The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Except that, once again… we actually have that race as a playable race… so the request is redundant… you already have what you want…

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If the race was available we wouldn’t be asking for it, silly… Obvious thing is obvious.


Just because they share the same Thalassian model, doesn’t mean they haven’t change since they stopped following the same path. Nowadays Blood Elves and High Elves have very few things in commom besides their model.

They’re following completely opposite directions.


It don’t

Actually not

Uhh No


Not really



Void Elves are not the High Elves we asked for. Therefore we will keep asking for the High Elves we want.

We are NEVER GOING TO STOP asking for playable Alliance High Elves, until we get them or the game shuts down. And there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.

So buckle up and get comfy honey, you’re going to be here a while.


Actually everything about your statement were incorrect.


If you really want to order people here to play Warcraft III when we reference it all the time here, i will do the same… Go re-play Warcraft III.

Also it’s kinda ironic to a Undead character blame the Alliance for something the Scourge did.


If we’re wasting my time why do you care so much? Maybe you just don’t want alliance high elves that aren’t void elves to happen. Maybe you’re just afraid Blizzard will pay notice to the demand.


tbf, i suspect what they really want is to play fair skinned elves on their preferred faction(alliance) so they have their tolkein elf fantasy fulfilled. and then you have comments like this

how is this not ignorant and an insult to the elves of quel’thalas? they literally pretend there was no transition from high elf to blood elf after the scourge invasion. and somehow blood elves are a different race and the alliance elves arent relics and traitors to their own race. the fact of the matter is high elves became blood elves and the wow dev team and game director agree. i mean this is just insane how they pretend high elves arent already playable, just not on their preferred faction

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First The High Elves formed an Alliance with the Human Nation of Arathor back during the Troll Wars. The two nations working together win the war and drive the Trolls out of Quel’thalas. Because of this the High Elves make a pledge of Loyalty and friendship to the nation of Arathor, and the bloodline of its kings.

Fast forward to the second war.
Now things have changed a little. This time the Kindom of Lordaeron is asking the High Elves to honor their pledge. The High Elves are reluctant to do this and send few to aide them. This results in much of the forests of Quel’thalas being burned. When this happens they send in a larger force to help. Still after the War ends, Anasterian breaks the High Elves Allegiance with the Alliance, blaming their poor decisions for the loss of their forests. During this time most of the High Elves left, they returned to Quel’Thalas and hid behind their walls thinking nothing could touch them. However there were many High Elves that chose to go against Anasterian’s orders. They chose to remain with the Alliance, because to them their pledge of friendship and loyalty, was stronger then their bond to kingdom and kin. (Just so you are aware these are the High Elves that the Those advocating for High Elves want to play)

Fast Forward again Third war
Arthas and the Scourge march on Quel’thalas, 90% of all High Elves are destroyed. Kael’thas renames them The Blood Elves in memory of those that died during the war. Kael’thas along with about 15% of the surviving High Elves, who are now calling themselves Blood Elves, go and offer their aide to the Alliance. They are put under the command of Garithos who is distrusting of them. After a series of unfortunate events Kael’thas and the remaining Blood Elves that went with him, end up in Outlands.

*So No the High Elves were never betrayed by the Alliance in Warcraft 3, If anything king Anasterian betrayed the Alliance when he pulled his Kingdom from the alliance at the end of the second war. Still many High Elves chose to remain and Honor their pledge of Loyalty and Friendship. (These are the High Elves that they want to be made playable)
*Yes Garithos did use them as Cannon Fodder and tried to get them all executed. They were saved and ended up in Outlands.
*The High Elves were named Blood Elves in memory of those that were killed, after they were Betrayed by one of their own and Arthas and his Scourge nearly eradicated their entire population. It had nothing to do with the Alliance or Garithos.

At least this is what I got from the lore that I’ve read. Sorry if I’m repeating what has already been said.


I have to sort of agree with you their. With them It’s not as much about wanting to play High Elves as it is about wanting to play the pure Good guy High Elves. Not the mean, nasty, Horde Aligned Blood Elves who just so happen to be High Elves with a different name, and political affiliation. In Order to make their High Elves better and more pure than us. Some of them have to call us Fel Worshippers and Mana junkies. I wouldn’t be so against their inclusion, if they would stop trying to villianize Blood Elves, to try and make their Good guy High Elves seem better.


There’s an entire faction of High Elves who’ve given up on magic as a whole - the thing that keeps Silvermoon running - and you honestly believe the only difference is “political affiliation”?

Was the whole thing with Kael’thas, the rebuilding of the Silvermoon, the corruption and then purification of the Sunwell, all that happened to the different groups over the last 20 or so years, so meaningless that there is no difference between the elves that went through that and the ones that didn’t?

Is Blood Elf just a tag to sort between factions, entirely devoid of meaning beyond that?

And before you talk about “villianazing”, do remember that even a Blood Elf character acknowledges that they chose their “well-being” while High Elves chose their integrity. That’s one of the key differences between them - High Elves didn’t go as far as Blood Elves did to sate their addiction.


You guys can assume whatever you like about our motivations but the fact of the matter is, that the reasons why we want playable Alliance High Elves are as varied as the players asking for them.

But no matter the reasons, none of them invalidate our request for a playable version of the npcs that are already part of the Alliance.

Are there people who want High Elves just for pretty elves? Probably. To that I say… SO WHAT. Why does that matter at all? Why would that somehow invalidate the request? Answer: IT DOESN’T.


Yeah, this is pretty much it. After that, what we’ve left are the events that happened in World of Warcraft.

At the end of the day, it’s Blizzard own fault, because they keep teasing Alliance players with High Elf NPC’s, High Elf lore, High Elf Heroes, High Elf Hub’s, High Elf Rep Faction and High Elf inside other rep factions all the time. To be honest, now I think the endless High Elf teasing is another Horde bias to make Alliance players play Horde.

With Void Elves introduction things became worse, because Blizzard never tried to find a middleground between High Elves and Void Elves or either tried to please High Elf fans. Void Elves was based around Alleria, but somehow ended up not being like her… They could have made Void Elves exploring the High Elves theme inside the Alliance, but we ended up recruiting Blood Elf exiles…

The list about why people are upset goes on, anyone that wanna see this discussion ending any time soon are wasting their time.




I just think you might all be fighting a losing battle

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We might be.

Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.


yes its a fact. biologically and physiologically they are the same. choosing not to use magic is a social choice. thats like going to a party where some people choose not to drink or partake in w.e someone is passing around. it doesnt imply they are a different race or have a completely different world view :smile:

and where is this even stated in lore that alliance high elves dont use magic? the FEW that didnt sever ties with the alliance were healers and mages who studied in dalaran with the kirin tor, you know, magic :thinking:

another false narrative easily debunked

Christ, I actually started to write up a response before remembering who I was dealing with LOL


I mean… they’re not wrong

Oh no, it’s multiplying