The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Neither there are enough void elves.


Nah, don’t make this circle. There’s enough left if there’s enough for Void Elves, Lightforged, etc.

I’m as anti High Elf as they come, but I can find common ground that population itself isn’t an excluding factor.


You know, if you’re just gonna come in here and complain, you might as well get your lore straight at least.

The whole “slavery” part? Well what would you do with an entire population of people that committed mass genocide that appeared from a portal from nowhere? Let them run wild and have more bloodshed? Their internment camps were the best option they had without resorting to killing them all.

The whole “racism” part? It was a bad egg that nobody liked and fell into his position due to most other leaders being killed off at the time. The Alliance today is nothing like what it was when Garithos was in charge. I mean, have you seen the makeup of most of the Alliance’s armies? Humans work side by side with dwarves, Draenei, Gnomes and Night elves. Just look at the 7th legion and most of the Alliance’s armies.

Finally, the vast majority of Void elves are Blood elves. If you did the Void elf intro questline with Alleria you’d know that Void elves were Blood elf exiles that were turned into Void elves by an Etherial. The only hint that there were high elves in the Void elves ranks were a small number of unaffiliated “flavor” NPC’s in Telegros rift that are curious of the void. We’ve yet to actually see a transformation outside the initial one that was purely comprised of exiled Blood elves.


I read something today that I found kind of odd, and I’m not sure if it is true.

I read that The Silver Covanent has always been part of the Kirin’Tor. If this is true then I believe up until Mists of Pandaria, that the Kirin tor were a neutral faction. Only becoming Alliance when Jaina took control of it. Is this actually canon, does this mean that although the Silver Covanent hates Blood Elves, they have actually only been full fledged members of the Alliance for a handful of years?

To clear up some on this:
The internment of the Orcs (or more accurately, failed, and costly internment) was cited as a reason by Gilneas, Stromgarde, and Quel’thalas for leaving the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Secondly, Garithos never led “The Alliance”. The Alliance of Lordaeron functionally ceased to exist after Lordaeron and Dalaran were razed. Garithos led Lordaeron’s surviving military. He and his forces had little to do with the current Stormwind-based humans and their new Alliance, similar to how Thrall’s new Horde, that we play, had little to do with Orgrim’s Old Horde.


Something we can agree on. Appreciate the clarification.


That’s wrong.

The Kirin Tor is one thing, the SC is another. Their membership may overlap, but they are two separate organizations.


The Silver Covenant are a militia. Basically they get to aid Dalaran when it’s in Alliance interests, and remain hostile to Horde when Dalaran’s stance is Neutral.


Thanks I was uncertain and thought it best to ask

It’s a little confusing because Dalaran in itself was a retcon from being obliterated by Kil’jaeden to being not only suddenly magically repaired, but freaking floating (and apparently able to warp around).

The Silver Covenant are also in a weird spot since their entire purpose was to oppose Blood Elves in the Kirin Tor, something they weren’t successful at until MoP, and then lost again in Legion (where they were absent from Dalaran, being primarily supportive to Veressa, the Huntsmaster, and the Unseen Path).

They had a supporting role with Tyrande’s forces outside the Nighthold, but what they’re currently doing since Suramar is unclear.


During Vanilla and BC, Dalaran was concealed beneath a protective dome. Quests and other sources at the time stated the Kirin Tor was rebuilding the city. It wouldn’t really have made sense for a City of Mages to be utterly wiped out to a man. Not when they can all Teleport, and Portals exist.

There is a difference between a retcon, and lore being expanded upon.



I would also like to add to the conversation that Dalaran never “Left” the Alliance but their goals have always been more “Lofty” and for “The Greater Good” rather compared to the rest of the Alliance.

For example they where the ones researching a cure for the Hordes lethargy after the Second War ended.

The Silver Covenant is just a primarily Alliance group in the city.


‘Sigh’ these arguments again

  1. They never were “true” allies

What the heck of an argument is this? High Elves’ relationship with the Alliance was much closer than their alliance with the Horde right now. You even have to farm rep all the way from neutral with Silvermoon.

Also, the fact that they withdrew from the Alliance means nothing. So did Gilneans (and they were way angrier at the Alliance than HEs afaik) and yet here they are.

Plus, we’re talking about the High Elves that were already in the current Alliance since WoW, ie, the ones who DID NOT follow Quel’Thalas’ withdrawal from the Alliance.

  1. They are FEWWWWWWW

Um, Void Elves are even fewer? Hello?


They are, actually. They’re void-touched Blood Elves, not High Elves.


Cool, so give us High Elves from an alternate timeline. :smile:


My God, you are really tiresome.


Stop making up stuff (like saying ARs cannot already be part of the Alliance/Horde).


While the leadership of Silvermoon did formally withdraw from the alliance, many high elves remained loyal and during the rise of the scourge, they received alliance aid. Garithos lost his home as a result of the manpower being diverted to aid the high elves.

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I don’t really see what’s wrong with that, since WC3 didn’t really even have the Alliance truly exist as an entity or have a story about the Alliance as it currently is in WoW. Despite the naming convention, the campaigns weren’t actually Alliance campaigns, they were Arthas and Kael’thas campaigns, both of whose stories were all about leaving the Alliance and becoming villains later on.

Yeah, I would say any Alliance fan who “lives in a WC2 time bubble” is really just showing more of a preference for a time in the game’s history where the Alliance were actually protagonists in a story and not used as a vehicle to jump-start a villain’s story.

It’s honestly not different from Horde players living in a WC3 time bubble because they hate BfA, in fact most of the people bringing up WC3 in this thread have been Horde players and making an earnest effort to make it relevant for this topic.


[quote=“Vexander-wyrmrest-accord, post:13438, topic:18812”]
Ehh… Not really? I mean, there’s so much that can be done with High Elves that doesn’t work for Blood Elves. Shamans/Druids, Tattoos, Hairstyles/Facial Hair/Jewelry inspired by living with Alliance races, etc…[/quote]
I agree with most of that but you are wrong when it comes to Tattoos, they are just as much a Blood Elf Thing and they are a High Elf thing.

Blood elves between the Third War and World of Warcraft were physically identical to high elves, save that they dressed primarily in blacks and reds to remind themselves of their terrible losses. Many painted runes or mysterious tattoos on their faces, arms and shoulders for warding off demons or celebrating significant kills or simply to look intimidating

Just because Alleria has tattoos it doesn’t make them a High Elf exclusive. Have you seen Rommath, it isn’t bad lighting causing those marks on his arms.

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Well, any one can get a tatoo. But, for player characters, they reflect culture. The reasoning behind high elf tatoos is that it’s a ranger thing, and high elves value their rangers more than blood elves do (talk to a guard in Silvermoon about hunter trainers if you need proof). So that’s the rationale. And there could be other reasons, like maybe high elf tatoos are magical and made so they rely less on the Sunwell (yes, that’s a fan idea, not-canon, just to show how you can justify it)

And even if blood elf players get jealous of high elf tatoos, patterns and colors could be completely different between the two races.