The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I am all for either one of those ideas.

Hell, it doesn’t even need to be a full on allied race. I’d be up for them getting snagged by the forsaken as a story beat excuse to expand forsaken customization options, even, whatever that would entail.


If the Horde wants Alterac Humans they’re going to have to dig them out of those fields they put them in…

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After following these threads since November 2017, I have to say that Blizzard indeed don’t have good feelings about our community, probably 30% or more of our threads got 404’d, sometimes three or four of our threads was locked/deleted in the same day.

I think we only have this thread still active, due to some of our persistant die hard fans, who refuses to give up no matter what happens. Prior to April 2018 Q&A we had literally hundreds of people coming to our threads to bump it saying “I want High Elves” or “I support playable” High Elves, but after the Q&A most people lost their hopes. We’re still recovering from that.

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I think you’re over-estimating the after-effects of the Q&A. There was a dip in activity but it’s picked up since then. We have one of the longest, if not the longest, running threads of the new forums.

Overall, I’d say things are going as well as they can be expected to from our end. As has been said by CMs before, we just need to keep up our support for High Elves.


Fwiw, I think it’s really cool that this thread has lived on this long. I’ve enjoyed poking my head back in and following the conversation as it continues.

You guys still have my support, even if I’m not actively taking part in the discussion to the same extent I was back in the day. Appreciate your continued enthusiasm, you guys are putting in the work to keep it on the radar, even if that’s all that can really be done at this point. Cheering you on from the sidelines!


Honestly a lot of people just unsubed since then and as a consequence the forums overall activity has dropped significantly, not just our thread. It’s not like less people want them, it’s just that a lot of people, including High Elf supporters, just left the game.


I’m not sure that it’s evident to others that they need to re-affirm their support.


I think that’s true too.

It was a pretty big gaffe by Ion. The people really passionate about High Elves that feel like they weren’t being heard may have just left.

I’m in that position. Not right now. But April is coming up and he gaffes again… I chose to spend my time and money on WoW when BFA came out. My times been pretty limited for the last three years, so I tend to choose something based on how much I can enjoy it in the limited time I have. There are other things.

But I like WoW right now, it’s fun to ride an expansion through to the end. So hopefully he won’t screw it up when April rolls around and say something absurd or insensitive.


I was once more strict about things like this, but nowadays, after seen how Blizzard handled nightborne, I think it’s possible to add almost anything to any of the factions.

If someone says “I want humans on the Horde”, I’d say: “Sure, let’s make humans that fit the Horde”, I’d give it a shot.

My own idea would be to make a pirate nation (could be Plunder Isle, with its “capital” Bloodsail Hold), where the Horde helps someone rise to “Pirate King” status. The Horde humans would have a lot of piratey customization (a somewhat slimmer body, bad teeth, crazy cool beards and hairstyles and so on). Imagine guys like Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Blackbeard and so on.

This is, of course, just an example. The point is that a good story can justify almost anything.

(Void elves didn’t work because it was a poorly made story. Period.)


I’m not totally against humans on the horde…

However, the first Warcraft is called Warcraft Orcs vs Humans so I think the one time the argument that the identity of the two factions is really based on a certain group or another that it might be Orcs and Humans.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if Dark Iron dwarves were on the Horde. But it’s nice that they’re also on the alliance so it’s less cliché.

I don’t know. Would just feel weird having Trolls and Tauren in the Alliance though.


I imagine how people felt when they gave Elves to the Horde.


Yeah, but humans are varied enough to allow a rogue nation somewhere join the Horde. Orcs on the Alliance, on the other hand, do not fit in my mind.

Is there anyone interested in those in the Alliance, thought? I don’t think we need to try to fit everything everywhere, but if something has a chance of being successful, then it should be considered. I see no reason to put tauren or trolls in the Alliance… unless Baine decides to turncoat or something.


I think Tauren could work. Between the way the Horde has been treating them and their friendships with the Night Elves, I don’t see Tauren as a particularly far-fetched idea as an Alliance race. Trolls, I don’t think work out as well. They could try but it’d probably be the Darkspear and they’d probably not be particularly trusted or wanted around, but respected.

Overall, I don’t think the Tauren or Trolls are NEEDED on the Alliance, is all. Their narratives need to take a direction where they’re no longer the punching bag of the Warchief is all.

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Nah. I don’t think anybody is asking for them to be switched over. Not orcs in the Alliance either.

Humans are just kind of ironically disloyal enough where it’s a distinct possibility.

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I felt like Warcraft lore had crashed and burned back then. Lost interest for a long time (I wasn’t playing WoW during that). In a way, I wasn’t wrong, WoW lore changed radically in TBC and was never the same after it.


It never felt right to Metzen either so you’re not really alone.

I wanted playable High Elves still but Blood Elves didn’t seem like a real stretch to me. Garithos really screwed them over. I’d want to hit back.


It wasn’t just the blood elves going Horde. TBC also introduced concepts that didn’t fit previous Warcraft themes and lore. Suddenly, we got transdimensional ships, a huge retcon on the entire demon lore, good eredar (that worshiped the Light!), Kael and Illidan became villains suddenly, and a lot of other concepts that felt plain wrong for a lore nerd like me.

There has been enough time since then for all those forced changes to settle, so nowadays it feels like it was always like that, but people who cared about the previous lore felt Blizzard was ripping it apart.


Draenei did come out of left field and I don’t know that it was really well explained, they were like, “Blood Elf Saboteurs have crashed a Draenei spaceship!”

and I was just confused.


There are human pirates helping out the Horde right now.

Which also have inexplicably not been purged out of the face of Kul Tiras yet.

We got Vulpera Purge Squads, yet the guys giving the Horde a safe harbor in Tiragarde Sound are ignored unless they’re hanging Derek’s body out to try…


Draenei were the biggest retcon ever.

Before TBC, eredar were primordial demons that helped to corrupt Sargeras, making the titan fall into despair.

Then, TBC made Sargeras corrupt the eredar instead. And the eredar turned from primordial demons from the Nether into a mortal race that worshipped the Light and had paladins.

Before TBC, draenei were natives of Draenor that were wiped out by the Horde, with a few appearing in TFT.

Suddenly, those same draenei were good eredar refugees that got mutated.

In essence, every single detail we knew about both eredar and draenei was radically changed. And even demon lore was changed: from creatures spawned in the Nether to a mortal races corrupted by Sargeras or contact with fel (only a few nether-spawned demon races remained so).