The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Everything about Fyrebusche is wrong just on principle. That is why they should be ignored through and through.


im used to the echo chamber sticking their heads in the sands when confronted with facts that debunk their false narratives :wink:

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Northrend Dalaran has a Hub, Crystalsong has another, Argent Tournament another, Quel’danil another, Allerian Stronghold another and Isle of Thunder another. But you’re probably going to say that the architecture is human… doesn’t matter if it does have a heavily High Elf presence… it doesn’t matter right?.. yeah, nothing matters ofc… :roll_eyes:

Many of those screenshots were taken from those HUB’s:

Maybe, but at the end of the day, even with many people against us, we’re still having a good time :slightly_smiling_face:


Anyways I am here to support playable Alliance High Elves. I won’t stop supporting this topic until we get them or the game shuts down.

There is no logical justification to deny the request. Any and every reason to deny them has been countered time and time again. There isn’t one excuse the anti- side can come up with that we can’t counter.


Well we have a good time when Lydon and Fyrebusche aren’t pissing in everyone’s cereal. :roll_eyes:


Says the person who keep posting opinions without any source. So, I guess your opinion equals fact?!.. interesting.


No, lol. When I think of Hubs I think of major cities. Just were thinking of different things.

Yeah, real nice way to treat someone who you literally haven’t spoken to yet. :unamused:

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If you agree to all Fyrebusche’s just made up out of thing air, I’m sorry, but you’re not worth arguing with either.


Void Elves literally DIDN’T EXIST until we did the unlock scenario. Their “major city” is also a few tents on a floating rock.

Major cities are not a prerequisite. A hub isn’t necessarily a major city. When people say hub they usually mean something like a quest hub, with a concentration of npcs. Most places with a flight path and multiple quest givers qualifies as a hub.


No one’s talking about that or wanting Blood Elves to be Sun fanatics. Using Sun iconography and symbolism doesn’t necessarily mean they literally worship it, so much as it’s just more emblematic of their physical change in comparison to Night Elves and Nightborne who are both more nocturnal and thus have stronger moon and night themes.

I’m not sure if that’s the reason why. I think it’s because of the way they physically changed to more golden and warmer hues and how they became less culturally nocturnal. (Becoming early birds instead of night owls so to speak.)


Technically, nothing is a prerequisite. Blizzard could kill off all High Elves in a week and they could still make them an Allied Race the week after. They have ultimate creative control over the game and the storyline; they can create things out of nothing if they’re so inclined.

We’re just saying ‘hey, rather than create an Allied Race out of nothing, how about you use these NPCs that have been hanging around/working alongside the Alliance since vanilla?’


I didn’t say they were. I’m not arguing against the hub thing at all.

Good thing I’m not wasting my time arguing with you, right?

This is a interesting thing, because before Allied Races, I haven’t had any hopes of High Elves playable. I’m playing since December 2010 and I never came to the forums to advocate for it. Firstly, because they were few compared to other core races, and they also hadn’t any major city like other core races. But now, everything changed with Allied Races, since none of the Allied Races need a major city or a big population to become playable, because they’re in fact sub races.

So here is another thing you can blame Blizzard for the High Elf demand XD.


theres only a few alliance “high” elves and they bring nothing to the alliance. they have no army or infrastructure to contribute. the few troops they can muster are usually used to bolster actual armies

Dath’Remar and his followers, glad to be rid of their conservative cousins at last, boarded a number of specially crafted ships and set sail upon the seas. Though none of them knew what awaited them beyond the waters of the raging Maelstrom, they were eager to establish their own homeland, where they could practice their coveted magics with impunity. The Highborne, or Quel’dorei, as Azshara had named them in ages past, would eventually set shore upon the eastern land men would call Lordaeron. They planned to build their own magical kingdom, Quel’Thalas, and reject the night elves’ precepts of moon worship and nocturnal activity. Forever after, they would embrace the sun and be known only as the high elves.

So technically they embrace the Sun, as a way to reject the Night Elves precepts of Moon Worship. Thus in a way using the symbol of the sun to thumb their noses at their moon worshipping overtly conservative cousins. Depending on how one chooses to look at it, it can be seen that way.

Blizzard really just needs to clarify their stance on High elves. The fact that they still haven’t aside from what Ion said makes me think they don’t see it as a big deal at all.

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Then that disqualifies Mag’har Orcs, Jungle Trolls, Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei, and potentially Vulpera.

Not every race has or needs a central/city sized “hub”.


Scrolling is a powerful tool

Really? This song and dance again? Nope nope nope. I’ve had enough for today.

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I think Ion wanna get rid of all of them right now, but some of the Blizzard staff probably see them as an “emergency break glass” thing for the future, or maybe they don’t really care, and are just watching us and laughing in their chairs… who knows?