The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

These threads where created to include all discussion. It wasn’t just Pro High Elf threads that where filling the forums.

And the fundamentals is that you can debate for or against ideas or if the idea should be implemented in the first place.

You can try what I do and only chime in on these personal arguments when they’re getting out of hand.

Now I want to see a PvP set.


Not sure the name of that guy who does similar fan racial armor concepts for each class (he’s done pandaren, gnomes, dwarves, blood elves etc), but maybe something along those lines.

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Already got you

Finished this recolor a bit later so it wasn’t on the previous compilation; mostly based it from the Warfront pieces color scheme.

I think I saw him on artstation a while ago, specially his draenei one, it seems he’s now working on the kultiran. Love that person’s work!


You are really criticizing people for doing art and stories for stuff they like? You didn’t have anything left to throw so you decide to do this?
No there’s isn’t more to debate why they should or not be playable, everything you bring nowadays to the debate are debunked one way or another but you insist, restarting circular discussions and adding nothing productive to the debate.


Well that’s perfect.

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I was thinking I should add the capes/cowls to these ones, they are gonna be basically the warlords ones; for this recolor, the PvP version of that one is a perfect fit.


Amazing job as always!

I’ve been looking into your profile, and I think you’re only missing 8.2k of posts read to get your Trust 3. You can get it, going into GD Lounge thread and scrolling it down :slightly_smiling_face:


Hehehe! that sounds doable XD I’m not spending too much time on the forums so it might take a while still ahahha, and thank you!


Call it valid if you must, i’m never going to consider your motivations rational or non-personal.


I hope the aspect of blood elves leaving the Horde in large numbers to become void elves is eventually explored in game. Especially if their numbers grow to reflect player population. There’s gonna b a lot of potential drama. At least that is one thing I can say for void elves.

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I find this entirely agreeable, personally.

It’s quite clear, however, that there isn’t one but two discussions occurring in tandem throughout the entirety of this thread:

  1. The first one revolves around whether High Elves should be made playable at all – and thus, all discussion between “anti-” and “pro-” players tends to fall into this category of discussion.

  2. The second one revolves around which specific grouping of High Elves would be the most interesting, presuming they were to be implemented – and thus, nearly all parties to this particular discussion are “pro-” players.

This in mind, as an “anti-”, the most valuable input you can give as it relates to anything intended to fall into the second category should be to determine if (and how) a proposed iteration of High Elves would adversely affect the Horde (and, more specifically, Blood Elves).


I’m not interested in debate. I doubt many High Elf supporters are interested in debate.

We want playable Alliance High Elves. End of story. The only debate for us is how we get them.

If you want to call this a “safe space” so be it. Stop making it “unsafe”. We don’t care about your debate, or your BS vague reasons you’re against us.

We aren’t interested in arguing with you and your compatriots. Arguing with you is a waste of time because neither of us is going to change our opinions. There is no debate to be had. We want them and we’re going to keep asking for them. You don’t want us to have them so you’re going to keep asking the devs not to give them to us, fine, do it in your own thread.

This thread tends to be pleasant when you and your buddies aren’t here. Even if we never succeed in convincing the devs to give us playable Alliance High Elves we at least have this thread to talk about them but you and Fyrebusche won’t even let us enjoy that.


Lydon created a thread specifically for debate too. I’m not sure why he doesn’t use his own thread? This is the lore/artwork fan thread.


You do realise, of course, that the Alliance HAS playable High Elves, right?

Why does no one actually understand that the Blood Elves ARE the last remaining ORGANISED faction of High Elves left.

Yes, there are a bunch of neutral High Elves out in the world, doing their own thing and there are a few still in Shen’dralar… but they are not an organised group anymore… they are scattered individuals doing their own thing.

The High Elves joined with the Alliance in Warcraft 3 and were betrayed, used as cannon fodder. In honor of all the High Elves who died during that betrayal, Kael’thas renamed his people “Blood Elves”…

The Blood Elves… ARE High Elves…

The Void Elves… ARE Blood Elves…

Thus, this whole thing really needs to be put to bed. Both factions have playable High Elves AND Playable Night Elves now.

Just… stop.


It’s a general discussion thread. He can post here if he wants. Truthfully, by posting in this thread, he is pointing out the pointlessness of his own, which was likely just pandering for likes to his cause over the dated discussion here.


How about no?


Very constructive… How about no to what? Just stopping? Well then you’re wasting energy asking for something players already have…

No to the canonic history of the Blood Elves? Well then… I’ve got nothing… Go play through WC3 again.

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You really need to check your lore.


No, I don’t. You do. In fact, you even play through the betrayal in WC3… the only thing I had incorrect there was stating WC2… which I have since corrected with an edit…

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You’ve the right to be against the demand, but asking for the demand to stop, you’re pretty much arguing that others cannot be in favor of this demand, and I don’t think that’s how it works.

Also there’s a proper High Elf faction inside Alliance, pretty much like the Voldunai(spoilers), The Army of the Light, The Zandalari Empire or The Proudmoore Admiralty that follow other Allied Races.