The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Actually, Whitemane Canonically Mass Resurrects the Scarlet Crusade over and over until slain with the Blades of the Anointed. Light-based Resurrection is a thing, though the specifics are not clarified.

But yes, the Light creating Undead is something straight out of Diablo 3 to be honest. During the Sin War, Tyrael created the first Undead to walk on Sanctuary, and he was the Archangel of Justice.

More and more it feels like the writers are trying to make Warcraft like Diablo. Maybe Blizzard’s getting interested in the idea of a, ‘Shared Universe.’

I think it’s more likely that everyone is viewing Sylvanas as the disruptor of the balance. I think something Undeath Related is behind the scenes, intent on conquering all, but Sylvanas is definitely the tool of that force, and I don’t think the greater entity of Death particularly cares for this. It might be the reason behind that, ‘Bargain,’ the Light made with Death, that N’zoth mentions.

Either way, yes. Lightborne Undead need to not be a thing.


welcome back! hopefully Zandalari/Kul’tirans are the last allied races blizzard adds to the game. i can live without junker gnomes/vulpera in 8.2 and i hope allied races are just a bfa feature that goes away after this expansion. unless they come up with some really cool races in the future that arent just reskins

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Wrath of the Lich King on the other hand, was great.

It really always seems like one expansion is a huge mess and the one after that makes up for it with big fanservice. Wrath let you play as Death Knights, MoP improved on a lot of the content that Cataclysm failed to deliver, Legion gave you Demon Hunters and let you use legendary lore-heavy weapons.

Battle for Azeroth isn’t as bad as Cataclysm or WoD was, but I do see the argument how it’s not delivering much on the fanservice for things people want. Zandalar and Kul Tiras coming back was great, but otherwise… ?


Slowly it becomes more and more apparent that it’s only worth coming back every other expansion, huh?

At least we have something to look forward to with 9.0.

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It doesn’t help against the theory that there’s an A and B team for WoW.

Also, personally I find BFA worse than WoD in many ways. It’s very much a similar beat: Bad class changes from previous expansions, stretched content, busy work, and boring Dailies (now disguised as World Quests). WoD had excellent raids, and although the Garrison was a point of contention, at least it gave me steady gold income, unlike the BFA iteration of the mission table.

The only thing BFA has going for it is art (which the team always nails), Allied races and story. Even if I don’t agree with everything that’s happening, we’ve been given a ton of story threads on some interesting stuff, and higher quality and more numerous game cinematics.


WotLK is probably my favorite expansion for multiple reasons. I started playing in BC, but I was never able to raid until LK, and boy I had a blast raiding! Dalaran to this day is still one of my favorite Cities, The Argent Tournament my favorite events, and Icecrown Citadel one of my favorite raids.

Cataclysm had its moments, but it just didn’t feel as epic as WotLK did. Plus the changes in leadership and losses of major lore characters (and Theramore) left a sour taste in my mouth.


Honestly, if I had to hand one thing to Blizzard it’s that I like the level scaling change because now you can make a Death Knight and immediately go to Northrend instead of having to slog through Outland for 10 levels before being able to go there.

That’s how it should have been, just like with Demon Hunters being able to go to the Broken Isles instantly, a Death Knight should have started at a level where they could just go quest in Northrend.


I have a love/hate relationship with the level scaling system.

On the one hand, its nice that zones level with you and quest rewards level with you as well.

On the other hand I’m done with this zone why am I aggroing all these damn wolves dammit I’M ON THE ROAD WHY DID I GET DISMOUNTED AGAIN

Did you miss me Spirit Healer?


They should remove dazed mechanic like how FFXIV did it.

Might as well copy the good parts of it if you’re going to copy its GCD system. x)

At least the leveling is much better than it was when they first did the changes. I like that mobs are a bit tougher and scale to your level but I didn’t like the unnecessary increase in XP bar to get to the next level.

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Level Scaling’s primary issue is that it robs players of the reward of feeling stronger. There used to be something to be said for completing a zone rather than just grabbing the quests that give the most EXP per second, and moving on to the next. You might be level 25 before entering Redridge and the reward was that everything died to you pretty quickly. You paid your dues and were rewarded for it.

Leveling Scaling also has the added issues of messing up old raids for Transmog Farming.


You’ll have to explain that to me. I’ve only played FFIII for the DS and FFVI for the GBA. Its a series I really should get into more, but I haven’t had the time or opportunity.

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FFXIV is a Final Fantasy MMO. Feel free to look it up.

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Well, I haven’t fully played it but I remember leveling with a friend and complaining about being dazed, and that’s when he said “They had that in Final Fantasy XIV but then removed it after feedback”.

To be honest, that’s a pretty nice mark for it and makes me want to try the game out sometime.

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OH! I’ve heard about that one. For some reason the numbers didn’t click. (I’m not that great with roman numerals) That’s the one that was so bad that they literally hit the reset button and rebuilt the game from scratch right?

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The Folks in charge of FFXIV and WoW are Night and Day, it’s scary.

As a recent example, a Limited Job, Blue Mage, was released on FFXIV. Limited means it doesn’t go to cap and is designed mostly for solo gameplay. Can’t use the Duty Finder (FFXIV equivalent of Group Finder), so Blue Mages get bonus EXP from grinding mobs out in the world. That’s how they’re meant to be leveled, actually. Well, for ages, there has been a glitch in the game where, if you one-shot a mob in the open world and then switch to another class, the class you switch to gets the EXP for killing the mob. As a result, players were able to level Blue Mage to it’s cap in a matter of hours.

So when the Developers acknowledge what amounts to a blatant exploit, they apologized because they’ve known about it for quite a while now, and it’s been a low-priority fix because it was never a good way to level any other class. They went on to say, because they (the developers) marked it as a low priority bug and did not catch the harm it does with Blue Mage, that no action will be taken against players who have leveled the class that way. They’ve gone on to thank players who leveled Blue Mage with their intended route, and said they would move the bug to a higher priority, and it would be fixed for the next Expansion.

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Yup. The Producer (head Dev equivalent more or less, the guy calling the shots), got replaced when 1.0 tanked. The new Producer apologized to the playerbase and vowed to remake the game as a much better experience.

It’s one of the few cases in MMO gaming where players LOSE as well. 1.0 canonically ends with the PCs losing. The new Producer, Yoshi P., wanted to make sure 1.0 players experienced a worthy ending to the game before it went into development for 2.0. The final days of the 1.0 servers had all kinds of neat little events going on. Music in the capital cities got replaced with a haunting rendition of a song played in the final cinematic of 1.0. That final cinematic played when the servers shut down. Players logged in saw it, and were then booted to the log-in screen.


It has been a long standing fan theory that the back side of azeroth is sanctuary.

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That sounds a lot like The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask.

But man. That cutscene is chilling.

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Final Fantasy as a series is hardly unified. While the franchise has running elements, like their magic names, summons, and certain races, the games from title to title are entirely separate games, and in FFXI and FFXIV’s case, entirely different genres.

It’s a little disorienting. Also, yes FFIV was so troubled it got scratched and they took time to rebuild it. Was an excellent move.

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So were the days before the servers shut down. The music I’ll link below replaced the music in the capital cities (which you also saw in the cinematic I linked above). I think on the last day, the music across all zones got replaced with the music below.

Keep in mind the general take on the music is that it’s being sung by what amounts to the Goddess of that setting. It’s a nice touch overall, as when the Devs want you to know that stuff is hitting the fan, they’ll put a song in with her. It’s been used twice in the story-telling since the game re-launched. One was a new song, which you can hear towards the end of Patch 3.3’s trailer, and the, ‘Answers Reprised,’ was used again at the end of 3.5.