The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’d love it if they just incorporated this into the game. I mean, why not?

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I imagine some people would take it and abuse it somehow. Making it an addon would only make it visable to other people with the addon.

Imagine scrolling over someone labeled “Level 120 Toaster Paladin”


Well the RP addon alters the tooltip with additional information and I remember back in the day if you moused over the wrong dipstick’s character, your entire screen was filled with their description/personality/whatever. It was obnoxious. Can’t say I’ve noticed it these days, but tooltips can still get pretty large from it.


They are the closest thing to proper high elves, that shouldn’t be surprising.


“We label you all as trolls, or call you crazy because we want this thing very hard and it’s absurd to think otherwise.”

This is pretty much the punch-drinking mentality I was talking about that I find comes from shutting yourself in a Yes-man echochamber for too long.

Even if this is your honest sentiment, which I sincerely hope for your sake it isn’t, Blizzard hasn’t and doesn’t currently agree. They may be an “obvious choice” in your head, but again I feel you’re either colored by bias because this is something you want, or worse, you’ve convinced yourself they’re an inevitability and listening to people who think otherwise is a waste of time in your eyes.

Not a healthy mentality.


I mean, is it really so bad to surround yourself by individuals that share a common interest? We share ideas and concepts, but I mean, its not like someone makes a post here and we all go-

You’re the boss.
I worship the ground you walk on!

We agree and disagree. If you read the stuff we talk about, its not an echo chamber. We talk about lore and how it fits- and where it could lead or potentially lead.

I find myself learning stuff I didn’t know all the time. My experience here has been pretty enlightening- and not just about High elves.


This kind of sentiment is why those against the addition are dismissed as trolls. I understand the point you’re making, but this is an obviously inflammatory manner of delivering that point.

Another reason those against the addition are dismissed as Trolls: they speak for Blizzard and in absolutes.

And then accusing those in favor of as having a mental health issue. More trollish behavior.

I can safely say that you, Lydon, try not to be a troll. That said, I don’t think anyone can say, “High Elves will never be added,” and not be trolling on some level. Looking at some of our current additions, the support High Elves have, and the limited ideas the Developers have for Alliance Allied Races, to say that High Elves are all but inevitable isn’t, “Drinking the Coolaid.” It’s a reasonable conclusion to draw from the given facts.

They haven’t been added yet because of the faction conflict expansion. That is the reason we’ve been given for Void Elves, and as the Developers have acknowledged, Void Elves don’t fulfill the request for High Elves. I imagine they themselves knew this which is why Void Elves were drawn from Blood Elves. Speculation, but then, that’s all we can do when the question is asked why Void Elves were former Blood Elves.

The truth is, High Elves remain a possibility until this game shuts down without them, and that is how things will always be.


Indeed. I’ve argued with Alamara a number of times on the roles of Mages and Rangers among the High Elves within the Alliance. I’m not sure how one can call us an echo chamber when we don’t even agree with each other 100% of the time. We come to a mutual understanding after a while, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we 100% agree. The one thing we 100% agree on is that High Elves should be added as an Alliance Allied Race. Or perhaps at this point, even as a Core race. I would never have thought of them being added as a Core Race, but depending on how the faction population imbalance tips with our recent additions, something drastic like that may be needed.


That isn’t why we label you as trolls. As Vexander says, for the most part you make an attempt to not troll us. Though you still will when your arguments are shattered.

That’s gotten better recently and we appreciate it.

Your vocal compatriots are all trolls.

Considering that you want to speak out against a thing and can only use emotional appeals since the Lore works against you probably makes it more difficult to campaign in a manner that is not trolling. But that’s mostly just because you chose a poor standard to bear.


I am paraphrasing Fliktarg here. If you find it inflammatory, that’s exactly my point.

It’s not speaking for Blizzard. They spoke for themselves and this is where we are.

Not having a healthy mentality =/= mental health issue. The order of those words definitely matters. Don’t insinuate that I am insulting anyone. I am clearly not.

I’ve never said they’ll never be added, or can’t be, but as I’ve said in multiple ways to multiple people, future potential possibility is not a valid subsitute or evidence for eventuality. What could happen in the future doesn’t have any bearing to “disprove” the present as it’s unknown.

I mean, we can debate lore all day. Seems I’ll see what I see and draw a conclusion vastly different from what you do. We’re both very lore-familiar.

Only difference is I’m citing lore as to why we are where we are, and you’re citing lore as to where we could be.


That’s incorrect.

There is no Lore that works against playable High Elves.

The Lore only supports playable High Elves.

You haven’t had a single successful current lore argument.

Your only argument with merit is that you don’t want High Elves to playable. But only with merit because it’s a stated opinion.


Those are good suggestions for lore, but still what is the result we are seeking? High Elves becoming a separate Allied Race or not? The suggestions of Void Elves and High Elves working together to back a idea of then being the same allied race (not optimal) or them working together as separate Allied Races because of similarities and mutual intertests? (optimal)

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Lore undortunately isn’t the end-all when it comes to adding playable races. Gameplay is equally if not more important, and gameplay has in fact trumped lore in pretty much every conflict the two have had.

For example:
Lorewise Undead should know common (and did at one point in beta). Gameplay-wise, they didn’t want players smack talking each other all day (amusing now that Blood Elves/Void Elves, Demon Hunters, and Pandaren can all speak across faction lines).

Another example:
Lorewise Forsaken Priests are only Shadow Priests. Gameplay-wise they needed to have the same specs available to them as other priests.

Lore has been invented, bent, ignored, or straight up broken in the interest of gameplay, when the desire from the developers to do so is there.

In this case, you’re arguing there’s lore supporting playable High Elves. While I still consider their inclusion as NPCs in a supporting role as adequate and indicative of their importance in the current Alliance, I think relying purely on lore, something Blizzard twists, bends or snaps to serve the current narrative, is shaky ground to stand on and say definitive things like what you do.

Lore that serves playable High Elves looks good to you now because it “could be” written to work in playable High Elves.

So what if High Elf lore instead gets created to fold them into the Void Elves, as has been hinted and insinuated at? I saw Fyorsing posit this earlier. Will you be a staunch defender of lore when it no longer supports, or worse, works against your case?


Send elf fans back to Korea, they ruined this game

Using lore to justify your arguments when it suits your agenda, but when it doesn’t suits (it supports the possibility of High Elves being playable) you defend it to be bent and discarted to maintain High Elves unplayable.


Having read through your archives, especially on this particular subject, I can say with absolute conviction:
Begone, pot; and take your kettle with you!
No hairflip


all evidence in game supports this direction. they put flavor NPCs in the telogrus rift after all and theres a pair walking together in the SW mage quarter :+1:

plus one of the few named high elves i can think of easily, alleria, is leading the void elves

I’m well versed and familiar with the lore. I’m aware it’s all we can really use to base our arguments off of, aside from gameplay mechanics or nessecities.

But I’m not going to pretend it’s immutable word of god, or even that great of fantasy writing. Warcraft lore is a kitchen with too many cooks, and suffers because of it.

It’s not a double standard, it’s just knowing not to put all my eggs in one basket.

Being fair, it’s fitting to hold this position in your side because the lore overall can help justifying the implementation of playable High Elves, it’s only natural you people can say that’s fair game for it to be changed as long as it keeps High Elves out of the playable status. But it’s also fair on our side to defend it as a whole, and normally be against changing it to develop the Void Elves, which had no lore prior to their implementation, at the cost of the characterization of the High Elves, a more seeded and recognized race.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a ton of this thread mostly dedicated to speculation and ideas of how High Elves “could be made” playable?

Is that not creating/inventing/changing lore? How is “my side” the one being pegged with being ok to changing the lore?

Also, playing or posting on a Void Elf professing that you actively are against the race’s lore being expanded and built upon is an incredibly weird thing to see.

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