The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

That could work, but I think the best pairing to go with Wildhammer are Forest Trolls. Especially if both allied races are physically different from their counterpart races, you could have leaner Wildhammer Dwarves like they were described in one of the novels and beefier Forest Trolls like that one boss in Throne of Thunder.

Personally, I like either Furbolg or Vrykul as a pairing with Ogre because both are large, hulking barbarian races that can make a cool rival for Ogres. Vrykul would probably be more symbolically fitting because they are a distant relative to Humans much like how Ogres are distant relatives to Orcs.


Things would have been fine if High Elves were made playable along with the San’layn while making the Nightborne neutral. But nope.

2 Blueberry Elves. One that has a bad reason to join the horde while abandoning the alliance players that helped them. Other one is still a Terrible excuse of generic, dull blueberry elf race that I never really want to see no blueberry elf race again within the Alliance.

Also doesn’t help the fact that devs can’t think of anything original for their skin color. Its just Blue, Blue, Blue, Purple, Purple, Purple. Color Scheme is getting really old to a point where I just gave up on all Elves. Only Elf race that I have played are blood elves even then I’m starting to lose my passion and energy on them since almost half of the Anti High Elf Crowd that toxic entitled horde players and those who still play on the Alliance with their Void Elves and such.

What Ion Hazzikostas and rest of the WoW Devs have lost is the people that were willing to give them money for playable High Elves and they lost a fortunate really hard.

I mean if I wanted to be Sick, Evil, Blood sucking Hollow. I would go for San’layn than Void Elves anyday. If I wanted to be a True Wood Elf/Snow Elf Ranger I would play as the True Original Color Skin race that is High Elves. Not Blood Elves nor Void Elves


Recovers from the previous post of possible emotes, only to die all over again from this one
Also manages to flip hair before expiring amidst a set of truly epic giggles


Continuing on from my previous post where I tried to differentiate High and Blood Elves based on skin tone alone, I managed to find some time to apply a tattoo design based on a few fan art pieces to the model. I also went with a subtle warpaint for the face for now ( I could have painted half of it, but I think showing that even subtle markings make a world of difference.

Other minor changes so far include some slight restructuring of the face, and changing the face textures as well as changing the eyebrow/browline shape slightly.

Just as a side note, but asymmetrical body tattoo designs are a no-go due to the way Blizzard mapped the texture on the model. Facial design can be asymmetrical, though.

At this point the differences between the models are at about Lightforged Draenei levels, yet I think already it’s more easy to distinguish between these two than LFD and normal Draenei. That might just be my opinion though. The next thing I’ll probably do is a new stance.


Linking the image so everyone can see without copying/pasting


Thanks, Alamara. Appreciate it.

I think the restructuring of the face alone makes a large difference in the two models. Although there will be those that if you put an Ogre model, next to a Gnome model, Mark one as a High Elf, and the other a Blood Elf, they would swear that there was no differences between the two.

The tattoos also help to set the two models apart. You are doing a very nice job, I cannot wait to see the final product.


This is EXACTLY how it works, lorewise it was the reason Kael’thas had to destroy it (I mean just like you elves raised the possibility of leaving it behind, but the research conducted on the Sunwell showed the elves were biologicaly tied to it
 Had they left it as it was after the bath Kel’thuzad took on it, all would have ended up undead).

With void the reaction is WORSE (maybe cause of the light component present currently).

prove it. I highly doubt the connection to the well is forced.

Quel’thalas IS NOT in Azeroth’s map. It is in Outland’s. With Outland’s technology. With mirrors as buildings and entire zones full of invisible walls that make flying impossible. Frankly even easier would be to leave it as an scenario and leave the zone untouched as it is now.

For people supposedly interested, you guys are awfully misinformed.

Quel’thalas/Myst Isles being in their own servers make no difference for a Warfront. Blizzard can still apply phasing, and the phased zones do not need to be flyable at all. The reason they are not flyable is simple: Silvermoon is full of cardboard buildings that would take a lot of work to turn into real 3D assets. Ghostlands could be flyable, but flying would reveal the southern part of the zone is not linked to the rest of the continent.

However, Myst Isles support flying pretty easy because Exodar is underground and the area are islands not directly linked to the continent. Blizzard chose to maintain the islands as non-flyable because there’s no doubt people would complain that the Alliance was favored while the Horde was screwed.

Phasing tech can be applied to Outland without problem. Simple mob phasing was already used on both Silvermoon and Outland for some quests, while terrain phasing is just about making alternate sections of the map and the game client decides which version is used when you zone in.

TLDR: Phasing is perfectly doable in TBC content. They do not need to make the areas flyable for it to work either.


Actually, I think it would make things even easier. Keep the original instances and make a new one for 120+ players. Talk to dragon npc in EPL to enter the old instance. No need for even using phasing.


I’ve thought about it, but there’s a problem there: if they want to change only a portion of the map (like only Eversong Forest), then phasing works best. Making a separate copy of the zone would require to either put arbitrary walls to confine players to that area or populate the other areas around it with mobs, which takes a lot of work.

If they ever revamp those areas completely, thought, copying them would be an interesting option, allowing people to still visit the old versions.

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Realistically, any sort of revamped area is going to be a ‘from the ground up’ job anyway, since all of the prop to build the area would be replaced by newer assets anyway. At the most they’d probably copy and paste the terrain mesh, but that’s about it.

(Seriously, I don’t envy the level designers for some of the stuff they have to make. It’s a ton of work to build a zone. And a Silvermoon Warfront of Quel’Thalas update would be an enormous amount of work tbh. Either way, not something I’d want to do for a living.)

That said, there’s a multitude of different options - many of which they didn’t have or didn’t think of back in TBC - to tie any newer version to the overworld rather than just a phase gate. It’s one option, but not the only option.

Maybe I just want balls to the wall insanity. Blood elves allying with the Amani in a desperate bid to fend off the Alliance. Meanwhile Alliance are laying siege from all sides with he void elves sewing chaos and bringing mass defection to decimate Silvermoon’s ranks.

With pleasure

From: “Blood of the Highborne”, position 6368 (85%), Kindle version:

Kael®thas voice, clear and commanding, proclaimed, “I have been to the Sunwell!”
The crowd fell silent.
LorÂŽthemar suddenly understood at least part of what the prince had been up to when he had dissapeared for hours at a time; he had teleported to the Sunwell and back.
Kael®thas continued. “I have sampled its energies. And my suspicions, and the suspicions of my magisters, have been confirmed. The Sunwell has been fouled, defiled; its energies contaminated by necromancy. The undead have flocked to Quel®Danas, drawn to the ancient fount like like moths to a flame. And the same energy taht calls to them, the same power that continues to pervade our beings, will spread throughout what is left of our kingdom
 throughout the land itself, infecting, corrupting, poisoning with its all-consuming evil.”
Someone from the crowd shouted,
“So we should leave! Get as far away from it as we can! There is nothing here for us anyway!”
"The Sunwell suffuses us no matter where in this world we may be. We cannot outrun it or outdistance it. Our reality is this: we must make our stand here, now, or risk losing everything!"
“We have already lost everything!” a young female countered.
“No! You have your lives. And while we have our lives, we also have this land. This is still our home. We can rebuild! But not with the Sunwell®s threat looming over us.”

There it was
 you got your answer. Also, Mr. Pro-playable Helves, do check again on Aurora Skycaller®s dialogue in “In the Shadow of the Sun”. That®s another proof.


I miss First Mate Wavesinger and the other NPCs of the Bravery, since War of Thorns they removed it for phasing issues :confused: , sure the portal is faster, but i miss waiting for the boat in the docs, to /flex to Saillor Wills, and the feeling of taking a long journey. The first thing i did with this character was actually take the Bravery to quest in Darkshore.


Aww. :purple_heart:

I always felt that i should play on a roleplay realm. By the way, for you people that do, which one is the better, Moon Guard, Emerald Dream or Wyrmest Accord?

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Moon Guard has a higher Alliance population and less emphasis on guilds. You can be unguilded and walk around a city and stumble in RP easily enough, you just need to be confident enough to engage. It’s downside is a smaller Horde population and, of course, Goldshire.

Wyrmrest Accord is supposedly more Guild-focused, though I’ve seen a fair bit of unguilded RP as well. It has a higher Horde population and a smaller Alliance once.

I’m not sure about Emerald Dream to be honest. I rarely hear it brought up.

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