The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

P.S.: Sideburns as beard options for high elves only, please.


quote my whole post

its also worth noting and quite humorous this is the only official piece of art with a high elf front and center with the alliance. literally right after this they started to slowly withdraw from the alliance :smile:

I’ll quote something even better:


Is this from the WC3 manual?


Yep, it is.


Cool! Hard to argue with that.


From Wowpedia:

The Alliance of Lordaeron was the union of the seven human kingdoms, along with the dwarves of Khaz Modan (which also included the gnomes of Gnomeregan) and Aerie Peak, the high elves of Quel’Thalas, and others with major political influence including the Church of the Holy Light.

Who’s spreading fallacies easily debunked? :thinking:


are you seriously gonna pretend Quel’Thalas didnt withdraw from the alliance?

you guys are like living in the start of wc3 timeline

Personally this is my favorite option. I feel that would be the most interesting story to possibly be told. It would have the dichotomous nature of the Worgen/Gilnean, but from the perspective of an endangered people, and unlike the Gilnean, not a people split by a curse and later reunited, but of a people that went their separate ways and have now to lean on each other in order to survive, and even prosper. And as outliers of what was one a unfied Kingdom, there’s a lot of mileage and dynamism between what sets them apart and what bring them together.

I am as well wary of the cons here, but I think the potential outweighs the worry, specially when as they are now, High Elves and Void Elves are more potential than any solid realization -they are still, both fairly underdeveloped, one because it has always been relegated as a “guest star” and the other because it was introduced with barely any set up and has yet to build up itself.

HE’s and VE’s have a lot of potential, and yeah, integrating them sets them on a more established path, but unrealized potential is nothing concrete, and there is a saying: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush


You said they were never true allies, and I’m not seeing any source stating this.

Nothing personal, but unless you start bringing some allusion and sources to your claims, like Lydon does, and stop using fallacies without anything to back you up, I think saying that you’re a troll is fitting.


so Quel’Thalas never left the alliance in your mind. now i understand :thinking:

I would be cool with it if they were allowed to keep a duality instead of just mashing them together.

There would have to be different visual customization options and the racials would have to be renamed and get new icons and spell effects that fit the High Elf theme, even if they are functionally the same as Void Elves. For instance, rename Ethereal Connection to High Fashion, Spatial Rift to Wink (a play on blink), Entropic Embrace to Might of the Blue Dragonflight, etc.


I think it’s really funny how overall we have been pretty clear that we want to play as the High Elves that never left the alliance in spite of their kingdom’s orders (as clearly stated in here) and people keep bringing up the “But Quel’thalas left the Alliance” like the spongebob meme.


I agree. Of the three scenarios, it’s my favorite one as well.
I’d rather see high and void elves reach a middle ground than going separate ways.

Also agree. But Firepubichair is just a troll that moves goal posts as she goes.


they fought a common enemy. then after that threat was dealth with only ever provided token support. they used the alliance to defeat a common threat and eventually withdrew completely. only a FEW, i repeat A FEW, decided to honor the alliance and became the 12 high elf NPCs we know today in the sw mage quarter and dalaran

That is more than the number of Void Elves created in that one time event that birthed them.


void elves arent a core horde race now either :thinking:

I’ll be waiting for your source of those claims of only 12 High Elves, and about they never being true Allies of the Alliance. So we can continue our discussion.


i acknowledge that the number could be as high as 16. the exact number is never confirmed. but it is so few devs have to get permission from story before just creating new named alliance high elves

This is a disingenuous argument. No one asked for High Elves to be a core race. Shifting goalposts again when you can’t win, I see.