The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Indeed! I think Goldensun feels more appropriate than Silvermoon.


Their first king, Dath’remar, was still very much a Night Elf at heart. Despite the later irony of dedicating their capital to Elune, neither Anasterian nor Kael’thas could bring themselves to change the name.


Interesting! So there was more to it.

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Beat me to the reasoning for calling it that xP yea its very much stayed the same out of there heritage and ancestors, same reason places irl tend not to change names its why Australia has like 6-7 places called Richmond scattered about.

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@Talendrion: Great work! I meant to comment earlier, but today’s been rather hectic, but one idea that I had was for that armor concept colour-wise to be…er, best way to explain it is to take the brown/blue version (the top one), replace the brown plates with silver and the trim a brass or pale gold, while keeping the dark grey and blue cloth/leather parts more or less as is.

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Blood Elves don’t worship the sun, it’s called the Sunwell after the one who created it. Sunstrider = Sunwell. If his name had been Starstrider it would have been the Starwell, Darkstrider then the Darkwell. I get tired of seeing they worship the sun when they don’t. They are some that worship the light, but the holy light and the sun are to entirely different things. Wanting to force Blood Elves into being Sun worshippers to try and differ them from High Elves doesn’t work for me. However feel free to make your High Elves into a group of Sun worshipping fanatics.

Sorry If you were talking about how High Elves worship the sun. It is just most like to use The Whole sun worshipping thing as something Blood Elves do, when actually they don’t.


Please, just make sure they’re robes. High Elves are one of the only races in game that look genuinely good in robes, it’s criminal to exclude them. Honestly it’s one of my biggest gripes about the Void Elf Heritage Armor. So glad Blood Elves got options for Robes and Pants.


Hopefully all heritage armors from now on will have robes and non-robes if they aren’t themed around plate or mail.
I do like the Void Elf heritage armor though, it’s versatile, fitting most of their classes (except the one i play), but they could add a robe to it, just like adding pants and a normal vest for the Nightborne heritage because it look unfitting for any non-spellcaster class.


I’m no High Elf proponent, but while Blood Elves don’t worship the sun, they definitely have a sun/phoenix theme about their people, as a symbol of their kingdom rising from the ashes and the Sunwell, their “sun”, guiding them back to prominence and power. Kael’thas especially so.

Just take a look at their language.
Anar’alah belore = By the light of the sun.
Anu belore dela’na = The eternal sun guides us.
Anara’nel belore = By the power of the sun.

The Sunwell being reignited as font of Light and Arcane now reinforces this theme of rebirth, redemption, light, etc.



thats one of many false narratives ive heard here. ive even seen them argue eye color means we are a different species. so i guess because you have green eyes and i have golden eyes we are a different species :smile:

another common fallacy is high elves dont use magic or tap magic or something and thats why they left quel’thalas? ive NEVER been able to find any info anywhere when i do research stating this. the elves of quel’thalas left the alliance en masse when they joined the horde. only a few(literally) healers and some magic users(but they dont use magic remember) who study with the kirin tor in dalaran and only cared about their magic studies anyway stayed in the alliance and they became the 13 “high” elf NPCs you see scattered around SW and Dalaran.

its an insult they call themselves “quel’dorei” still when the elves who live in quel’thalas dropped that moniker :roll_eyes:

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I know they symbolize the sun as a way of thumbing their noses at the Night Elves. They see it as something that stands against Elune, still they don’t worship it.


No, you’re right they don’t. That would be more along with Tauren culture, who actually and directly worship the sun through An’she, and would be literally why they have Sunwalkers.


I don’t mind being told that we Blood Elves symbolize the sun as a power that stands against Elune. It is my thought that most Quel’dorei saw the Night Elves and Elune as not willing to except who they were. So they in turn started using the sun as a symbol of power that stands against the night.

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The remaining Quel’dorei didn’t leave Quel’thalas. The vast majority of them weren’t in Quel’thalas.

How have you argued about this as long as you have and still not comprehended the Lore? How can you have invested so much time in this and remained ignorant instead of becoming an expert?


You keep swapping words to change the meaning of what people say to suit your agenda. Stop that.

No one has said blood elves and high elves are different species especially not over eye color.

We have said that they are different races. races /= species.

The most distinct visual difference is of course the eyes but that is not the only thing. You deny that blood elves have a reddish undertone but that is false. Blood elves have this red undertone to their skin. 90% of their skins are like this with only 1 or 2 not having it which is no real indicator of anything. That is just one extreme of the spectrum.

Meanwhile high elves have a rather soft tone to their skin. It is almost like their skin glows.


what? the vast majority severed their ties with the alliance and left when quel’thalas joined the horde. only a few stayed with the alliance and they became flavor NPCs you see around stormwind and dalaran. not sure what you are trying to say

there is no lore anywhere stating this. and my character is proof we dont have “reddish” skin tone. :smile:

biologically and physiologically there is no difference between the elves of quel’thalas only political affiliation. stating otherwise is just propaganda


The vast majority of them have nothing to do with Silvermoon or Quel’thalas. They weren’t there when everything went down and then they didn’t go there. They are either from lodges that weren’t in Quel’thalas or Silvermoon or they were in the Alliance Military and in different places like Theramore.

I’m sure there were defectors from Sin’dorei ranks. But they’re not really a significant portion of the remaining Quel’dorei.

Which is my point. How do you not know this? You made up your own lore, which you frequently do and then are trying to argue with us about your headcannon.


Explain to me the difference between a Shal’dorei and a Kal’dorei.
Explain to me the difference between a Ren’dorei and a Sin’dorei.

I’ll try and slow walk you to the conclusion of this one.

People often point out that you’re a troll, which you are, but the truth is you sincerely argue and then just use trolling for when you get stomped so you don’t have to own up to your constant losses, which is going to happen because you’re arguing fabrications you’ve made up rather than bothering to actually learn anything.


you need to cite evidence to the contrary. The only known group to leave were exiled after the blood elves decided to suck the mana from living things and use the fel. That group of elves are canonically dead with only a few survivors.

Quel’thelas didn’t join the horde until 4 years after that event.

It is very apparent from what we have seen that high elves living in human kingdoms and remaining with the alliance had to number in the tens of thousands before the scourge became a threat. Their major population centers were evacuated before they could be wiped out so they have survived to the modern day as well.

This is where you say after dalaran’s destruction most of them fled back to quel’thelas after hearing of the mistreatment of garithos against kael’thas but of course there is nothing to suggest this ever happened. Even if they heard of what happened with the blood elves under garithos’ command there is no reason for them to believe it wasn’t justified given the circumstances. What they would know is that kael’thas conspired with known enemies (the naga) during a crisis.

Okay so what about the 90% of the other skins that do have that reddish undertone? What about their red hair color that high elves can’t have and has only been shown to be possible after the consumption of fel? Like I said the skin tone you use for your character is one extreme of the spectrum and is no indicator of the norm.

I don’t think you know what those words mean. You keep saying it without realizing that skin tones, hair colors, and eyes are biological and physiological differences.


what im saying is when quel’thalas joined the horde, the elves in human kingdoms left and only a small hand full chose to not sever ties with alliance. literally a few. 9/10 of all living high elves call themselves blood elves now after all. nobody cares about some hunter lodge. srs? even the game director agrees “high” elves are blood elves now and he doesnt make this decision alone he has a whole story team he works with for crying out loud :smile:

what you few keep asking for is my people to be copied and pasted so you can give prominence to a few traitor elves. that wont happen. the sanctity of the blood elves and Quel’Thalas will be protected

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