The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread


Why are we bringing up old arguments about the Sunwell again? It’s too late in the evening for this


There’s an entire community of High Elves that don’t practice magic anymore because they know it’s addictive to their race.

Until the Quel’Lithien Lodge incident, only Blood Elves had become wretched I believe - and in the Quel’Lithien’s case there was some mysterious magical object involved.

So yeah, I’d say High Elves are at the very least more responsible with their magic addiction than Blood Elves.


Dude, the rays do cross it. Nothing prevents it (yes, the space-time seems to go ahead of the rays thanks to Dark Energy on the math equations, but nothing says the rays will stop traveling anytime soon)

Aurora didnÂŽt empower herself and she was bathed by the magical energies just the same. ItÂŽs not about sucking arcane/light juice from it, is about mere game mechanics.

High elf NPCs donÂŽt have golden eyes because devs still believe weÂŽre children unable to distinguish which factions a toon belong to. Under canon lore ALL the High Elves in Outland should have developed fel green eyes; but they arenÂŽt portrayed as such IN GAME to facilitate differentiation by the playerbase (why do you think that NPC in Allerian Stronghold does have to make the distinction to the ally player sheÂŽs no Belf? Cause canon wise, she probably looks exactly like a Belf).

Helves should start to develop Golden Eyes too
 after all is passive irradiation (unless lore comes to tell us they purposely binded themselves to another magical source like Velves).

Put the quite, cause so far the only thing IÂŽve seen is in regards to abstinence. The meditation is sourced as RPG.

I repeat: says who? Aszhara had quite the tight control over the Well of Eternity, and we know magical founts can be bound to particular individuals.

Sunwell was never bound to the mage cast of the Highborne turned Helves, it was made free for all and that was the reason they had to put magical safes to prevent the Legion from learning it was just there in EK. It was centuries of “free for all” irradiation with no temperate Cult of Elune to control this.

Irrelevant, addiction gradient is not absence of addiction. High elves ARE arcane junkies too. Still are and still will be if the Sunwell gets turned off. Again, Aurora Skycaller dialogue which is word for word the testimony of a junkie getting a fix (for the love of God, you are the Helf fans!! how is that you donÂŽt remember basic stuff like that?)

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Because for some reason complaining about the inconsistency in writing results in a completely unrelated topic about us supposedly writing our own lore or something


I mean, what’s canon is canon. As silly as it may be to some people.

You guys were just expressing your opinion on the matter. It’s not like you were you demanding Blizzard to change the lore.

I mean, last I checked we’re here for high elves, right?



The point is they both suffered the addiction and took different paths to treat it, not that they didn’t suffer addiction.

Then why did the Sunwell ever get made in the first place if they didn’t need it?

And again. What does this have to do with anything I was talking about?

You’re literally getting mad over nothing and making arguments out of nowhere.

I don’t know why they’re doing this.

I never tried to make up anything I was just upset that Blizzard lacked consistency at times.

Guess that made them angry? I have no idea.

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Didn’t they say in the stream that Blood Elves get their Golden Eyes by having their Fel taint purified by the Sunwell? If so, since High Elves have nothing to purify, no reason to get Golden Eyes. Or Glowy eyes at all.


Hmm, you are right. Hazy memories on my part. Thought I’d argue that meditation can help with the abstinence part, since, as the encyclopedia says: Indeed, a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower. I’d say meditation is a way to endure such trials.


There’s still a difference between being passively sustained by the Sunwell, and actively drawing upon it to empower yourself. Blood Knights and Magisters are examples of actively drawing upon the Sunwell to empower themselves. It’s how Blood Knights wield the Light at all.

By contrast, High Elves are passively sustained by the Sunwell. We have no lore anywhere stating that, since it’s return, they empower themselves with it.

This is the important distinction, even if it doesn’t seem like a significant one. The two groups have a different relationship with the Sunwell.


ariel :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

And really, to add to this, there’s nothing vital about the High Elves being connected to the Sunwell. If Blizzard decided they wanted to write into the narrative that ever since TBC the High Elves have felt the Sunwell less and less due to no longer living right next to it, essentially weaning themselves off of being sustained by its energies, it wouldn’t have any real or significant impact on current events or lore. The High Elves’ relationship with the Sunwell is minimal significance and zero real consequence.


It’s the, “Are we the baddies?” conundrum.

The Blood Elves adopted a less moral solution in regards to dealing with magical addiction.

So if High Elves are made playable and your High Elf stands next to a Blood Elf, one of the two Elves didn’t do bad things to get over mana addiction.

I always personally thought being a Blood Elf was about owning that bit of lore though.


I not only do bad things, I am a bad thing. Smokes some blood thistle because I can and mana taps Nyshant. Because being a void nut Rommath has a conniption whenever she tries tapping the well.

But I agree I always saw Blood Elves as willing to do practically anything to alleviate their hunger for magic. Whether they be acceptable or not, didn’t much matter to them.


I always likened the divide over the whole mana issue to be principles vs pragmatism. Which you can use as a basis to inform all kinds of personality/behaviour traits.


:purple_heart: :black_heart: :blue_heart:


Only worry I have for if San’layn and High Elf happens is if the devs make some crazy unnecessary backstory to have them in the game instead of something simple, organic, and easy.

It’s not entirely without precedent. Draenei, Worgen, and Void Elves all came with unnecessary backstory changes to justify them being playable and the devs really didn’t need to go as far as they did to have such concepts. I could go further but it would derail the thread, so I will just say that in the case of Void Elves they really should have just been Alleria’s followers in Outland, the ones that were in Allerian Stronghold, captured and Void-corrupted by an ethereal while they were on a mission with her, and becoming staunch Alliance loyalist shadow elves. The only Silver Covenant member that should be a Void Elf should have been that Summoner Nolric guy to go along with them.

Now for High Elves, I would worry Blizzard would create some weirdly unnecessary background lore that just kinda be silly and superfluous writing. I hope that doesn’t happen, but it’s very much a possibility considering the trend they’ve set with other races.


I suppose the one mitigating factor is that High Elves are kind of just
already around doing their thing and helping the Alliance, so the simplest way to add them is to more or less pull a Dark Iron Dwarves style recruitment where you just kind of go to them and say ‘So, we want you to join the Alliance officially. Cool? Cool.’ and that’s it.

There’s 100% the risk of the writers pulling something out of left field though. I hope they don’t, but the possibility is there, it’s true.

Unfortunately it’s not really something we can control, though. I think worrying about that is slightly putting the cart before the horse, too - just getting so far as Blizzard deciding to make them an Allied Race should be the main concern/focus/goal right now.

That being said, it’s always good to discuss narrative ideas and whatnot. I’m always down for that. :yum:


I think worgen was well done. Their starting area is very good and has all the lore that is needed to get behind them, and it wasn’t far-fetched, as people were theorizing that Gilneas was taken by the worgen way back in Vanilla. The big mistake with worgen was to ignore them and treat them like furry night elves once we got out of their starting zone.

But yeah, draenei and void elves were both messes. Amazing how Alliance always ends up with the behind-spawned ideas.