The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Not sure I buy that line of logic. Why would High Elves suddenly stop any and every player from liking other allied races?

If/when we get High Elves I don’t plan to race change every character to High Elf. Some yes, but not all. I plan to keep my Monk and Warlock Void Elves (not that Warlock should even be an option for High Elves imo), my Druid will probably stay a Night Elf (its really hard to give up Shadowmeld into kitty stealth), My Death Knight will have no choice but to stay as she is unless something changes for hero classes, likewise my Demon Hunter will still remain Night Elf for the same reason. My mage here I am still on the fence about.

I’d definitely race change my Hunter, Rogue and Paladin. On the fence with the priest.

What’s better making Junker Gnomes that maybe 1% to 2% of players will play or a race that probably 10%-15% will play?

Sure the High Elves would see a big fanfare and likely lots of race changes, but once the new shine wears off, other allied races will have their time in the sun. High Elves won’t suddenly end all desire for any other allied races.


aye. i am a player that plays literally everything My favorite race in this franchise can change by the hour. I play my toons on a whim.

I imagine there are a lot of players that like multiple races for their story and everything else attached to them.


Yeah, I imagine I’d just change Bladinas. I’ve always seen him as a high elf, and my other characters are fine the way they are. I like my warrior being a Night elf, my Rogue being a Void elf suits him, and my Pally being a Blood elf is important to his backstory.


I do not like to repeat races. I try to make each character as unique as possible.

I’d change Alamara back into her true self, but wouldn’t make any other high elf. (Also have no interest in making a void elf, ever. Alamara is one just because we don’t have high elves).

The 8.1.5 change to 50 characters in a single realm is a blessing. I plan to make lots of alts to level slowly over the years and enjoy races I like but I’d not usually play as, such as trolls and dwarfs.


Let’s be real, it would be more like 0.1 or 0.2. Gnomes have a specific fanbase and I just don’t see them abandoning their cutesy pint-size heroes for these mechanical abominations. Not unless they open up new class combinations.


I’d definitely change my void elf hunter and mage into high elves. My rogue, I’d consider leaving as a void elf, if they do indeed get natural skin colors as an option. Other than that, I wouldn’t change any of my girls or make any new ones. Though I would play their starting area on the PTR.

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In addition to race changing my current 120 Paladin, I’d probably level a new High Elf Paladin on my secondary server both for the heritage armor and because I don’t have a Paladin on that server yet. I like having multiple characters of the same class sometimes for transmog hunting and having characters on another server gives me another economy to engage in for transmog availability.


Excuse me but nowhere in my post did I ever say that no other allied race would be played if Alliance High Elves were released. Please do not put words on my mouth that aren’t there. I said.

Not enough people and nobody are not the same thing. So I never said no one would p,ay the other races, I never said anyone would race change. I merely pointed out that I believe creating an Allied race costs a good amount of money, and Blizzard might fear that NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE WOULD PLAY THEM. Once again not nobody would play them. For them to make back the money that was put into making them. I also said that this was just my thoughts on why they haven’t been added. If your going to attack me just for expressing my thoughts on why I believe High Elves haven’t been added. Then perhaps you people, and the inclusion of High Elves isn’t worth supporting.

Woa, woa, woa, calm down! I’m pretty sure there was a miscommunication or something. There are plenty of people here that like allied races- even Void elves, as flawed as they might be at the moment.


come on we both know no devs read this thread :smile:

this is a false narrative. only a FEW not MANY chose to stay with the alliance and they were mostly a couple healers and mages in dalaran who only cared about their magic studies anyway :thinking:

which also contradicts another false narrative here that high elves frown on magic use. their NPCs are usually displayed as magic users and populate the mage quarter in sw and dalaran. so do they frown on magic or not :smile:

Au contraire my little firebrand!
They read it faithfully, you can be assured!
Where else can they get such a big laugh, as we acknowledge how badly they’ve trolled us?:face_with_monocle:
Flips hair


and stop copying lucifuge with the hair flips




theyre not trolling. they cant just copy paste a core hrode race. void elves were a compromise imo :tipping_hand_woman:

and many of the pros here have embraced them clearly cause they post on void elves

I think you overestimated the High Elves a bit, even though they are popular it doesn’t mean people or Blizzard are going pay less attention to other races, the vast majority of folks have characters from a lot of races and play both factions because the game offer quite a lot of racial options and a little variety goes a long way. It isn’t about asking High Elves so i don’t ever have to play with something else, it’s about asking for the option to play a race that fill a specific fantasy within the Alliance.
This is my main and i’m used to her as a Void Elf.


finally they admit it. GUYS this isnt lotr. this is azeroth

blizzard will never copy paste a core horde race to fulfill a tolkein fantasy where fair skinned elves kill orcs and trolls

I mean, yeah, its like I mentioned earlier. If we do get high elves, I’m probably only gonna change my main, Bladinas. I’m gonna keep my other characters the races they are, because I’ve grown fond of what they are. In my eyes, Bladinas has always been a high elf. (Even back in BC when I created him as a Night elf.)


I’m sure he didn’t attacked you or intended to do it on his response, it was a miscommunication on both sides.

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You might be right but still

Still both the beginning and end of his post, makes it seem like my original post claimed that nobody would ever look at or play another Allied race again. Which clearly wasn’t what I said, yet he made it seem like I did.

This might be where some of the miscommunication between my thoughts, and those of others come from.
I think there’s a difference between metrics made, and metrics played. So I see it as t doesn’t matter how many Allied raced you have made, what matters is the time you actually spend playing them. Everyone could make a High Mountain Tauren, or a Void Elf… etc. However in my opinion if these characters don’t meet a certain Metric played Blizzard loses money. So I’m not saying no one would play them, and I might very well be overestimating their popularity. Yet I was merely pointing out that it might be something that Blizzard development teams worry about.

Now I’m going to take and leave this topic for a while, I sincerely hope that one day you get your Playable High Elves.