The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The Sunwell reaching everywhere in space and time is literally just a dumb hand waving so they don’t have to consider travel to other worlds/times when involving Blood Elves.

The Well of Eternity(s) and the Nightwell didn’t have such luxuries and they where/are arguable more powerful.

It would have made more sense for them to have “Sun Crystals” when traveling to other worlds. Or to still have the option to mana tap.

But as good as they can be, Blizzard is always looking for a shortcut.


When I think about it it doesn’t seem all that dumb at all. The Sunwell was relit using the Noble heart of a Naaru. One that was bathed in the light of creation. The light of creation that the Naaru was bathed in, is now part of the Sunwell. The light of creation isn’t bound to a single place, and time. It exists in all places, in all times. Still these are just my thoughts.

Practically every weapon in warcraft is an amazing way to get a herniated disc.


What do you mean weapons, have you seen shoulder pads. How do we even survive wearing them? Some of them consist of giant flaming spikes. If I did a jumping jack I’d simultaneously impale and roast my brain


They can give more attention to that if they work on High Elves, my idea is that in a part of the recruitment scenario the player character is called to help a group the High Elves to execute a ritual that ceases their connection to the Sunwell and took away their necessity from it. This is taking the statement of “The Blood Elves and the High Elves have a different way to connect to the Sunwell” and evolving it to “Only the Blood Elves are connected to the Sunwell, the High Elves no longer are in need of it and they wanted it to be that way”.

All of that is in the lines to distinct them even further from the Blood Elves.


How Demon Hunters don’t cut themselves with their Warglaives.

Its not just the player characters too- have you seen the Hunter Order Hall mount? The Dire Wolfhawk?

They have spiked shoulderguards. Whenever they flap their wings they impale themselves. Every time I use mine and I view the camera from the front all I can think of is-

Shlick… shlick… shlick… shlick… shlick…


Someone mentioned mounts and I was thinking, “Yeah my Teldressil hippogryph has butt spikes.”

But the thing is, from a body mechanics perspective, other than impaling yourself, burning yourself or getting corrupted by your fel-glowing shoulders they’re mostly just providing a compressive force to your body… you know. The five hundred pound ones.

So that does increase your risk of disc compression, but it’s really trunk flexion that would be a concern there… Like… bowing. You type /bow and your character is really opening himself/herself up to a world of hurt. The idea that you could do ballistic motions like running, or jumping with that kind of weight is insane though. (I picked that video because it’s got a good narrator and isn’t as horrific as some others where quad muscles tear from the tibial tuberosity, etc.)

Anyways. I digress.


Woah… hold up… but spikes? Okay who let the Orc in on that design?

Carrying all that weight on our shoulders I’m surprised we are not all the heighth of a Gnome… oh my maybe that’s what really happened to them.


I’m afraid that onomatopoeia doesn’t mean what you think it means.


How would you describe knife-like spikes effortlessly… making… stabbing… motions. Repeatedly.

You have no idea how many times I had to revise that sentence. And its still wrong.

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I think marvel coined snikt for it.

I was like, “This Gnome is from Moonguard.”


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I would have just pointed to the not our purple elves quest, in which the game literally calls them purple elves. But yeah, that works too.


My headcannon has blood elves slurping flasks of sunwell juice when people turn their backs like drunks at work, but that’s just my take on it. They really haven’t explained enough on how the sunwell works.


Trying to hide the Sun with your tumb is not how lore works, dude. Highvale is the typical case of lore made in a leveling zone without taking into account the actual canon -and Blizz are experts at forgetting their own lore-. I literally quoted you the source, your “nuuh!!! me don´t wanna accept and will believe in muh headcanon!!!” IS one reason to frankly overlook your input.

You are just as bad as the current devs, destroying entire parts of the lore because “MUH RULE OF KEWWWL!!”. Come back to suggest something when you at least show yourself more aware and mature than them.

Says who? Haven´t you thought that mayve someone like Aszhara actively bounded it for herself and her favs? She lorewise has the power to pull something like that.

You people just complain about it cause then your nice little theory of Helves not being just as much addicts as Belves turns to dust. Stop trying to handwave lore AND actually look at it like a chance to develop your own lore.

The RPG stuff about Helves overcoming addiction with meditation is NOT canon anymore. Under the scenario the dear Orc proposes, all elves end up as blueberry long eared loony toons. With the modifications I suggest (ergo, to destroy the fount before it actually becomes a void infested beacon), you guys have a chance to make the old RPG a REALITY (with no Sunwell, maybe this time around Helves could actually have a chance at trying meditation to cure themselves in canon).

Like a gargantuan Chernobyl with no concrete shell and with the power to cross the Great Dark Beyond… I suppose it works like the radiation from an IRL Neutron Star or Supernova (those take a while but their gamma rays DO cross ALL space-time eventually).


Well, considering space is expanding faster than lightspeed, I don’t think so…


To be fair, the Highvale merely prohibited the practice of magic. There’s never been any lore that I am aware of stating they cut themselves off from the Sunwell. The only time something like that happened was when Dar’khan Drathir cut the Magisters off from the Sunwell so that the Ban’dinoriel was lowered and Arthas could swarm through Silvermoon City.

Whether an elf practices magic or not, if they’re Thalassian (and not a Void Elf), they are connected to the Sunwell and their magic addiction is sustained passively through it. Blood Elves will empower themselves through this connection. High Elves do not. That’s about the jist of the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves where the Sunwell is concerned, and also why we don’t see any High Elves with Gold Eyes.


No, it’s not. It was confirmed in the Warcraft Encyclopedia during TBC, making it canon. Also, there’s the highvale forsaking magic entirely in a comic.


Because when they where exiled away from them they couldn’t use them anymore.

That’s why High Elve had to make the Sunwell in the first place.

Now if the Sunwell is special in some place that’s an exception but it’s just the writers being inconsistent over the years.

That’s already established by the lore stating that mana tap made their hunger worse.

The rest of your post is just off topic griping that has nothing to do with what I was talking about…