing fine.