The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread


The blood elves consumed drained magic from creatures/consumed fel magic. The high elves did not.
That’s what I meant by altered, and then after the sunwell was restored they were altered again (hence their green eyes turning gold).

I’m not sure what this has to do with the fact that there are no horde high elves though, and that high elves are alliance. You obsessing over semantics doesn’t change that


I’m just waiting for proof of that high elves are a horde race and not an alliance race. Until then she’s dead wrong lol.


where does it say this anywhere besides this thread? yes im sure some elves tapped mana from creatures but not all. and only the elves that followed kaelthas to outland learned how to tap fel from illidan. so eye color makes you a different race now? are green eyed elves a different species then golden eyed elves now? :thinking:

the proof is when the elves of quel’thalas stopped referring to themselves as “high” elves and started calling themselves blood elves. srs? :joy::joy::joy:

would you like me to link the clip of the game director saying blood elves are high elves?

Nope, but they aren’t high elves.

High elves are alliance.

And that the high elves who did not become blood elves remained alliance, yes. Hence why they’re being requested.

This isn’t proof though, if anything you’re just proving yourself wrong, but thank you for doing that for me. Super “srs” :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy:

I would love for you to link me a clip of a game director saying blood elves are high elves, yes.

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The person you’re responding too probably already know the things you are telling them and probably doesn’t even care about High Elves. They are just trying to push your buttons.

They aren’t here for real discussion.


1h1m30s exactly mark

sorry idk how to direct link the times in twitch clips. im going to bed tho gn!

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Funny I’m pretty sure he said that “blood elves are kinda high elves, if you want to be a fair skinned, tall, majestic elf, that is a blood elf”.

At no point did he say “blood elves are high elves”.

You’re still wrong about high elves not being alliance, which is what the thread is about. Making high elves playable. (or more specifically the alliance “not-blood elf” high elves to make it less confusing for you)


They literally said High Elves are already Alliance so they can’t be recruited as an Allied Race earlier in the thread.

They are just trolling.


I dare you to go into any thread about Azerite and posting about how much you love the azerite system, seeming as you seem to take Ion’s word as unchangable fact.


Stop giving the troll any attention, people. She’s not here for serious discussion. She changes goalposts constantly, and even makes up things when cornered. Then she disappears for a day or so and returns with the same old arguments as if it were the first time. She goes to non-high elf threads to post against high elves if anyone mentions them for any reason.

What you are discussing with her has been discussed with her several times. She will go from “high elves do not exist anymore” to “high elves are a Horde race”, then from “high elves are too few” to “Quel’thalas left the Alliance”, then “they are already Alliance so can’t join again”.

When she said there should not exist a skin color overlap between Horde and Alliance and was confronted with a picture of a nightborne and a night elf having almost the same gray skin tone, she replied that it’s okay in that case because it’s a “rare albino skin available only to players”.

She’s here to get attention and to make people angry with her obtuse replies. So, you either do not give her attention or use the same level of obtuse replies. Anything else is just a waste of your time and patience.


this is all taking into account the bare minimum and thus I conclude through various in game and out of game sources that kael’thas army likely numbered somewhere around 20,000. That seems like a reasonable number considering the losses it went through from dalaran all the way through to the taking of tempest keep. At the end of his “campaign” he attacked the kirin tor settlement in netherstorm. the survivors have stated the attacking army numbered in the thousands and this is despite losses at dalaran and shortly thereafter in outland, heavy losses in northrend trying to stop arthas, another portion of his army numbering in the thousands defecting to shattrath, and then whatever else happened between then and netherstorm.


I figured this would happen. I only count the named High elves of the Silver Covenant as an example and that becomes the new goalpoast for the total number of high elves.

Fine, if you want a TOTAL number of high elves in World of Warcraft, you’re gonna get a complete total number number of high elves in World of Warcraft.

It’s just gonna take a bit longer.


I don’t care. I find it amusing. Besides, it is bringing more attention to the thread. Those against high elves seem to be getting desperate. Honestly, I think that it is kinda sad that people will go to such lengths to deny others enjoyment.


I care because the useless back and forth buries real discussion. Bumping the thread does not compensate its derailing.


I think the reasons for the inclusion of high elves are pretty obvious and no amount of trolling can obscure it. Look at the size of this thread. Even with the haters Blizzard admits that there continues to be substantial demand.

Legion gave a lot of people what they wanted with demon hunters and artifact weapons. It did so well because it gave people features they wanted in the game. While it feels like the devs have taken a “my way or the highway” approach, hopefully there will be a change of course to give people what they want.


Eventually, they’ll have to give in to players’ allied race requests. Given the current animosity towards WoW, I think we’ll start seeing some changes soon (at least, I hope so).

Also, with the success the first 4 ARs brought, just imagine how much money Blizzard would make from 4 more that people actually want. That’s why I’m not too upset about not getting Helves in BfA. Let’s see what happens in the beginning of the next expansion.


Honestly I’m hoping we’ll see another 4 Pre-Order bonuses, and that the Alliance’s are Wildhammer Dwarves and High Elves. That’d do a great deal to make a lot of players Alliance side happy. Horde-side we could see San’layn (the only sensible counterpart to High Elves), and Ogres/Mok’Nathal.


There’s no reason not to do that again. From what we’ve heard, allied races don’t require much effort. So, it’s not like it’s a huge undertaking. And if they could get the “most pre-orders ever” for BfA, I’m sure 4 allied races will have the same effect on the next expansion.


exactly. I believe someone it was said they had no plans for another pre order bonus like thing but that could change because of community demand and them being so easy to actually make. Especially if we get more allied races like junker gnomes. Hopefully they will be sensible and pair vulpera with sethrak (pls blizzard bfa is the only chance for them) or if not sethrak ankowen.