The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Maybe less singing and more flutes.

Lot of lore, lot of discussion, lot of ideas.


Have you seen the lyrics?

Elor bindel
Lende anu

Annā€™da anore
Selama ashalā€™anore
Diel shala anu bala
Annā€™da/Bandā€™or shorelā€™aran

Sleep forever
in quiet serenity
We bid you

Father of our people
Justice for our people
Safe journey
By the light
watch our land
Father/ Farewell


Good lyrics.

So about that Wikie post ideaā€¦ Think I could just leave it blank and let other people fill it in?

All I need is a good disclaimer.

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So, not quite sure about the color scheme, but I tried to add more of Alleriaā€™s armors details to my ranger armor - on the internal organizing I do of these (Silver Covenant, Highvale, Allerian) Iā€™d say this is the Highvale version.

I think you guys will like the newest JoseBV video:


Yeah, Iā€™m trying to find what you could do to make it look better too. My first idea was to make the gold parts silver- but that would make it Silver Covenant colors.

I think it just has too much gold. Why donā€™t you try adding some greyā€™s and black? The Highvale elves (at least the current ones) wear the Windchannelerā€™s Regalia, which actually doesnā€™t use as much gold as the armor you designed.

Regardless, amazing work! I wish I could draw half as good as you do!


Iā€™d use blue/silver for Silver Covenant and green/gold for others.


It is in fact because of the windchannelers regalĆ­a that I swapped the silver for gold, the problem is that the Silver Covenant armor I based myself on has a lot of silver, so in a one to one swap it becomes a lot of gold. IMO I am not as mad with all the gold as it is pretty much equivalent to the PVP legion eagletalon set (with more Alleria design) but yeah, it seems like too much gold for the Highvale

Did you see the previous SC version? The colors are more muted, but imagine the blue is grey ish bronze, the light blue more muted blue, and the brown is black.

Perhaps my issue is the two shades of blue in this one as a recolor, but maybe the overall issue is that Iā€™m just recoloring my SC design for Highvale, when maybe I should try for a Highvale design from scratch. (Maybe this recolor could work as a generic alliance one).

PS: do you still have the Bladinas I drew for ya? ;D


I do like how the design looks with the SC colors a lot more, bother that I canā€™t link it (and Iā€™m to lazy to go through the hoops in Mobile)

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I saw it a while back, but its hard to keep track of posts in this thread. I donā€™t suppose you have a place you keep your art do you?

I KNEW your stuff looked familiar! Of course I still have it! One of these days I should commission you again! I meanā€¦ if you still do commissions. I havenā€™t seen you or your stuff in a long time.


Just goes to show how much money Blizz stands to make on High Elves.


theyre already making plenty of money off of void elves

most of the posters in here are void elves as well :smile:

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That is just the appetizer. High Elves are the main course.


they were back when BC released

Looking good!

Maybe forest green instead of gold? It might look really nice with the blues. Plus it would give it a wild feel.

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You can find most of my stuff archived on my tumblr :smiley:

I just updated this one so itā€™s not up there, but here it is.

The colors work better IMO, but Iā€™m gonna still try to find good schemes for these recolors.

Yeah! Iā€™m mostly on Tumblr and Twitter rn (handles on the image you just saw!)

Def also planning a green version that matches Alleriaā€™s armor, but Iā€™m not quite sure on the blue/green combo; Iā€™m still trying to stay as close to the schemes we have seen on WoW on NPCā€™s with these ones, but I do wanna try some wilder designs later.


And like the dummy I am, I completely glossed over it. Iā€™ll be sure to check your stuff out when I have a moment!


Okay so I think I came out with 3 color schemes that I like for this Ranger armor. I wanna try to keep the color schemes consistent overall to use in the other armor types, so I have named them! There will be more than 3 color schemes overall, but I think these will be the most recurring.

Silver Covenant: To be honest the ranger NPCā€™s are the only ones that really use this color scheme, but it is so very unique! I quite like it to represent the Silver Covenant, specially since itā€™s the only armor exclusive to them as a group, as far as I know, no other NPC shares this armor, so neat!

Highvale: This scheme is taken from the Highvale Swiftblades. The scheme itself is very much a generic elven look, so it is quite nonspecific. What it does have going on is that the blue is more vibrant than regular alliance blue (TBH it will show better shaded as the darker parts are more of a navy blue)

Allerian: Pretty much Alleriaā€™s colors, but also meant to represent the High Elves of Allerian Stronghold (including Auric) Very foresty.

As for the armor itself, this is my version of the Mail armor used by the SC rangers, as such, I kinda want to go for another ranger design altogether that represents another HE faction; in that case, it would probably be the Highvale Elves themselves. So far, these are the designs I wanna go for:

Silver Covenant Arcanist: Based of the SC Guardians on the Argent Tournament. Done! Just have to think of recolors.

Silver Covenant Guardian Mage: Based of the most common look SC mages wear, like the Silver Enclave Mages wear.

High Elven Priest: So far, IDK if to go for what Matron Alesso wears, or go for a War3 look?

Highvale Scout: Pretty much the most used leather set for High Elves, and Void Elves now -and other alliance leather wearers lol-
Silver Covenant Assassin: Cool look we saw on the Isle of Thunder.

Silver Covenant Ranger: The one in this post! Done :smiley:

Highvale Pathstrider: I wanna go for a more woodsy ranger with this one, and so far I think Iā€™ll mostly base it around designs for Alleria and War2 Rangers.

Silver Covenant Warrior: I think Iā€™ll just use Naseevā€™s armor but elf-ified; there are just not good looks for High Elven NPCā€™s -I quite dislike the mismash mess that is the Silver Covenant Vanquisher armor. Most of it itā€™s cloth!

Quelā€™dorei Plate: I think this one I have? I designed this for my High Elf Warrior (back when he was a paladin) and it was based of the silver Sunwell Plateau Armor. This is a design that so far has become generically elven, both by being used by HE NPCā€™s, as well as Kaldorei during the War of the Ancestors (and being the base of Kurā€™thalos Ranvencrest Plate) So maybe I just have to look for recolors, yay!

Lemme know of any suggestions for both color schemes and sets!


The gold at least works with their sun symbolism (the Silver Covenantā€™s symbol is a glowing sun after all) and further makes them a good contrast to the Nightborne and their overt moon themes they share with Night Elves.

I had thought moon themes would fit them as well since thatā€™s what the old lore originally set them up as having (and why Silvermoon is even a name despite it not really resembling such a name for a city) and would make them closer to Night Elves, but sun themes seem to already be more strongly used for them.


Iā€™ve never thought about that before, but it does seem kinda weird that a sun-obsessed culture would name their city after the moon.