The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m not saying she’s fully accurate, but your side is overanalyzing and vastly overplaying the physical differences, and also overestimating this nebulous number of High Elves.

To say that there’s tons of High Elves that escaped Lordaeron, Dalaran, and Silvermoon’s razing and destruction to the Scourfe is pure headcanon. I’ll remind you most that fled these lands did so with Jaina, where they later got vaporized in Theramore.

Did some survivors hail from these places? Certainly. Tens of thousands? Doubtful. High Elves are canonically 9 times more scarce than a Blood Elf by lore, no matter how many circumstances or NPCs you dig up.


You’re gonna need a citation for this migration from the human kingdoms you’ve made up.

Also, it doesn’t matter what majority of some group belongs to some other group.

The vast majority of “Draenei” belonged to the Eredar.
The vast majority of the Trolls are independent.

That’s not some kind of rational argument and the rest you made up.


Your side is underanalyzing and vastly underplaying the differences between Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei. You desperately want them to be the same. They’re not.

and as far as population numbers, who cares?

Tauren = On the Brink of Extinction in Warcraft 3.
Darkspear Trolls = On the Brink of Extinction in Warcraft 3
Void Elves = Numerically insignificant.
Mag’thar Orcs = The majority are in the ground.
Draenei + Lightforged Draenei = Not numerically significant.

So who cares? Yeah. There are more Sin’dorei than Quel’dorei. We’ve never argued there weren’t. It doesn’t matter.


there is no evidence they got vaporized at theramore.


I’ve never said the fact they’re scarce matters from a point of including them, only that they are far less than Blood Elves.

However, you don’t get to tell me “Numbers don’t matter” in one post and then “Check out all these High Elves that could have come from here and here and here.” in another.

Either their numbers matter or they don’t.


The people showing you where High Elves are represented in the universe usually are replying to your other point that High Elves are not relevant.

Not that they are legion.

I don’t think anybody has ever made the argument that because High Elves are around in game that it means their population is significant.


You are correct, putting it simple it’s just symbolism, and i want it to remain that way, the High Elves and Blood Elves better have their own distinct beliefs and faiths. Worshiping the land and space objects like the Sun and the Moon is more of a Night Elven and Tauren thing.
Many european countries used (and still use) lions and other aninals in their coat of arms and flags, it doesn’t mean that they worship them or something like that.


I’m not going to scum through 13,000 posts to find the part where they were literally insinuating High Elves could be reasoned to be more populous than Blood Elves.

It definitely happened.

It’s worth mentioning that like…99% of the various narrative and plot ideas discussed in this thread have factored in, in some form or another, the fact that the High Elves aren’t largely abundant as their own group anymore.

Which is several steps further than Blizzard has taken with any other race that has faced an extinction level event in Warcraft. And that’s not exactly an exclusive group.


And? It doesn’t matter.

Because there are as many of a race as necessary for whatever Lore thing they’re pushing at the moment it’s moot.

No matter how few High Elves there are, there are enough for PC adventurers to come from them. It’s incredibly unlikely that even with the return of the Allerian Hold High Elves that their numbers come anywhere close to Silvermoons population.

But… like I said… it doesn’t matter, so let’s not worry about it.


The problem is that the Warcraft 3 look in the game is almost exclusively used for either “flashbacks” (Culling of Stratholme, Battle for Hyjal) or “shout outs” (Halls of Reflection, End Time) and you really don’t see them in “modern day” Azeroth. They also don’t really match their Warcraft 3 appearance which were robe-less and had oversized shoulderpads. So I’m just as stumped as you are on what to do.

I know it may sound kinda cheesy and strange, but I’ve always had a sort of fondness of the Highvale Marksmen (before they were replaced in Cata) They basically wore the “Field Plate” armor, making them look like a hybrid of their “old” night elf model and their new blood elf one.
Cheesy, I know. :sweat_smile:


Ion didn’t think so when he literally addressed the question by Jesse about if there was even a hub where PC adventurers could sensibly come from.

But I get Ion isn’t this thread’s fanbase.

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Chris Metzen thought Falstad was dead.

Ion’s knowledge of the lore isn’t definitive.


Praise the “Red Shirt Guy!”


X guy was wrong about Y thing, so obviously we can’t trust any developer’s words.

Wow, congrats, you just perfectly strawmanned me.


No, we just proved that developers make mistakes like every human being on earth.


I didn’t straw man you.

Your argument: Ion doesn’t think there is a High Elf group for adventurers to come from.

The counter argument: Chris Metzen (The dude who made the lore) thought one of his main characters was dead when he wasn’t.

Counter argument = Proof that someone deeply involved in the Lore can be wrong about it.

Next poor argument please.


Where did you even get that from. Quel’thalas as a Kingdom left the Alliances after the Second war. The High Elves they are asking to play are the ones that remained with the Alliance after being commanded to leave by their King, and leaders. Years later along comes Arthas and his Scourge and they wipe out 90% of all Quel’dorei. At this point The Sunwell is deemed tainted and destroyed, and Kael’thas renames the High Elves, Blood Elves, 10% of those keep the High Elven name. at this point The Sin’dorei are not Horde Now 15% the recently named Sin’dorei follow Kael’thas when he goes to offer his people aid to battling Arthas and the Scourge… Sin’dorei still are not Horde Sadly the Alliance decided to put them under the command of Garithos, who didn’t trust them. After a series of unfortunate events Kael and company end up in Outlands, and learn the ability to Mana tap from Illidan… Sin’dorei still not members of the Horde Rommath and a group of Magisters return to teach the Sin’dorei this technique. Those who are against it are banned from Quel’thalas, most of those banned go back to being High Elves. *Now the Sin’dorei have started draining mana from different sources, and are using demonic crystals to rebuild Silvermoon and Quel’thalas Still they are not part of the Horde

fast forward a few years they are having problems fighting off the constant attacks from the remaining Scourge and the Trolls. They go to the Alliance for help, they are basically turned away. At this point Silvanas ex ranger general and then leader of the recently freed Forsaken, offers them her aide. It is through this allegiance that Sin’dorei became part of the Horde.

Not once during any of this did any High Elf that remained affiliated with the Alliance, and living in human kingdoms, leave to join the Horde.


Ian isn’t Chris Metzen, Ian is the Chuck Norris of Blizzard, if his image of what Lore should be is proven wrong. He will change the lore to make his image the right image, the only image. Then give a bunch of lawyer double talk about how it was always this way.

Ion isn’t a lore guy at all honestly. Dude does class and dungeon design.