The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Is that word, “Noice!”

Keep in mind that Blizzard has been listening to feedback, and considering they need to drum up some hype and positive engagement with the community, Allied Races would be an easy way to do it. I think whatever Allied Races they’d originally had planned past Kul Tirans and Zandalari are being reconsidered.

Lightforged Undead and Junker Gnomes are not going to make the Alliance happy at this point. I’d expect the Alliance to tank pretty badly. Vulpera are a positive request by the Horde, so I imagine they’ll get in. Two Troll Allied Races in one expansion seems a bit much. Nothing is impossible, but we haven’t even come across Shape-shifting Trolls.

I’m still hoping for Saberon in the Alliance. I think they’re the best race to be based off of the Worgen’s model, and considering they’ve had 30-40 years to change and grow, I think they could be something really interesting, moreso than what they were in WoD. I mean, the original Worgen weren’t much better than the Saberon, after all. Worgen in Vanilla were just beastmen to be slaughtered as quest fodder, not unlike Saberon.


I really hope you’re right and I’m wrong. I really do! :pray:

I agree. But, I’ll be saving some popcorn just in case :joy:.

Lightforged Undead would really blow in the sunken ship that is anti-high-elf arguments though.

That boat sank a long time ago… but it’s gonna like… snap in half on the shelf it’s resting on.


Also… talk about an advantage. Horde’s already got Vulpera rep on lock. I’ll enjoy making one though. Seems like a great rogue class.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen positive feedback towards the whole Calia Menethil plot thread

Hopefully that could be enough to keep Blizzard from giving the Alliance another disappointing Allied Race


I mean, Void Elves were inexplicably tied to Argussian Reach rep. Maybe they’ll tie Mechagnomes to Order of Embers or whatever.


I wouldn’t make one, unless they change their appearance to return Calia Menethil to her former glory. But there have been undead members of the Argent Dawn for awhile.

I’m not really sure how it works though. Shadow magic is kind of an intrinsic component to undead humans. I feel like infusing them with the light makes them not undead.

They could sell it if the concept art was good enough.

I don’t expect that it will be. But, it’s not impossible.

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To add to this, Undead players are going to be mad if Lightforged Undead became a thing, with a good reason. Seriously Blizzard, don’t do it, nobody wants them.


I mean, Lightforged Draenei weren’t exactly a popular AR. I have no idea what would make Blizzard think doing it to another race that has no business with the Light would yield better results.


Another excellent point. Most Horde players in general are pretty sickened by the Holy Undead Calia Menethil story element, and are stressing about her essentially pulling a Forsaken on the Forsaken, and lightforging the Forsaken to make them into the, ‘Redeemed,’ or, ‘Forgiven,’ or whatever ironic name the Light-Undead would be given.


“For real?”

I share your concerns guys, I’m just a bit impressed and also worried about how accurate the leak was =/

I really hope things take another path.

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In the Ion germany interview he said the Allied Races weren’t set in stone and they are still discussing them.

If I were to bet I’d wager that Vulpera and Mechagnomes are on lock. Never really doubted that. But, who knows who will be up next.


I can see Vulpera coming for sure. I’m not sure about Junker Gnomes. Player Reaction has been pretty negative for the most part. I think the Developers are going to have to start getting more in touch with their Alliance players. Next week is going to introduce what will likely turn out to be a heavy hit to Alliance numbers as is; Zandalari.


I mean, if these are indeed Blizzard’s plans, and they want to proceed with them even after the negative feedback, it’d just be another nail on the Alliance’s coffin


Any allied race not yet announced can be cancelled, but only if the replacement is easy to do and/or reuses at least some of the work spent on the original idea.

For instance, void elves were decided pretty much at the last minute, as far as we know.


I’m excited to be on spring break then!

Since I’ve already overshared about things - I finished my last didactic education in my program yesterday.

I finished my last Final Exam in this program today.

The program isn’t over. I’ll be going to work in clinic soon for two months and then I have to pass a national board exam. But I started this thing three years ago and when you start there is this orientation where they basically say, “Who thinks you can get a D in any of the programs on this campus and continue?” (and a D is below 75, not below 70. Not that I’ve ever scored anywhere near that low)

I started in a class of 38. There are 27 of us remaining.

Going to be nice to be able to enjoy WoW for a week without an impending threat…

So hopefully I can enjoy some portions of 3.1.5


Yeah. I’m not excited about Cyborg gnomes at all but that second Alliance Race could genuinely make me walk away. If it’s Gnomerang Toxic Sludge Monsters for the Alliance ima bounce.

I don’t know how Lightforged Undead fit into that scale.


Just give us Mechagnomes and say the Gnomes started producing them en-masse for the War or something.

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