The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Just posting to bump this above the anti-high-elf thread. I’ve always wanted high elves, and void elves are a cop-out.



That Mog. :purple_heart:

I approve of this character concept. I hope she drives a submarine.


Do the words “Silver Covenant” mean anything to you?


And this is why we should never give up:

No matter what the people who’re against us says, no matter the amount of trolling we get.

The fact is, Allied Races has become a major selling point, like mounts, pets and expansions.

We want more of these, while those who’re against us want less, which side is more profitable? :sweat_smile:




New Portal Rooms are very nice. I love how Elsharin has a bunch of apprentices now. Really helps cement one of the roles High Elves have in the Alliance, as Mages.

Oooh, you can actually watch her train them as well. Occasionally she uses Arcane Power, and then they do it after her.


Two high elf mages maintain the Dalaran portal too. This pleases me.

Probably old news but I’m reveling in how beautiful this new portal room is.


Yeah the Artists did an amazing job making it. I just love the little detail that Elsharin is teaching the apprentices, and it’s visible through them mimicking her spell-casting.

(Edit) It’s not just Arcane Power either. Saw them do a different skill as well. Not sure which one, or if it’s really even a player one. Looked like they charged and then released, like a delayed Supernova.


As impressed I am by how long some of you have held on to the discussion, I wonder why you still bother responding to one-liners and obvious trolls. You don’t need their validation.


And one of the apprentices is a void elf. How ironic!



People love Allied Races so there is plenty of reason for the to add more.

It keeps people playing and buying game time.

And clearly Blizzard know people will pay for race changes since the put on the sale.

Blizzard is definitely going to look into adding more Allied races, and guess which one is the most requested?

This gives me hope for San’layn, Ogres, Wildhammer Dwarves, and Forest Trolls as well.


Gave me a giggle

But yeah I’m sure you guys discussed just how appropriate it is that they outright added two High Elves to maintain the Dalaran portal when they easily could have used two humans or even gnomes.

Whether it’s a nod or a prelude, I appreciate that they aren’t just tossing High Elves aside for the time being.


During the Zandalari recruitment, when Gonk talks about Talanji’s “pack”, he speaks of tortollans, vulpera and the Horde… I don’t know if it was because I did it as a nightborne, but when Gonk says that, the images of two leaders appear: Thalyssra and Lor’themar. Both elves! Is that because elves are descendents of trolls, because of my character race or because those two will be important somehow?

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Wiped out by ‘a man’?

Archimonde (I misspoke and typed Kil’jaeden did it), the Defiler, right-hand man of Sargeras himself, one of the most powerful Eredar to scour the cosmos, completely obliterated it by literally toppling it like a sand castle.

It’s not “expanding on lore” for WoW to take Warcraft 3’s pile of dust that was Dalaran, and its inhabitants/mages that Arthas slew so he could grab the Book of Medivh and change it to:

“Oh nah, Dalaran and the Kirin Tor were fine. Just a giant demon lord, nothing too serious. We’re just going to rebuild this city and then float it around no prob. Oh and all those people who were killed, yeah they were evacuated instead.”

This is called a retcon.

Blizzard has done it many times. I would love to use “lore being expanded upon” to hand-wave blatant retcons, though. I should try this.


We saw it had ruins in TFT expansion and where told that it was being rebuild in Vanilla.

It being turned to dust is not a fact.


Not even the Archimonde cinematic shows it “being turned to dust”. It shows Archimonde making a sand replica of the city than smashing it, while the city suffered the same damage in the distance. Ruining the city is not the same as “turning to dust”.


aye. We have to keep in mind that the ruins of dalaran is where the surviving alliance forces consolidated themselves to start the pushback against the scourge.


As others have pointed out, WC3 shows us that Dalaran wasn’t dust. It was in ruins. During the early Blood Elf missions we also saw Dalaran being rebuilt and repaired, as part of the reclamation efforts. Not only that, but we even saw NATIVES of Dalaran still present in the city, such as the Jailer.

The idea that the city was turned to sand and not a single person from Dalaran survived was blatantly false, and nothing short of headcanon.


Not to mention the fact that enough of Dalaran was still intact that Kael’thas and his Sunfury retinue (or I guess if we’re taking WC3 mission text verbatim, the entire surviving population of Quel’thalas) could be held securely in the Violet Hold.

This is something the antis really should not be drawing attention to. Given what can be inferred about the size of Kael’s army, the implications of this on the physical size of the in-canon city of Dalaran are quite staggering, as it suggests a population to rival that of pre-Scourging Silvermoon. I’ll let you figure out what that means if even a fifth of its citizens are high elves, as suggested by in-game NPC headcounts.


Ok, semantics. I did not literally mean he molecularized the city. He definitely razed/ruined it.

While we are shown that it was attempting to be rebuilt/reclaimed, it’s a pretty far cry from what we see is a basically untouched, and floating city in Wrath and later Legion (where the Hall of the Guardian is still intact enough to repair, despite being a location within the Violet Citadel which we know was rebuilt. I try not to think about it too much.)

It also begs the question as to why Dalaran wasn’t already floating if it was simply as “we magically floated the city” (literally nowhere in citable lore explains it differently), to which the Warcraft Movie answered: “It always was!”.

The overall lore in this period between WC3 to Vanilla on to its appearance in Wrath is vague.

This is next-level reaching and obtuseness. For one, Kael did not have every single Blood Elf survivor, ever, with him.

Secondly, Violet Hold wasn’t identified as Dalaran’s dungeons until it’s appearance in WoW. Circa this mission in WC3, the dungeon size was undefined, as its size wasn’t relevant to the narrative and story impact of Kael and the Blood Elves being imprisoned as traitors by the leader of the Alliance of Lordaeron’s remnants.

I’ve already gone over the futility of trying to extrapolate Dalaran’s population before. It’s never been a tremendously large city, and the amount of High Elves within it and how many followed Kael to become Blood Elves was never spelled out explicitly or implicitly, and remains a vague number of little consequence. The ca nonical 9 to 1 ratio of Blood Elves to High Elves is all that matters until a more recrent event gives a more definitive comparison.

I’m looking to see how they handle this vague period, especially regarding Kael and Dalaran and High/Blood elves, in WC3: Reforged.

I don’t think we should take the movie into official canon. They took a LOT of creative liberties with the lore (and character designs- Anduin Lothar did NOT have that much hair in canon! Unless all the stress aged him and made him bald in an extremely short amount of time…)