The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Reading about Draenei and Blood Elves in BC is always depressing.


I feel like BC had way too many jarring changes to the Lore, or rather, developments that expanded the Lore into a jarringly different setting. Personally Iā€™ve always wondered if the writers simply were trying to recreate the success they enjoyed when they inverted the standard trope of, ā€œOrcs, Trolls, Minotaurs, are evil monsters.ā€


Iā€™m trying to scroll through this thread to read up on conversations, but itā€™s so enormous that the new Forum layout causes it to break and just keep loading previous posts over and over and over and over again.


I could never quite figure that outā€¦ what were Blood Elves doing on a Draenei spaceship. I feel at times like the writers messed up the lore so badly with the Burning Crusade, expansion that they decided instead of fixing it they would just make it worse.

I feel at times the motto is if itā€™s not broke, break it. If it is broke, demolish it.


This reminds me of when I saw a spaceship fly over our raid group during the Antorus raid, on Imonar I think. It made me stop for a second and think ā€œwhat is all this space stuff doing in my Fantasy RPGā€

God I hope we donā€™t go back to space for a long, long time.


Yeah. I hate it when it decides that itā€™ll just jump back four hundred posts.

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If it makes your feel any better, itā€™s all Magi-Tech that operates on different laws of reality than ours.

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The Blood Elves took over Tempest Keepā€¦

The Draenei who had landed on Outland fought back control of the Exodar, which was basically just one of the wings of Tempest Keep and used it to go try and find help, but the Blood Elves sabotaged itā€™s trans-dimensional engine.

Tempest Keep was a Naaru fortress that could teleport to protect populations from the Burning Legion.


It really doesnā€™t

Thereā€™s way too much Space Tech there.

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Drede read the manual.


aye. I want the draenei to get disconnected from space travel and all for a bit. They should instead focus on and expand what we saw in WoD. Bring back the practical crystal tech and the artificers as well as the rangari.

Also I think it would be amazing with we got a new ship model that is draenei themed. They could use the usual armor plating around the ship and have a ballista/battery as well as a defense crystal on the ship. It would be nice to also see them used in combat but I am just asking it to be a new boat sailing to stormwind/auberdine if when bfa ends the warfronts get caonical winners and the zone permanently under their control.


You got it all wrong The Blood Elves werenā€™t trying to sabotage the Vessel. They were trying to fix the Trans-dimensional ports. Itā€™s not their fault that they couldnā€™t understand what was written.

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Youā€™re right. Theyā€™re completely misunderstood. :blue_heart:

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Yeah, I also think things are improving overtime. I also have tried to call for more support in our Discord recently because of the better environment weā€™re in right now. But, I still think we had more support that time, than we do now.

However, I was just explaining to him, why I think Blizzard is bitter about High Elf threads in general. Iā€™m no trying to say that we should give up or something, I think these next seven months prior to Blizzcon will be crucial for us, tbh.

This is the right time to be vocal.


Iā€™m of the mind that the time isnā€™t really right to try and drum up a greater deal of attention to the topic. Weā€™re not likely to get High Elves for BFA, so Iā€™d wait until weā€™re closer to the next expansion, or we see some more activity from High Elves in the story, before trying to bring back the old momentum. For now itā€™s good enough to maintain an active discussion and show continued interest.


Maybe once Khadgar comes out of Kharazan and has the Kirin Tor do something about the whole ongoing end-of-the-world, we might see a bit from the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers this expansion.

Titans are allegedly creatures of the Arcane, so youā€™d think Mages might be able to do something about itā€¦


Iā€™m saying this because the content for the next expansion is being made as we speak right now, the BFA content is probably almost done by now, weā€™re going to see Nazā€™jatar on PTR in a couple weeks, and 8.3 is probably already in works.

When the Blizzcon kicks in, theyā€™ll be showing us the setting and the features thatā€™ll be ā€œset in stoneā€ for the next expansion. After this year Blizzcon, weā€™ll need to wait another couple years for another chance.

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Ion did say they were looking for community feedback. Obviously they know but I feel like this is the right time.


The same model on 2 factions? The Pandaren want a word with youā€¦

I think the Allied Races for this expansion are already set in stone. Way before the Blizzcon 2018, someone leaked that the next four Allied Races were going to be:

Alliance / Horde
Mechagnomes / Vulpera
Lightforged Undead / Shapeshift Troll ā† another kind of trade.

The shape shift Troll is a Worgen type race, based in some trolls that can shape shift to other creatures like:

I can bet theyā€™ll be regular trolls using the saberon as their shape shift model:

I was really skeptical about this leak, until Blizzard showed us the Mechagnomes at Blizzcon:

And also this from PTR: