The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Something happened to all my bookmarks in this thread and that’s a bummer…

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Anyone else find it interesting that void elves almost beat out Draenei for 3rd most popular Alliance race behind humans and nelves? They’re only behind by 3k on wowcensus. That’s impressive with all of the faction hoops you have to jump through.

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I’m willing to bet that had we gotten High Elves instead of Void Elves, they would have beaten Draenei population numbers handily. And if they could be Paladins, probably would have lowered the number of humans by a percent or two.


very likely


I don’t know exactly. It would need to create a good enough reason for the high elves to not be afraid of using void.

It should get into several characters’ minds and explore how they see and end up accepting that situation.

It would need to stay true to high elf morals and not just be about finding a new source of power.

It should feel like a genuine closing chapter to their story.

Also, as long as there’s high elves around, people would still want to play as them. How do you explain every high elf going this route? What about the highvale, which have stopped using arcane magic completely and were studying the Light with the draenei? This story would need to explain these smaller factions of high elves too.

And here’s something that bothers me: I don’t see such a story being part of BfA’s arc, and I also don’t see a complex side story like that being added on a patch. How long do we need to wait before Blizzard decides to flesh out things that should’ve been fleshed out during Legion?


When your points are defeated you devolve into trolling.

The other visible members of the anti-high-elf group are Star, a Troll, then Fyre and whatever Pally Mcpwn alts are running around - Dragon Trolls from the Chaos Wastes.

So I’m not sure about this odd posturing.


Who’s we?
Cause the majority of antis that pop up here tell us to give up, it’s a lost cause, “Blizzard” has mande their stance clear and all manner of drivel


I read through your forum thread on the topic. There is nothing of substance to it but the usual “Why I don’t want High Elves.” The people posting hold rigidly to the usual ethereal concepts of models, Ion, faction balance, population, lore … none of which are firm or unable to be changed given years of these things being proven to be fluid when it suited the story or direction of the game.

Nothing you say comes across as anything other than that. Fyre is even more basic than you. They simply default to Ion which, I’m sorry, is hardly a benchmark for quality decisions in this expac.

You want to debate because you disagree that High Elves don’t work as an Allied Race. They’re in the game. As a race. Separate from Blood Elves and Void Elves.

There. is. no. debate.

Your “opposition” is to come into a thread which discusses how they could be implemented to state why you don’t WANT them implemented. How did you think you were going to be received?

All of your arguments have been refuted by the strongest voices in here. This “safe space” as you call it was created as a place for people who wanted to provide ideas and share excitement for something that MAY come at some point.

There is nothing more “obtuse” than people like you and Fyre coming in here trying to derail and detract from that discussion. You’re “passionate” about high elves NOT being added. Who exactly are YOU to decide that something YOU have no interest in but MANY people would enjoy SHOULDN’T be added to a game? What kind of person puts effort and energy into that? Who gets out of bed and decides “Today I’m going to try to convince people who are excited about something why they shouldn’t be excited about it? I’m going to go to a group of people having creative discussions and joining together in a common spirit and I’m going to try and prove to them it’s wasted energy.”

Who does that? Seriously?

Blizzard is the “enemy?” Not in this thread.

No, I won’t go posting in your thread. I have no interest in contributing to a conversation that leads to the mindless justifications that I read over and over in that echo chamber anti-Helfers wrap themselves in.

I’d rather come into this thread which talked about notable High Elves, the remaining High Elf settlements, the classes they could be, the many different ways their story could be told, the different ways their models could look."

I’ll stick with the thread to speaks to possibilities rather than the one that just serves as a vehicle for peoples own selfish motivations to protect their models or queue times.

TL/DR: I’d honestly appreciate that you leave the “debate” in your own thread and stay out of this one as your point of view is neither supported nor welcomed here for the mere fact that there simply IS no debate other than the one you continuously try to create.



Except that you offer no courtesy, none of those sympathetic to your thread are capable of any, including you.

Your thread got locked down due to a technical error a couple months ago and you, thinking we had it shut down came in here salty AF and told us how we were all :poop: on the regular and that we were all vile for making our request and you’ve kept up that mentality and attitude up to this point and your band of trolls with their questionable intellect followed the example you set for them.

That is the main reason there’s little to no meaningful discourse left to be had between us, so don’t go throwing stones in your glass house and as I stated in the other thread, I’m only reflecting the same attitude you guys have shown us for months on end, as you’re in no position to ask for respect when you offer none.

PS; Anyone who goes back a week or more can easily see through your groups very transparent attempt to come across as civilized and paint us as the provocateurs when in reality push has finally come to shove after the lot of you have come into this thread and constantly talked :poop:.


The High Elves don’t require a solution to their, ‘Magical Needs.’ They coped with the addiction in their own way when the Thalassian race was suffering withdrawal. Trying to find some new, ‘Solution,’ utterly ignores established lore. Not only that, but involving the Void at all just doesn’t suit the High Elves as a race. We have High Elven Priests of the Light, High Elven Paladins, etc… The Void is anathema to them.

To make the High Elves more unique/distinct, we shouldn’t try to look at how Void Elf thematics can be used, but instead look at what remaining options we have for them, and the most noteworthy power that no elves have really tapped into yet, is Shamanism.

So, if we want to separate the High Elves from Blood/Void Elves, I’d say (as I’ve said for well over a year), the solution is to see their story move towards more natural magics. Druidism and Shamanism. It honors their existing lore, delves into recent lore (Elisande calling them peasants), and doesn’t conflict with their existing identities (Light/Magic).


Agreed. That is also the reason I am convinced blizzard is afraid to do it. If high elves do what blood elves do and become the most common race in the alliance that’s something they want to avoid. I am not saying they would but my guess is they would be very high up there.

They have expressed regret about making panda neutral before. It’s not a big deal because they are some of the lowest played races in the game so no real harm done. In their mind I guess void Elves are enough different to bypass this.

How valid is this concern on their end? I don’t know, if someone could honestly tell me they can tell the difference between a void elf or a potential high elf model in pvp or running around the world I would honestly be surprised. God knows I can’t tell dark iron and ironforge dwarves apart if they have a helm on.

That being said with how popular Zandalari seem to be we may just see the horde player numbers go though a major shake up. Not only are their racials super good especially as a paladin, they can do the whole regal impressive thing like blood elves but at the same time actually seem like a horde race aesthetically.


then rename the thread and take out the word discussion

first the game has moved past the wc2 timeline. if wc4 were made today alliance likely wouldnt have any elven units

second the elves joined and left the alliance when it suited them. moreover the most any of you can say is they owed allegiance to the alliance of lordaeron which last i checked…

the silver covenant are elves that migrated to human cities after the second war so stop trying to claim “oh but they were ALWAYS apart of the alliance”

so easy to debunk these false narratives

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No one working at Blizzard expressed this opinion. Ghostcrawler said it was a mistake after leaving Blizzard, and as their own personal opinion and not some reflection of the Developers or company.

That having been said, if Nightborne can be made to look different enough from Night Elves, there’s no issue with High Elves.


Blood Elves are overpopulated in both the Horde and the game overall. High Elves would not create this problem, on the contrary they would balance it out. Instead of all the players being concentrated in one place, it will be spread across two factions.

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I think the Zandalari will do more to thin the Blood Elves out than the High Elves would. High Elves would more likely draw from players of Humans, Night Elves, and Void Elves. Which might not be so bad really. Void Elves would probably take the biggest hit.

Though really, a lot of it depends on racials as well.


judging by all the avatars in here, void elves are HUGELY successful :smile:

Void Elves will be okay I think. If people want a dark magic theme, they will go Void. If they want frost(?) and nature themes they can go High.


I’m mostly basing it on the fact that a lot of Void Elves you’ll see on RP servers literally have, “High Elf,” written into their RP Profiles where race is.



I haven’t seen that, but I’m also not the slightest bit surprised!

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Yeah, back when ol’ Bladinas was still a Night Elf, I had an RP addon that I used that let me identify myself as a High elf. I don’t remember which expansion it was, and it eventually was uninstalled due to lack of updates.

I haven’t done much in terms of RPing since Legion so I never bothered to find a new one.