The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think they always intended to add High Elves. It was only the players who assumed that Void Elves would take some sort of “slot” and that would be their one and only chance.

If they didn’t add Void Elves first, however, fewer players would have grown attached to them and would have just rolled High Elves instead.


This is interesting, makes sense that they didn’t wanted to release Void Elves after, fearing that they might be ignored, still, this only makes sense if Void Elves weren’t a last moment decision, which is really hard to believe.


That’s true, but you never know what the long term plan is for Blizzard: seeing as they like to think years out and also like to throw curve-balls for us to chase.

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you claim you dont like and dont want void elves yet you play one

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Corporate decisions are most often not based on narrative logic.

I find it really unlikely that they’d want to release a second “blood elf” race for Alliance at the time they decided on void elves. Our threads may, however, make them rethink or at least adjust their plans.

Whatever the case, I’m eager to see what we will get in 8.2, if there’s anything in there for high or void elves. But my guess is that things will only become clearer in 8.3 onwards.


I want to see an interview a few years down the line when the dev leadership has shifted around and we have high elves and have one of the devs be like “I told you void elves wouldn’t please the fans”

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Talking about corporate functioning in the developing, we always have to consider that decisions influenced by a corporate mindset always target the best possible overall numbers and economic results and they might trample narrative and lore to do so, but we don’t need to recognize or understand how much the decisions took by the developers in World of Warcraft are affected by outside influence to realize that they are a complete failure in every way possible. Those decisions took with a mindset of “players didn’t know what they want while we are experts and know exactly what is good for the game and what will give us the best monetary results” are the responsible for the current state of the game and Blizzard as a whole, they can keep with this philosophy if they want, i doubt it will give them good results.
I’m trying to say that Blizzard and the developers need to change their mindset and hear more the players, their real customers, and i still hope they took notes and consider our feedback on the forums for the matter. An angry or disappointed player is not going to give them money,
“We know better about developing and corporate thinking than the players do”
Lowest Stock Price since early-2017 even with inflation don’t support that.


Hello guys. I was thinking about something that i don’t know if someone else here thought about. If the High Elfs become playable, what if also Blizzard add the Spellbreaker class only for High Efls in the Alliance, and for Blood Elfs in the Horde?
But at the same time that i bring this idea, i have to say that could be bad that Spellbreakers and Demon Hunters will be two classes that will be playable on the Horde side only by Blood Elfs.

Spellbreakers are a Blood Elf only thing.

They where basically retconned to be the royal guard and the Blood Elf heritage armor is basically Spellbreaker Armor without the Weapon/Shield.

And their entire theme is stealing and taking magic which is a different path then the High Elves took.


Hi! So, High Elves don’t have Spellbreakers, they have Spellblades, which are a different form of infantry, but in gameplay terms both of them fall into the category of Warriors, so i would be happy if they just allow High Elves to be Warriors, because they are the closest thing a High Elf Spellblade is.

Yeah, not necessary to give another exclusive class for a race that is already the most played (by a wide margin) on that faction.
Another limitation would be the fact that Blood Elves are a Core Race and don’t have requirements to play, while High Elves are fit to be a Allied Race, requiring stuff to be played, so in one faction you can play the class without any limitation and in the other you need to unlock the Race just to play the class.


Siphon or suck magic it’s what High Elfs don’t do. Manipulate magic as an spellbreaker would do, it’s pretty accurate with the magic culture of any elven culture (not nelfs of course).

I didn’t know that, good point. Thanks.


You do great work on this. Keep it up.


And that is the first distinction anyone making these requests has made that is even remotely reasonable. I absolutely concede this would be a viable faction to have in the game and honestly should have been in place of the void elves.

However, telling me I am incorrect in stating we already have High Elves on both factions is itself, incorrect.

This is incorrect. Kael’thas renamed them in honor of those lost under Garithos’s command.

Regardless… The only difference between a Blood Elf and a High Elf is the name… they are, genetically, one and the same.

They ARE High Elves.

If you change your name to Phil tomorrow… you are still you…

Well that’s a lie.


No, and if I do happen to be recalling wrong, you are using that to argue schemantics… the only difference between Blood Elves and High Elves is name alone, they are genetically the same race.

This is the very same stance Blizzard have on the matter, in fact.

So I may be recalling some of the historical lore incorrectly.

But I am not incorrect.


But they’re an Alliance race either way, and the Alliance should get to play them.

So you’re patently incorrect and have all but admitted you don’t actually care about the lore.

l8r h8r


For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. Nourished and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron. During the Third War, however, the high elves were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting the fount in the process. Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider rushed to his homeland’s aid, and the survivors of the onslaught were renamed the “blood elves” in honor of their fallen people.[6

As I said before they were renamed The Sin’dorei to honor those killed by Arthas and his Scourge, during the third war. It had absolutely nothing to do with Garithos. Also Blood Elves Over the last nearly twenty years have changed more than just their names. They might not be a different species, or even race from the Quel’dorei, but the are a different people. Separated by their Ideology, their political affiliations, and their beliefs. In my eyes that is more than enough to make the Sin’dorei separate from the Quel’dorei.


No, actually, I’ve conceded, in fact, that the version of High Elves you are talking about, should have been the ones given, instead of the Void Elves.

As for caring about lore in a video game… 1) You’re a fool if you think that’s truly important and 2) I’m actually very well versed in the lore, thank you. I’ve been a huge fan since WC1 and was actually considered a living Thottbot back in vanilla.

I’m also 39 years old and have been playing this particular game for roughly 15 years… you don’t think some things are going to get muddled when I am trying to catch up with Draenor lore onwards, since that was when I took my first break from the game ever and only came back in late Legion.

I may need to brush up on some past events.

Don’t go making assumptions, however… assumptions make an a$$ out of u and i…

That’s how you do it! Thank you!

I completely agree with regards to your statement on ideology etc making them separate and distinct… These are not the points I am arguing… as I said before… this is the High Elves Alliance should have gotten instead of Void Elves…

However… just as I concede that point, you do have to concede mine… Alliance DID get High Elves in the form of Void Elves.

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I will concede that yes Void Elves, are Blood Elves, which are technically High Elves. So in a way yes The Alliance did get a flavor of High Elves as Ion would say.

I think asking to make High Elves playable is met with opposition, because Blood Elves, and Void Elves are both versions of High Elves. Maybe referring to Blood Elves, High Elves, and Void Elves as being a different race is wrong. They are not a different race, they are 3 different factions within the same race. Like Wildhammer Dwarfs, and Dark Iron Dwarfs. They are technically
the same race, just different factions. So instead of just saying they Want to play High Elves, which causes them to be trolled with, High Elves already exist, the Horde is waiting for you, and that’s why you got the Blueberries. They should be asking to play the High Elven Faction that has always been a part of the Alliance. Not sure if that makes any sense, It’s been almost 53 hours since I last slept.