The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Wyrmrest is good. It’s got a good roleplayer community.

Moon Guard can be skeezy because of Elwynn, but I’m sure they’ve got good roleplay groups. Haven’t been there in forever.

Last time I was on Emerald Dream it was still an RP-PVP realm. Not sure how it’s changed since then.

I don’t RP a whole lot. People on RP realms tend to be nicer and they don’t have bizarre names (as frequently) so it’s just a better experience.


Also I just assumed that Dalaran was an RP realm because you were on it. That’s funny. I didn’t investigate it or anything.

Thank you both, this is very useful, although i don’t feel much confident, i’m not the most social person, especially to engage in a RP way.

I still doubt that is how the sunwell works. It makes no sense that every thalassian elf forcibly has to be connected to it at all times. If anything the highvale elves are proof the connection can be servered.

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When i brought Legion i picked it to use my 100 character boost because it had a large Alliance population and it said “New Players”, guess i’m kinda stuck in here now, at least it got a nice name.

I’ve commented this before. Unfortunately, it’s current canon that all thalassians are somehow linked to the Sunwell.

One can assume that void elves have severed that link, but it’s not confirmed. The annoyed NPCs say on-click: “Remember the Sunwell? Please, I am so over it!”, which may indicate it’s true.

That could potentially be a reason other elves turn to the void elves: to be free of the tether that makes them “hostages” to Silvermoon. The Void does have a theme of freedom being hinted in it. If you want to risk madness, that is.

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Not really. The Highvale are sustained by it now as well. Every Thalassian Elf has a connection, with the exception of Void Elves, and they were physically and metaphysically transformed by an Ethereal.


Maybe not EVERY Thalassian Elf has a connection. I doubt the ones in Outland or Alleria were connected while they were disconnected on Outland and wherever Alleria was adventuring for all those years.


I don’t know to be honest. I think in the Second War novels it was touched up on a bit. Something about the Dark Portal extending the effects of the Sunwell to Draenor.

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Didn’t the dark portal get destroyed at the end of the Second War though?

My memories are kinda fuzzy…

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You know… I really don’t know anymore. I mean, that’s what happened in WC2, but then in WoW the Azeroth-side Dark Portal was standing, and on the Outland side it’s Dark Portal was standing, so… maybe it was just non-functional?

I do think the High Elves in Outland were cut off from the Sunwell though.

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I’ll have to go look it up. I’m legit curious now.

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Not sure if this helps any

The Sunwell’s power has no physical limits or boundaries. An elf bound to its energies would be so no matter how far away they went from it.[7] Its energies are available to be drawn upon from anywhere in the cosmos[22] and even alternate realities as evidenced by the Sunsworn forces on the alternate Draenor.


which makes no sense whatsoever. magic can’t even explain how that is possible.

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Well, actually it does quite a bit. It’s a bit far-fetched, but it’s canon, and you can’t really argue with canon.

Sorry man, she’s in the right and has the sources to back it up. It doesn’t really matter that it doesn’t make sense. It’s canon. Can’t really do anything about it unless they decide to retcon it later.


My assumption is that the connection that Thalassian Elves have with the Sunwell bypasses space/time, which isn’t so unreasonable when you think about it. I think the easiest way to think about it is that the connect functions like a portal.


Never forget:

"5) I understand if you’re upset. You have a right to be, I am too. Make your voices heard in all aspects as it continues for WoW. I’ve been on the other side and seen how loud you guys can be, trust me when I say they can’t ignore it and it does cause change. "


These are my thought, these are only my thought and do not represent the thoughts of others.

Most perceive what they see as what it actually is. A person seeing a polymorphed sheep. Unless they know it’s actually a man they will think it’s a sheep. It looks like a sheep, walks like a sheep, baaaaaaas like a sheep, it’s a sheep.

I think the same can be said for the Sunwell, our eyes show it as a great fountain of Holy and arcane magic, which it is. Yet I believe it is also something more. I think it’s also a cosmic phenomenon, that ripples throughout all of space and time.

its magic :wink:

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I mean, we ARE talking about a fictional universe here- no matter how much they try to fix it to reality, it is fiction.

People shoot fire, ice, and demonic skulls from their fingertips like its nothing at all. Little people that come up to an average person’s knee can dual wield gigantic metal planks that in real life would even cause the most muscular man trouble. Shapeshifting into animals. Turning into trees. Growing trees that mature in seconds. Floating cities powered by magic. People that can and have lived for over a millennia.

I mean, does it really sound all that crazy when you put it in perspective?