The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

But worgens are good boys.

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I’m not insinuating the movie is canon. It was obvious creative liberty, but I’m highlighting that Dalaran floating is a pretty ridiculous thing for a city just blasted to rubble, it’s leader and many mages killed, and its ruins overrun by undead.

This is getting pretty tiresome. Yeah, the city took a massive hit, but it wasn’t completely destroyed as shown by The Frozen Throne campaign and it being under a “bubble” for Vanilla Wow and the Burning Crusade. It’s had plenty of time between the Third War and Wotlk to be fully repaired.

I don’t understand why you keep harping on this.

Its a city of the most powerful mages on Azeroth, so I don’t get why a “floating city” is so far-fetched either.

Just let it go man.


So in these thousands of years with Azeroth’s most powerful mages (even moreso back when we had Guardians), it never occured to them to float the city?

Warp up in the sky when they realized the Scourge was ravaging Lordaeron?

Can you really not see why I call it retcon level writing?

What would be the purpose? The only reason Dalaran was made airborne was to take the fight to the Scourge and Blue Dragonflight (the later of which declared war on all mortal Magic-Users). There was never a reason to make Dalaran airborne before.

Why? The Scourge had flying Necropoli and flying units. Being airborne wouldn’t have helped Dalaran fight the Scourge.

I really can’t because it’s not a retcon. Heck, Rommath rebuilding the eastern half of SMC in two days. It took Dalaran years to be rebuilt.


Probably because Dalaran didn’t need to be moved before the Third War. It was fine where it was- between the Elven kingdom of Silvermoon and the Human kingdom of Lordaeron. They also were skeptical of the scourge and their masters- remember how Antonidas turned away Medivh?

When the city was ready in WotLK the Lich King had returned and both the Horde and Alliance had to turn their forces towards Northrend. They probably decided to make Dalaran mobile so that it could go to Northrend (and other places like in Legion) to best suit the situation.

Plus, as you mentioned, the area was extremely hostile by then with Lordaeron having fallen and taken by the Forsaken leaving it pretty isolated. Why not take the city and fly up and leave for a better location?


Warcraft lore is a retcon singularity, and blood elves are particularly egregious offenders. I think the only race that has less of a right to complain about retcons is Draenei.


I don’t disagree, but as we’re talking about a city renowned for magical prowess:

Just watch from 0:20 to 1:00. Most likely to be the Blizzard explanation, IMO.


Why are you people discussing in two threads? I appreciate if you stick to one.


Beats the heck out of me. I haven’t bothered posting in that other thread. It looks like its just asking for trouble.


The other thread is one endless futile discussion, nothing personal against Lydon(the OP), but it only serves to spread toxicity, becauce neither side is going to give up and sometimes people will be angry about a poor/troll argument from either side. It’ll never end.

I’m not an hypocrite who thinks one side has better people than the other, both sides are equal, both sides have IRL Humans, and both sides will show human nasty behaviours.

I strongly recommend for everyone else who’s in favor of High Elves to sticky to this thread.
I think our thread will be way more constructive if we come back to concepts and casual talk, ignoring the trolls as much we can. Sometimes I’m also triggered, but we must focus on the best part of this discussion, the brainstorming.

In the past we had so many ideas about Recruitment Scenario, Questlines, Racials, NPC’s Backstories, Fanart’s, etc. The people who are against us, will be calling it headcannon, fanfiction, etc, but it’s better than fighting them, they’re trying to trigger us, and I hope our moderators start noticing this.

If you find something interesting about High Elves inside the game, books, interview, anything, share with us, let’s keep expanding this theme.


Just look at some of the recent post over there.

It’s like they aren’t even really reading the thread and just skimming over it.

They think we believe there are High Elf Druids and Shaman instead of suggesting them.

They think we believe all High Elves are no longer addicted to Arcan instead of just the special case group of Quel’Danil.

They think that we all believe the Sunwell is just Light now instead of a mix. “Because it suits our arguments”

They don’t pay attention to our real arguments and they do not discern suggestions from Headcanon. They set up these false ideas of us and our arguments and focus on them instead of facts.

They would rather fight a made up battle then actually look at what we’re saying.

Really, go look at what they are saying. It’s ridiculous.


I mean, its for the reasons you just listed I avoid that thread. I really don’t feel like raising my blood pressure.


They need a strawman to beat. It’s easier to win when your opponent can’t fight back.


They’re doing this to derail the thread, but if we keep following this trend, in the end we’ll find that we’re unable to talk about anything regarding High Elves, and this are they true intention, to shut the talk about High Elves.

This how they wanna win. If nobody is asking for High Elves, then nobody wants High Elves.

It’s pretty to easy to see people’s true intentions, you only need to think like they do.


I remember in January and February we were having good discussions about the possibilities around the High Elves implementation, story, hubs, classes, visuals, and all the sudden we are back at the start proving how they should be a playable race again to obtuse people and dedicated trolls. They derailed and vandalized the thread without any kind of punishment, and they are going to continue doing that as long as they keep the thread out of focus, they cannot counter arguments? They are going to use cheap tactics to distract us. Keep your focus here, they want to take your attention and focus out of the real discussion and drive our efforts to the other thread.


What I find more hilarious is the fact that High Elves are the type of race with really large amounts of data to back up them, mostly because of they appearing so many times ingame, but yet one of the most hated just because of their model, that people think are unchangeable for some reason.

High Elves only need one thing to be playable: not being literally carbon of Blood Elves, and that’s it. IT’S DONE! END OF THE DRAMA! HIGH ELVES CAN BE PLAYABLE!

The Sunwell, the Fair Skinned and the Lore dramas that people keep throwing are pointless, following the lore four years ago Suramar was supposed to be a ruined city in the sea floor, in Vanilla Blood Elves were literally Night Elves with blonde Hair, two years ago only Alliance was allowed to have Purple skinned Elves. Every reason for not allowing High Elves to be playable have been already been breached to allow another races to be playable.


Thank you for keeping this topic alive. I have been waiting and begging for HEs since vanilla. I played Warcraft 2 and 3 when they came out and one of the first things I did after coming home from Iraq in March 2005 was to buy World of Warcraft. I was extremely disappointed that HEs weren’t a race, especially as I came across them in the world.

It has been infuriating to hear the stupid false excuses Blizzard used to keep them Horde when the truth is they wanted to increase numbers on the Horde.

It is a slap in the face that Alliance gets VEs and Horde get BEs. Neither of these are HEs and there’s no reason to do VEs instead of HEs. It logically doesn’t even make sense given how VEs supposedly came to be at the end of Legion.

I don’t think there’s much hope now that VEs are a playable race. Keep BEs with the Horde. That’s fine and works with the lore from WC3 and BC. Why not HEs for Alliance though? HEs have been human allies for thousands of years. It is insane that a single general from WC3 would change all of that. Do you think us that stupid?? I don’t know how they’d replace VEs with HEs, but even if it was sloppy, it’d be worth it. HEs belong in the Alliance.

Given their response to the portal rooms, I doubt Blizzard even remotely cares about what players want…


It’s mostly because of the thread growth, people are mad about our thread having 13k replies and 30k views. Things will be worse when we get near 20k, and will be way worse when we reach 20k(post limit) and start another one.



Appreciate your support Anali!