The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Plus the blue tattoos are pretty much an Alleria only thing even if Blood Elves can theoretically get them.

The odds of Blizzard giving Blood Elves an option to look more like and Alliance Hero are slim to none.

Also I am unable to find a source for that statement they made so I have no idea if it’s cannon or not.


Why would we be jealous of something that Blood Elves originally did. Also just because Alleria has tattoos it doesn’t make them a High Elf exclusive.

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Silver Covenant became a faction in Wrath of the Lich King. They were part of the Alliance Vanguard.

Back in Vanilla they made a High Elf faction called “The Silvermoon Remnant” and then removed it. So people are pretty sure the Silver Covenant is them re-purposing that faction.

For both factions they are made of High Elves that were in the Alliance however.


Thank you Nyshant

Because of an hypothetical scenario in which we do get high elves and they end up with tatoos while blood elves don’t?

I don’t forget the guy who went to one of the old threads to say that all the ideas thrown around there were awesome but they should be done for blood elves instead and high elves shouldn’t happen, lol.


I don’t see any reason why both High Elves and Blood Elves cannot have tattoos. I think their should be differences in the concept and coloring of the tattoos though. Red, golds, and greens for Blood Elves. Blue, silver, and purple for High Elves. High Elf tattoos could be more wild to show off their ranger heritage while Blood Elf ones could be more geometrical.


Blood elfs don’t have naturally green eyes. They got it from sucking fel energy. Sunstriders faction got green eyes from sucking fel energy. The Belfs on Quel’thalas are also seen in game sucking fel energy.

We can verify this because Belfs who suck holy energy get golden eyes.
We also can look at orcs who took the demon blood turned green.
Illidians eyes also turned from gold to green after doping up on sargs power.

The Belfs under Lor’themar Theron eyes should probably be light blue. As their main source of magic is arcane (as far as we know). Unless the horde been doping up on fel energy.

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But that was my original point…

(Almost) all blood elves have green eyes because Rommath brought several fel crystals from Outland and used them to empower Silvermoon in the absence of the Sunwell. The fel power flowing all over the city and outskirts contaminated the blood elves (and I theorize that mana tapping magical creatures in a fel-rich ambient wasn’t a good idea either).


It’s ok… he looks fine without any armor :wink:


When was this?? be nice to see a time when things weren’t so off the wall, even for a fantasy game, the tech and spaceship stuff goes too far sometimes.

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8.2, new island expedition, Crestfall.


I actually agree with this as Blood Elves were shown in official art with runic tattoos with a green glint while you have High Elf with more natural looking tattoos, such as Alleria and Talendrions models.

So I agree gold and green tattoos akin to Nightborne would be a great addition to Blood Elves while the High Elves could have Blue and Violet in the different style mentioned above.

This would serve as another characteristic to differentiate player models.


Slight correction but Illidians’ eyes were burnt out by Sargaras and glowing fel orbs were put into the sockets. He has no eyes.


I think rather than simple tattoos, they should have golden runes like the lightforged to reflect the new direction the blood elves are headed.


The devs even refer to the Lightforged when talking about Blood Elves getting Golden Eyes

Lightforged Elves it is then


I personally like the idea of the Blood Elves essentially becoming Lightforged to an extent, through I’d also like green runic tattoos as well that wasn’t really able to be captured within the PC aesthetic options until now.


I’m against a race being defined by just one of its cultural aspects. While I like the idea of blood elves delving more in to the Light, it shouldn’t become a overwhelming aspect of them. I think both lightforged draenei and void elves are terrible ideas that narrow too much what a character can be, and one of the things that make blood elves so interesting are their many divisions and leaders (magisters, blood knights, farstriders, sunreavers, the Reliquary, and so on).

The draenei from Draenor (both AU and pre-Outland MU) are way more interesting than the current draenei due to their many divisions and leaders as well (auchenai, vindicators, rangari, artificers). The only things MU draenei have in their favor are Nobundo and his shamans, but those are rarely showcase and most often are portrayed as a neutral party within the Earthen Circle.

The mag’har orcs are potentially more interesting than regular orcs because their clans give them different backgrounds and skills (thought that needs to be explored. The current Mag’har lack any in-depth exposure of their inner divisions).

The highmountain tauren are way more interesting than normal tauren because of their well-defined tribes (Rivermane, Skyhorn, Blood Totem) plus their links to the drogbar (which should be explored more now that they are Horde).

It’s about more than just giving a race classes, but expanding those classes with racial flavor and adding leaders with their own outlook on things.

So, in essence, sure, make the blood elves explore the Light in new ways. But I fear that too much focus on that single aspect may jeopardize what makes the race interesting.

Halduron and Rommath are already criminally underused right now.


I wish we had population numbers or at least estimates.

Even being highly probable that Azeroth, on it’s “true” (non in-game) size, is still MUCH smaller than our Earth, I am left to wonder if a nation such as Quel’Thalas had 10 million, 1 million or perhaps barely 100 thousand people.

Let’s say they was 1 million, then only 100k were left after scourge, leaving 10k as High Elves effectively. More than enough for some of them being player characters even if still a 1% of their original population.

But…I can only speculate.

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I’m working on counting the in-game numbers right now and things have been rather interesting and frustrating at the same time.

One of the biggest issues is RNG. A lot of NPC’s have a chance to spawn as a High elf (Like the Argent Peacekeeper, Kirin Tor Guardain, etc.) so I kinda have to make do with the numbers that or there or estimates if I feel they got shafted.

Another issue is gonna be the length of my post. For it to be credible I’m gonna have to list out both the named NPC’s as well as the numbers of the other NPC’s (ex- Silver Covenant Guardian X 10, Kirin Tor Defender X 5) I really don’t want to break up the post because of last time when I posted a number as an example and that number was taken as fact. smh

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That sounds incredibly tedious and pointless. It would be easier to just make a counter argument and look at some other race with vastly low npc representation such as void elves. Even then though, in game npcs don’t really represent the actual population, otherwise Stormwind is a city with a very, very small population of people living in it. Regardless, I applaud your tenacity.

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