The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Congratulations Nyshant, I know you said that the program hasn’t quite ended yet. Still you have come a long way and are in the final stretch. I think that takes a lot of determination, so once again congratulations. :blue_heart::purple_heart:

It is also your knowledge and determination that make you a force to be reckoned with. When it comes to debating with others about The High Elves, and their Joining the Alliance, as they should of done years ago.



This guy was a class act…

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Oh hai there

exactly. That is more than likely the reason they have been so quite about the most popular feature of the expansion and before BoD was released the only positive thing of BFA.

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If they have uther back as a main character of the race and it brings the scarlet crusade into the alliance in some form lightforged undead have my full support. Otherwise… [Edited by Forum Moderator for language.]

SImple idea but I also would like to include the cyborg junker gnomes as part of it. Just say that critically injured soldiers have undergone mechanical enhancement in conjunction with the production of new mechanical soldiers thanks to the plans found in ulduar or something.

See, this is why Lightforged Undead are a BAD idea. It starts off fairly innocuous, and then we have, “Well, let’s bring Uther back,” which inevitably leads to, “Wait, why not bring Tirion back as well?” Soon 4 of the original 5 paladins are back as Lightborne Undead, then Terenas Menethil, then Varian Wrynn and Tiffin Wrynn and Liam Greymane and finally, Arthas Menethil…

It’s bad enough having to worry about this just with the Forsaken.


well I don’t go that far.

Just uther is fine with me. Let arthas rest. As it stands uther is active behind the scenes. There is a lot pointing towards it with what we have been told with things so as the vol’jin storyline.

oh hai jupaxis haha

Junker Gnomes would be fine as a racial option for Gnomes, like Orc straight backs, Blood Elf golden eyes or Night Elf angery eyes. But wasting an Allied Race on that? Heavens, no.


I never thought from this perspective, now I can’t stop laughing, sounds like a fan fiction :rofl:

But I wanna add Antonidas and Alexandros Mograine the first Ashbringer holder to your list :rofl:


Bring back Daelin while you’re at it for a full Proudmoore family reunion.


Hi there y’all! Been busy, but still drawing High Elves here and there; I wanted to draw a War2 inspired Elven Ranger, so here he is!


Actually that brings into question why haven’t they brought back Daelin? they’ve effectively forced the Alliance off Kalimdor and before then Theramore was lost so why haven’t they gone to retrieve Daelins corpse and then mind controlled him like they were doing to his son in the War Campaign?.

Seems like a strategic move if you ask me.

PS thats a good headshot of a High Elf there mate, the facial hair + scar look awesome.


Thank you! hopefully I’ll draw him in a full body rather sooner than later


This is why I wouldn’t mind Lf undead did become a Alliance allied race.

Yea absolutely correct. It’s a slippery frigging slope, once death becomes meaningless (except for player charachters of course) it really ruins the narrative. Having the Naaru involved with such a thing is really against the grain with the story, and this whole plot thread needs to be nipped in the bud. Hard. Like Med’an hard.

Just leave it as Sylvanas killed Calia and call it a day. Wraps up a loose ends, reiterates Sylvanas is evil and is sitting on a stolen throne, and we can go on with our days.


Agreed. Calia has a daughter. Throw out whatever plot you had for Calia, and bring on her daughter to do what Calia should have done, and be the Queen of Lordaeron. Living Lordaeron.


The major plot twist regarding Calia, and thus potentially the Redeemed as an Allied Race, part of Before the Storm has to be the worst part of that.

I don’t have problems with Junker Gnomes the way many people do. I don’t think gnomes have gotten much love since WoW’s launch, and the fact they’re getting a nice mega dungeon and likely a steampunk/cyborg inspired spot as Allied Race doesn’t bother me.

The idea of Redeeme, however, really create a lot of problems. Most notably, the Light hasn’t been shown to resurrect people outside of the game, where again, it’s usually game mechanics, or “death-is-passing-out”. The few cases where you could argue it was done, the death was very recent and the spirit had not left the body yet. This is why Uther, Varian, Arthas, Antonidas, etc weren’t just simply ressurected already.

Other Naaru, Velen, nor Alexstrasza herself have been shown to be able to resurrect mortals. Eonar’s resurrection of the players at the Seat of the Pantheon may be the only case where you could truly consider resurrection actually happening, and she’s the damn titan of life.

While as a game mechanic, players can do it, lorewise resurrection is typically done only by necromancy or other dark magics. Why a Naaru, not even a particularly special one, Faol, and Anduin are able to resurrect Calia is unclear. She clearly comes back as an undead, but via the Light.

All understanding thus far of Light and Void is that they are opposing, but equal forces on the side of life. They view undeath as a threat, a distruptor of the balance. We see this in the Vol’jin quest chain talking to the Lich King, Bwonsamdi and Eyir, and also in the Void whispers of Alleria when she meets Sylvanas in Three Sisters.

Why then would a Light-aligned Naaru be able to, or even willing to, bring Calia back as an undead?

While visually interesting to imagine a Light version of something like Nathanos, it creates a huge swath of lore problems going forward.

Also, I’m back from vacation, and ready for those Zandalari/Kul’tirans, and the exciting/terrifying anticipation of 8.2 datamining when it soon replaces 8.1.5 on the PTR

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