The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

At this point I am a man on a mission. And no offense to you, but I honestly don’t care what people do what the information. I’m more in it for me than anything else.

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Just like Warhammer, WoW has as many people as the plot demands.

Since they keep suffering from world ending events consecutively if this weren’t the case everyone would be dead.


Case in point, both Tauren and Darkspear Trolls were supposed to be nearly extinct in Warcraft 3. Their continued existence is entirely based on, “As many as necessary.”


Yep I actually been asking how come that war after war after war after war, armies clashing , thousands dying and falling, in less than 10 years, and there always are enough soldiers ready for the next battle xD.

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Yeah. In one of the cinematics Anduinn is talking to Greymane and is like, “We’re gonna have to recruit farmers soon.”

and I’m thinking, "Now? After three demon invasions, a prolonged engagement with an army of undead, some god dragon destroying everything, and turning back an assault from orcs from a timeline where they haven’t suffered any attrition?

They should have been pressing farmers into service during Burning Crusade.


Isn’t that what they’re doing at Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra? There are two recruiters that are sending civilians for either non-military duty or, more often than not, report to the barracks for training.


trying to peddle another false narrative to sell your agenda

yesterday this thread tried to gaslight this “discussion” into thinking vereesa was removed from the embassy and zandalari are a 3rd night elf race and now this

and you wonder why you never get any new posters supporting this thread. and the devs literally crack jokes like “the horde is waiting for you”, “blood elves are high elves,” and my favorite “maybe we will implement contact lenses one day”

The irony of it decrying the idea of Blood Elves becoming immersed in the Light, as it plays a Blood Elf Paladin with newly acquired Light-infused eyes.

It will be it, I guess.


You’re actually talking to a real human being.
Why would you want to try to pretend he/she isn’t a human being but an ‘it’?
Doesn’t say much good about your pov and about the others who upvoted your other attempts to dehumanize the person you’re talking to.

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I don’t agree with what you say, but I thank you for bumping the thread! :+1:

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You people need to give it a rest and grow up

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It isn’t being designated as it because it isn’t human, but because it is a troll.

How the fact that I refuse to feed trolls, and in fact would prefer to see them starved, sits with you isn’t strictly my concern. :man_shrugging:


unlike lightforged draenei who undergo a ritual that infuses their bodies with the very essence of the holy light. the golden eyes of my elf are a reflection that we have been purified of the lingering fel taint from the reconstruction of silvermoon. i mean do you even lore or just ignorant about the subject

ritual /ˈrɪtʃʊəl/

1 – attributive Relating to or done as a religious or solemn rite.
1.1 – (of an action) arising from convention or habit.

It suggests that habitual meditation, basking, utilization, and a permanent connection doesn’t qualify as a ritual use of the Light by Blood Elves. It leaves me speechless.


i definitely meant the daily habit definition :joy::joy::joy:

See I take it one step further than “it” denotes “a troll.”

When you consider the counter arguments to a race that is IN THE GAME already and ALLIED with the Alliance and an expansion setting a precedent for ADDING ALLIED RACES AS PLAYABLE:

  • But muh models! (Ie: I want to be the only pretty elf in the game!)
  • Its a Core Horde Race (ie: If they’d been Alliance I would have joined Alliance. Don’t make me regret my faction choice now by adding an equally pretty race to the alternate faction!)
  • But muh faction balance! (ie: i don’t want to play a Belf or a Helf but I’m worried about my queue times!)
  • Helfs are Belfs/Helfs are Velfs! (This argument is steeped in ignorance and has been clarified ad nauseum).
  • Ion said “No!” (If the trend of crap expansions continues, I’m hoping Ion is out the door. Another lead dev could have a differing opinion and people ON the dev team have openly acknowledged the ask for Helfs and given their support).
  • There’s not enough of them! (Ion’s idiotic statement aside, we have a race of Void Elves created from a one-time ritual springing up all the time, Draenei and Worgen were decimated after WC2 yet still seen a-plenty … hell, we have Alternate Universe orcs now. Anything is possible, population means nothing, and Ion was his usual ignorant self making that statement).

Those arguments are what a child would make … steeped in unfounded entitlement, denying the possibilities that could exist, and genuinely opposing it simply because their minds can’t get past their limited emotional ability to think beyond their own needs/desires/fears.

Those arguments … the common arguments that appear in every thread since threads started appearing … do NOT explain why High Elves couldn’t be added to the game. They explain why some people don’t WANT them added to the game. That’s the big difference.

Anti-Helfers charge into a thread to discuss High Elves and how they could look, be implemented, etc and say they want to engage in “the debate” about them. There’s NO DEBATE. They exist in the game. The game is adding allied races to the existing factions. The High Elves are Allied with the Alliance. Therefore: High Elves could very well be added to the game and all this mega thread is trying to do is give a place for people to discuss how that would happen.

I’m not a fan of kids and routinely call them “it” when they’re being obnoxious or irrational. Anti-Helfers are all “it” to me for that reason.


Remember people, don’t feed trolls with responses, feed them with flags.
They don’t deserve your attention, give them what they need.


they have never given their support, i think 1 dev acknowledged that a small minority want that tolkein fantasy of fair skinned elves killing orcs and trolls alongside humans and dwarves

and ion said more then no. he also said blood elves are high elves and that the alliance elves arent distinct enough from blood elves to be playable. there arent a lot of them and just adding them would blur the faction identity to a point they dont want to take the game :woman_shrugging:

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aye. They did that. After the end of the war against the scourge most of the farmers returned home while a new generation of career soldiers formed to take the place of those lost in northrend.

Stormwind has had a standing professional army all this time that it has been using. The factions bowed out of the legion war at the start after the broken shore assault. They decided instead they would use the majority of their forces to defend their territories and leave the real fighting to the order halls and special forces.

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It uses the same tired arguments to make it’s point.

It fears for it’s models, it fears for it’s faction, it doesn’t want anyone to have what it has.

It is like a child and children should be seen and not heard.

Hush, puppy: the grown-ups are talking.