The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

That makes perfect sense and puts what I was trying to get at, in far better terms.


I would agree that “Blood Elves are High Elves” and “High Elves should be an Alliance race” don’t have to be mutually exclusive stances. Races, at their core, are more distinguished by culture than anything else, otherwise why would we need Worgen when the lore establishes they are just humans at their core? Because their culture informs us about what makes them different from Stormwind. (Yes, the curse does too, but it’s more often written as an extra power-up and they don’t disregard their human side.)


It’s really a nothing-burger argument. If it really mattered, then we wouldn’t have Dark Irons, we wouldn’t have Highmountain Tauren, and we especially wouldn’t have Void Elves.


There are essentially three possible scenarios for the void elf/high elf situation:


In this scenario, Blizzard has decided that the void elves will be the sole thalassian elf type in the Alliance. Something will happen that will push the high elves into becoming void elves. This is the scenario I fear the most, but also the most likely.

  • Pro: It ends the discussion. Blood elves for the Horde, void elves for the Alliance. The end.
  • Con: Hard to do without a contrived storyline. High chance of feeling forced and pissing off fans.


This is the middle ground solution: high and void elves integrate into a single society. Both races form a symbiotic partnership, and we start to see them acting together whenever the story needs the Alliance thalassians. High elves remain unplayable (for now), with high/void elves having a relationship akin to gilneans/worgen. I find this a somewhat likely possibility.

  • Pro: High elf lore keeps moving forward, they keep getting attention, the possibility of making them playable someday remains.
  • Con: Integrating societies mean both need to be adjusted to the new status quo. At least one of the races, if not both, would get its lore diluted.


High elves and void elves go their separate ways. They are effectively two different races that do not have any special relationship. Void elf lore evolves apart from high elf lore. I think this is the most unlikely scenario.

  • Pro: High elves remain their own thing.
  • Con: Does not mean they’ll be playable, and they could even be left in limbo while void elves hog all the attention.

In any scenario were High Elves remain unplayable it will be a lost opportunity for Blizzard, it can help them with two things they need after a bad 2018: Improving their image and reputation among the playerbase by taking a fan suggestion (i say this because the players aren’t happy with their recent decisions), and recovering some of the players they lost over time. Of course other things need to change, but i’m talking specifically about the issue discussed in this thread: High Elves are still not playable for some damm reason.


Doubtful it could improve anything considering how many players are against alliance getting playable helves.
Respect works both ways…it’s not just on Blizz. This so called community has not let up the disrespect towards the devs and Ion in particular. Why would you expect them to respect this particular group’s demand?

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How many who? Most players don’t care at all. You anti-helvers are a minority as much as we are.


I am confident there are more people who want playable Alliance High Elves than there are who are against them… and the lion’s share of people don’t care either way.

I am even more confident that absolutely no one, not one single person will give up playing WoW for good just because Alliance got playable High Elves. Not one (except perhaps someone who wants to spite me for saying this he he).


All the outrage about playable high elves would last five minutes and be promptly ignored by everyone else in forums later.


Pretty much. The fake outrage would flare up and pass like a fart in the wind.


exactly. Also It will be hilarious to see the couple or so of you true antis making a thread after their announcement whining about blizzard caving in and then seeing many of those you thought was on your “side” turn against you and start trolling and arguing with you.

What many antis don’t seem to realize is most of those you think agree with you are just drama vampires tapping an easy topic to get their fix. Once this well dries up they will move on to the next.


I am pretty sure the majority of players would be down with it. There would be a lot of indifference horde side, the majority of horde players. Some would be outraged but that will probably be like only one percent of horde players. I would expect more alliance players to be upset about not getting anything original. But let’s be honest here, that’s gonna happen with junker gnomes to a larger extreme.


As much? I think those against are vastly outnumbered. Keep in mind that it’s more extreme to hate on others getting nice things than to ask for them.


I’m not so sure about Alliance players being outraged for getting a Allied Race that they are very familiar with, being real the Alliance players are pretty tired of getting “new” and “original” stuff they didn’t asked for, they are much more inclined to get traditional races they asked for a long time like the Dark Iron Dwarves.


Speaking of which, was there anti-voidelf threads when they were announced?

Well, I’m sure there will be those genuinely upset with “more elves” but I’m not so sure that this group is large enough to even matter.

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I don’t know is this is just anecdotal evidence, but most people i see complaining about Elves are Horde players. I mean, originally only the Horde didn’t had elves at the beginning.

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So this is my opinion on why the Alliance haven’t been given High Elves, although they have been asking for them for as years.

Everyone knows that Alliance High Elves are probably one of the most asked for Allied Race. I think them being the most asked for, and the most popular, actually works against them becoming playable and not for them becoming playable. Now I know that a bunch are going to be thinking, Yeah that’s a bunch of bull. Still have you ever gone to a store to find that they stopped carry a certain Item that everyone loved. Why did they stop carrying it, it was making them money, everyone loved it. It’s because while it was making them money, they were loosing money from the other products they had that weren’t selling. It’s the same with High Elves, Blizzard probably fears if they were to release them as an Allied race, they might make money off of them. Yet they would lose the money put into the making of the other Allied Races if not enough people played them. I myself wouldn’t mind seeing Alliance High Elves added to the game. This is just my thought process on why they haven’t been added yet.

Not that I can recall. The threads I remember were the precursor to these threads where we were speculating what exactly a void elf is.


I get where you are coming from but at the same time they are making niche allied races such as LFD and possibly junker gnomes.