The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Ah! it is a very neat look :smiley: and yea you should! It was pretty inexpensive last year at least, and I was able to hunt for the cheapest prices on my different servers.


That’s a response to a whole different point - this whole line of discussion goes back to Fyre’s post about populations, over or underestimating High Elf numbers etc.

Ion’s April response to the High Elf question doesn’t really fit into the previous discussion you’ve had so far about High Elf populations in-universe that has been occurring up to this point.

I mean if you want to discuss that interview and that question, sure, but I’m just saying, it doesn’t really have much to do with talking about in-universe population numbers, since it’s literally Ion just saying ‘here are our out-of-unuiverse, gameplay mechanic related justifications for going with Void Elves over High Elves.’


Lydon: His statement is definitely, “No, Forever.” except when he says, “Not no Forever.” then he’s lying to you.


It was a sub-point brought up about High Elf hubs to pull PC adventurers from, a topic directly covered in the video linked.

I’ve always thought that it was entertaining that Ion is Lydon’s star witness, but that he always points out that he’s not a credible figure.

“That’s a lawyer response. He doesn’t mean it.”

and then subsequently uses that to promote that Ion always means what Lydon wants him to say and what he doesn’t want him to say isn’t the truth.


Now when I argue that Ion’s statement isn’t contradicted by nebulous future decisions, you’re changing it to me saying that Ion’s words are setting the current stance in stone.

Spoilers, Nyshant:
“Anything’s possible in the future” doesn’t mean yes and it doesn’t mean no. Stop trying to use it as a counter-argument, because it counters no one and nothing.

It also doesn’t mean I think Blizzard’s current stance is set in stone. The greater point is that you can’t cite potential for something as evidence for something.

Tone of voice also says a lot. It’s the reason I feel he said the “anything is possible in the future” bit, as it’s necessary PR. Same how he smiled smugly and apologized and said he’d accept all your hatemail.

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Tal you’re going to do great in WoW’s version of project runway.


I’m not sure I follow here. The entire discussion the past couple of hours, as I’ve observed, stems from Fyre’s post about population numbers, and then arguing back and forth about if people are over or under-estimating High Elf numbers. Ion’s response was cited, at which point I chimed in.

At no point in any of that does Ion’s April Q&A answer to why Blizzard made the out-of-universe, gameplay related decision to choose Void Elves over High Elves, have any bearing on that population discussion.

Granted it’s pretty late here, so maybe I missed something; I’m just not seeing how you got from talking population to that interview answer when the only real common thread is that High Elves are mentioned - but population numbers is very much an in-universe or ‘in character’ question, while Ion saying Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves and that they didn’t want to blur faction lines is very much an out of universe or ‘out of character’ discussion.


The majority of the response to this post I made pre-emptively in the post above it.

But I will point out that it’s perfectly reasonable to point to potential for something as evidence when your argument is that there is potential for something.

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This is where the talk about PC adventurers topic came up.

I’m gonna go make some food. I’ll be back later.

Sure. I got that part. I’m not getting where the April Q&A answer factors in to that discussion, though.

My understanding is the High Elf argument is to add something already there, not potentially there.

It doesn’t. I was referencing his Blizzcon 2017 interview with Jesse Cox, as I linked above. I referenced the April Q&A as evidence of a more definitive stance against High Elves, and to counter the notion his Blizzcon 2017 comments were merely uninformed one-off sentiments.

The Q&A questions are prescreened and prepared, so they have more weight and meat than a live interview on the spot with a streamer.

He doesn’t even say no in those comments. He says, “I don’t think so.”

Not to break up this tete a tete you guys have going on but just wanted to chime in to reaffirm my support for the cause.

Given the recent backlash around removal of portals, I would hope that someone at Blizzard is keeping their eyes out for things that the players would actually celebrate and find enjoyable in the game.

I’ve been honestly struggling to enjoy this expansion. My playtime is down, my active number of alts is down, I’m even unmotivated to progress in heroic BoD when normally I’m trying to get my AOTC as soon as possible.

As much as I didn’t think it would, the desire to play a Zandalari troll stemming from going Horde when my Alliance guild fell apart (due to unsubs) and learning the story of these people is what’s currently keeping me going. Race changing one toon, leveling another for the heritage armor … it’s the carrot on the stick right now and I’m chasing it.

If I feel this way about a race I’ve only come to know for a few months then i can only imagine the excitement I would feel to play a High Elf, a race I’ve been in love with since I saw my first one in the game and looked up the story/lore.

I think you’re going to have to circumvent the ego (adding Void Elves instead of High Elves) and ignorance (the now definitive statement of Blood Elves being High Elves so go join the Horde) of this development team to get them but I do hope at some point High Elves get added (FINALLY) to this game as a playable race.


If anything, the swift and overwhelming backlash against portals, and a blue response referencing how quickly it got to 5,000 posts, likely means they know this 13,000 post thread and my nearly 7,000 post thread are essentially a hundred or so people arguing amongst themselves, whereas portals are something that the majority of playerbase actually feels strongly about, unlike High Elves.

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Hey, welcome man! I do not mind the interruption! I’m feeling very much in the same boat. The last time I’ve felt this way about the game is when I quit during Cataclysm and during a good chunk of Warlords.

Take care of yourself!


More likely the fact that without a blue post and links to external sites such as wowhead that the two threads currently, not even the old ones, have generated more than 50,000 views is probably good evidence it is important.


Ah, see this is why I was getting confused, because you’re using the Q&A response to solidify the shaky ground the population argument was made on.

In short: It doesn’t make Ion’s answer in the live interview any less ill-informed or contradictory to lore. Ion solidifying the point on High Elves being passed over as a matter of gameplay decision has no bearing on Ion not knowing that there are High Elf population centers across Azeroth (and technically beyond; god I miss Outland)

That Ion had more time to make a more considered response on High Elves to justify their non-inclusion doesn’t change the fact that he made his response about High Elves population centers from a position of ignorance.

And just to be clear here I’m not talking about the broader, ‘High Elves, yes or no’ topic (I’m well aware of Ion’s stance and I disagree with him), just the population argument and his position that there aren’t any. There clearly, demonstrably are population centers with significant High Elf populations, and Ion was wrong in that interview to say otherwise.