The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Why do I have to accept defeat? Lol, what does that even mean?

“Uh, hey Blizz, I yield, let the Pro High Elves take the identity of one of our core races.”

I mean, I could say it if it’ll keep you comfy at night, but we’ve got no more power to deny than you have power to add. There’s no winning and no prize in this debate, certainly not a playable High Elf one.

Let me edit that for ya dude:

“Uh, hey Blizz, I yield, let the Pro High Elves assume the identity of the race that preceded and originated one of our core races.”

Blood Elves were High Elves first. There are still High Elves in the game. Auric, Alleria, Vareesa … with new NPC’s popping up all the time. They’re the originals. Blood Elves are the carbon copy.


I think I pointed this out only recently, but this thread isnt really primarily a debate. Its a request, a discussion, a thinktank…and yeah, a bit of a social thread, too.

We don’t really sit around debating the merits or lack thereof when you and the other one or two usual suspects aren’t around. The discussion moves bsck to brainstorming ideas, or discussing concepts and art pieces and the like, or creating potential story or quest ideas etc.

There’s a lot more to this thread than just arguing back and forth about whether or not High Elves should be a thing. There’s a lot of productive and meaningful discussion that occurs too.


Blood Elves are the continuation of the High Elf story, tradition and lineage.

We’re the warm and buttered toast, while High Elves are just bread.

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They are not the only one

You can’t pretend the Quel’dorei don’t exist


I mean, I’ve labeled it a fanart and fanfic dump before, because that’s what it really is. I understand for the most part this thread operates under the assumption High Elves become a thing, rather than exploring why or why not they should or could be implemeted as playable.

Well I just came in to chime my support cause I hadn’t posted on this thread in a month or so. Good to see the old, invalid arguments from the few trolls that won’t give up the fight are still the same old invalid arguments.

I’ll check back on y’all in another month or so. Keep up the fight! Till the light of the Quel’dorei shines in Azeroth once more!


Take care man!


Except that we do all of that.

Its just that rather than the core question being why, its how. Which I find to be the far more interesting question, anyway.

Denigrate it as a fanfic/fanart dump if you want. I think a committed and engaged community is actually kind of awesome, myself.


Good to see people can hope for almost 12 years and be content to pay for a game not delivering what they want. :thinking:

I’m not disparaging it by calling it a fanart/fanfic dump. It’s some lovely work. Not my cup of tea, but there’s passion behind it.

Allied Races aren’t 12 years old, and High Elves check all the boxes for them.


The request for High Elves in WoW isn’t either. It’s more like 15.

If they checked every box we’d have them already. Even I can accept they’re the most requested. Their popularity obviously isn’t the barrer here.

See, the problem with that statement is that implies that High elves have not changed with the times. They still live in Silvermoon and they’re distrustful of the “lesser races.”

Blood elves went their own path with their mana tapping and demonic magic, joining the Horde, getting redeemed, and etc.

High elves wen’t their own path and largely joined the Alliance, resisted the urges of their addiction, and have developed a fierce distrust and hatred of blood elves.

High elves of today’s Azeroth are not the same as the High elves of pre Warcraft III Azeroth. Or even Warcraft II Azeroth when they WERE part of the Alliance.


This is why I don’t get it when other Pros go on about High Elves being some core flavor to the Alliance as far back as WC2. The ones around now in WoW don’t follow the high elven traditions that Blood Elves still maintain.

Even Alleria, Warcraft 2 and the Alliance’s High Elf poster child, doesn’t represent the race anymore. More and more I see them treating High Elves as a narratively dead-end.

Its mostly because, despite all they’ve been through, they’ve been there. They never left the Alliance. We see them every day. We’ve done their quests, their dailies, we know their backstories, their good times, their tragedies.

We just LIKE them. And we want to BE them.


The Blood Elves don’t really maintain High Elven traditions either - at least not High Elves in a Warcraft 2/3 sense.

That’s kind of the point - High Elven society split in two directions when the Scourge invaded. The majority of the old High Elves sides with Kael’Thas and Silvermoon, and went on to become Blood Elves, incorporating all of the various narratives that that entailed, glutting on magic, rebuilding Silvermoon, stamping out dissent among their ranks, joining the Horde and movign towards a Light-focused society - while the other, smaller side affirmed themselves in their friendship with the Alliance despite mistrust, homelessness and addiction, proving steadfast and stalwart allies willing to forsake friends, family and their very home for various reasons to become a group of perpetual outcasts hoping to one day restore their former glory - but unwilling to compromise their values to do so.

It’s two branches of the same tree. both have roots going back to the High Elf narrative in some form or another, but both have grown in different directions since then. We just want to explore the other, smaller branch.


I am happy to see more people are in support of High Elves.


exactly. this thread exists to discuss how high elves would become playable and what form they would take as a playable race which includes people’s stories and fan art to define a better picture of what they want to see.

The anti’s are the ones coming in here starting debates on whether or not they should be added. That is not the purpose of these threads and quite honestly The mods should take action at this point because these people continue to derail the threads and have done so for nearly a year.


I really like seeing your work, first of all. :slight_smile:

As to suggestions, and of course this is biased opinion, I genuinely think that the Silver Covenant color scheme would be the more visibly discernible (and, thus, unique) option of the three presented. The closest thing to a silver/blue color scheme that exists for any playable group is probably the Nightborne’s dark gray/purple, which evokes entirely different vibes than, say, your current set on that character does.

I feel like between utilizing grayscale colors (meaning white/grays/black) for undergarments, and leaning into the silver/blue scheme of the Silver Covenant, you’d have a setup which is entirely unique among the game.

NOTE: I recognize that Stormwind’s color scheme often utilizes both silver and blue, but it’s merely happenstance insofar as heraldry goes – their official colors are blue and gold. Where Stormwind-inspired sets adorn themselves in blue and gold, and accentuate with silver, SC-inspired sets would be wrought with blue and silver, and accentuate with grayscale (white, grays, black).


Fanart part comes in a try to please the Blood Elf fans, as we keep trying to brainstorm ideas of how they should look to reflect their changed culture they have been follwoing since Sunwell destruction, and where this path is leading them.

We don’t talk much about why or why not, because the only con of High Elves is probably their NPC’s models being carbon copies of Blood Elves, since High Elves are well stablished within the Alliance. High Elves population numbers was only a problem compared to other Core Races in the past, but since Allied Races become a thing, numbers are no longer a problem.

But, like you said the recently Portal drama ended up accomplishing nothing, even with a big player engagedment, so why are you afraid of us, seeing how Blizzard have treating us, I think most people feel pity for us honestly.

Like I said in the past, we may accomplish nothing, but it’s still fun to talk about something you like and are passionate about, and along the way we’re also making friends, and that’s why the discussion will probably never end, there’s always some people keeping the dream alive.