The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I mean I am not taking them as the barometer of any sort of rational thought, but that point as been often regurgitated as if it holds any merit by many people, including those that actually construct arguments and are respectful.


On other news, I started to work on my Elven Ranger, don’t have time to put him on his armor yet, let’s hope that sooner rather than later.


I can do you one better right now. Just from the Silver Covenant page from Wowhead, I made a list of all the named High elves. Just the High elves- no duplicates and only named NPCs.

I got around 39. Considerably higher than 12. And that’s just from the named ones listed under the Silver Covenant affiliation.

If a certain someone bothered to do actual research, they could check wowpedia, go to “high elves,” click the “high elf” tab on the bottom, and actually check out the huge list of all the named high elf NPC’s in the game.

But they’re not and just lowball the number at 12.


Population is not a prerequisite for adding Allied Races. Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei made that very clear, and Mag’har only reinforced it.

But it can be used as an argument in favor of adding playable High Elves - why are we allowed to be one of the hundred or so Draenei in the Army of the Light or Blood Elves from Umbric’s Cabal, but not one of the thousands of Quel’dorei in the Alliance?


any elf can become a void being same for draeni and lightforged. its just an irreversible process. ma’ghar are an enitre orc clan from an alternate timeline :smile:

the alliance high elves cannot repopulate without inbreeding or diluting their bloodlines. the high ball # for their population is 39, saying there are thousands is a false narrative

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The number of High elves remaining is not precisely known, however it is stated that the surviving high elves comprise a mere 1%[ citation needed ] of the original high elven population, with the blood elves accounting for the remaining 9% of it [3][4]. Since Kael’thas took 15% of the blood elves to Outland [4] (i.e. 1.35% of the original high elf population), and since Kael’thas’ army numbered at least 2,000 (“thousands of them”) according to the ‘Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth’, it follows that the total high elf population is currently at least 1,481 (and at least ~148,000 prior to the Third War).

that isn’t counting the ones that followed Jaina to Theramore, or the ones that followed Alleria to outlands. So I would dare say there’s more than enough Alliance High Elves to make them an Allied Race…


therein lies another problem as well. they are already a part of the alliance. the selling point of bfa was to go out and recruit new races to ally with so how do you recruit them if they are already a part of the alliance… thats where the blueberries come in :thinking:

that plus everything comes back to fair skinned elves being a core horde race and the chances of blizzard EVER adding alliance fair skinned elves becomes 1 in a trillion imo :woman_shrugging:

This was addressed in the Dark Iron recruitment campaign, seeing as Dark Irons have been a part of the Alliance since Cataclysm. It would be a simple fix to give High Elves the very same treatment.


yet when you complete the DID recruit scenario moira says its time for anduin to know she and her people stand with him and they literally go to anduin in sw where he welcomes them to the alliance and moira literally says “we accept your invitation to the alliance” :smile:

so they werent apart of the alliance til now unlike alliance high elves who have a population of 39 elves

The DI dwarves joined the alliance during the prelude to Cataclysm book:

" the Dark Iron clan seek to forge a new future for themselves independent of the tyranny of [Ragnaros] and his minions, which has long been imposed upon them in their home of [Blackrock Mountain], so they have become part of the [Alliance]. Under Moira’s guidance, some of the Dark Iron clan have even moved into Ironforge to train the local dwarves in the ways of [warlocks] and [mages]."

The above happens pre-cata.
As if that wasn’t obvious enough with Moira literally sitting on the throne in IF for 5 expansions.

Have fun ignoring the fact that the high elves represent 1/10 of the remaining elves after the scourge invasion (with 9/10 of them becoming blood elves). Which is easily over 1000 elves, not 39. :smile:

This isn’t news though you could easily just google high elf, or scroll up in this thread to posts that were made like 4 months ago. You’re extremely outdated on the topic.


she was involved with the politics of ironforge and trying to get the DID to play nice with both IF and the alliance this whole time. whether that means they were always a part of the alliance this whole time idc. this thread is a discussion about alliance high elves becoming playable when they are already a core horde race :woman_shrugging:

Whether you care or not doesn’t matter. The DI dwarves have been alliance since pre-cata. I even linked you a quote from the lore.

Except they’re not a horde race?
High elves are strictly an alliance race. I’d like to see whatever game you’re playing where there are horde high elves.


so youre saying blood elves and high elves are a seperate race now? even though they are biologically exactly the same?


No I’m saying:
A blood elf is a blood elf.
A high elf is a high elf.

High elves are alliance.
This has nothing to do with biology and they are not biologically the same considering the blood elves have been altered not once but twice after their sunwell was changed.

Like I said, you’re EXTREMELY late to the topic, scroll up and there are very in depth answers to your confusions.

Also I’m still waiting for you to show me proof of these horde high elves you speak of.


you acknowledge 9/10 of all living high elves are now blood elves. yet think the faction that has 1/10 of them should also get them as playable? sorry this will never happen

and all elves of quel’thalas are connected to the sunwell no matter the distance

Also if you want to get technical, Void Elves are biologically the same as Blood Elves (just infused with void) Forsaken are biologically the same as Humans (They’re just dead) and most allied races are biologically the same as their main race counterparts or can be described different ethnicities.


Yup. 1/10 out of the entire population remained alliance and did not change, and yes I would like for them to be playable in the future.

That’s nice. You don’t know what will/won’t happen but have fun RPing as a dev.

Cool, high elves are still alliance though. Your point?


so are you dropping

cause that would affect alliance high elves as well :smile:

yeah… those are big differences buddy, you know, biologically :smile:

I’d respond with just saying “Void Elves” but honestly, it just goes back to circular arguments which I don’t understand why Blood Elf posters love that so much. It’s the same thing with rehashing Sylvanas apologetic talking points that it just gets nauseating and a better time spent is just discussing cool worldbuilding ideas instead.