The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Good luck asking a troll for sources lol

All you’ll get is “I didn’t say that”, “I actually meant” or “You didn’t understand” along with some preposterous claims with no basis.


Stop feeding the troll, guys. When will you learn?


I don’t take people that uses “:rofl::joy:” in a depreciatory way serious, neither i will bother to respond to his/her stupid posts.
But it’s important to state that more than once he/she used a different thread to flame us and talk behind our backs.
Remember people that you got the power to flag people for inappropriate posts.


I agree with you Alamara, but as a die hard fan of the Kal’dorei since Warcraft 3, I cant stand such kind of annoyance.


and im a die hard fan of the Sindorei and Quel’Thalas. and this is a discussion thread. meaning both sides have a say :thinking:

The big problem is that she mixes facts, fallacies, and opinions into her posts, which makes it extremely difficult for her posts to be taken seriously as “trolling.”

She never explicitly says “yeah I’m trolling with you guys” while stating her frequently frustrating opinions- which borderline truth. Which I’m pretty sure the mods can’t do anything about.


I like to think of it less as feeding a Troll, and more as an opportunity to demonstrate passion and interest in Warcraft by correcting their assumptions about the Lore. Granted that’s about as far as I go really; when they purposefully state something about the Lore is incorrect. Even then, I only do it so much. I’ve better things to do with my time than correct every single mistake on the forums.


Yeah, but telling that purple does not define the Night Elves is a blatant lie.


Mixing different things in her/his posts proves how this person is very experienced in trolling, but checking the Code of Conduct for Spamming or Trolling:

"Spaming or Trolling
This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts"

You see, he/she already broke 4 points of this category and also did forum vandalism by bringing back long-time dead threads, these should be more than enough reasons for a moderator to take some action. No matter how much the poster is making it hard, the results are clear: unrest, annoyance and a worst experience for those actually engaged in the discussion in a good manner.

I’m really sorry that i’m going out of topic frequently nowadays, but it’s being hard focusing in discussing High Elves in this thread with people trying to derail it all the time.


This is exactly why I have very mixed feelings about megathreads. While they can provide a centralized place to debate the merits of something (i.e. High Elves) they also provide a centralized place for trolls to congregate. As well, megathreads represent a form of gerrymandering…take an issue that a lot of people feel passionate about and confine it to a single thread where it minimizes its presence within the forums. Rather than 5 active threads discussing high elves you get one impossibly long and convoluted thread that can be easily missed and with a disproportionately small footprint within the forums.

However to counter this, a huge megathread like this with 12,000+ posts can also attract the attention of the development team and influence these decisions. Perhaps with multiple threads you wouldn’t have 12k individual posts on high elves. But at the same time I didn’t spot a single blue post anywhere in this megathread that indicates anyone at Blizz is listening.

So yeah, I have mixed feelings. I personally would like to see High Elves as a playable race and maybe give the Horde the Syndicate/Alterac Humans as a trade. I think a lot of Horde would love to roll a human. Any potential defection to Alliance due to implementation of playable high elves would be completely offset by people headed to Horde to play humans.


The problem with multiple threads is that the mods keep locking them and tell us to post here. Its happened a number of times- even to seemingly unrelated threads.

I remember Alamara created a thread a while back that tried to create ways to improve Void elves, but it was locked… for apparently being a “high elf” thread.


Really? I have not had that happen to me before. Maybe they just want all Thalassian elf discussions to be based in this thread?

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That’s pretty much the impression I’ve gotten.

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I don’t see how allied races necessarily need to follow such an arbitrary guideline as “they can only be playable if they’re not already part of the faction”. That already nixes so many other potential candidate races from speculation and overall there’s nothing saying it’s necessary as a reason for playability.

Even then, the idea that High Elves can’t fit into that entails a lack of imagination. You could just as easily write a recruitment scenario for the High Elves in Outland coming together with the ones that still stayed in Azeroth. The story for them could entail them questioning their position as Alliance members and more introspection as to whether or not staying with the Alliance will lead to a bright future for them or if they should become more independent. The conclusion is quite clear that they’ll stay Alliance, but a story-line the Alliance player takes part in that explores this introspection with them would make a fine enough recruitment scenario, and they’re conspicuously absent in the faction war, so explaining why they’ve not been as involved and then having that resolved would be a fine enough story for them.

San’layn so that both factions get a purple elf, majestic elf, and goth elf allied race with their own unique concepts to them. I don’t think anyone would find Alterac Humans an exciting new race whereas there’s a San’layn mega thread AFAIK.


Lol I just had someone else suggest this in a similar thread. San’alyn would be pretty awesome for Horde TBH and makes complete sense lore-wise. I’d roll that no problem.

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Although I’m fully aware I’m probably the only one in existence, haha. Mostly I just enjoy the idea of more of the original Alliance kingdoms existing as their own distinct playable entities and including the original faction hoppers would give a chance to update and bring back one of the only human kingdoms we haven’t had revisited in any real way since Vanilla (I realize they’re likely all gone at this point, but hey, so was Kul Tiras at one point).

To be entirely honest a factor in my desire to see playable High Elves is to see the CITIZENS OF DALARAN represented in a playable capacity in the same vein.

But I know Alterac being remotely relevant at all in the game, playable or not, anytime soon is a long shot.


Multiple threads do end up constituting spam, which few people are happy to deal with. Over a year ago the community interested in High Elves agreed to try and confine our discussion to a single thread out of respect for the forum-going community, which was growing increasingly irate over the number of High Elf threads that were cropping up.

These Megathreads have been on-going since then.

On the Old Forums, when a thread hit maximum cap (being extended several times), we’d make a new one. The current forums make that less of a necessity. There were somewhere around a dozen or so High Elf Megathreads on the old forums, all having hit cap. There were Blue Comments in those threads as well, often encouraging discussion. I would say the lack of any feedback from CMs or Devs to this thread isn’t an indication of anything other than those groups having nothing new to say or add.


Good luck.
Hope you didn’t actually ‘slap’ anyone.

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yes. alterac humans please. Either living syndicate or they could kill the syndicate (since canonically the forsaken have moved into the alterac ruins) and raise them as new undead with some lore reason for them to be the nathanos model.

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Nobody has been gaslighting you. You say that frequently. Nobody is trying to diagnose you. We’re just pointing out erratic behavior which you engage in frequently.

Plenty of people that we engage with don’t know the lore. Very few of them fabricate their own lore and try to promote it as truth.