The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I find that logic flawed. The Alliance has a fair number of “pretty” races (at least insofar as females are concerned). Heck we now have Void Elves which are quite nice looking. Does she believe that Blood Elves are just so beautiful that if the Alliance had anything comparable that a significant number of Blood Elf players would jump ship, giving up their good racials, superior raiding scene and mythic+ pool just to be “pretty” on the “good guys” team? If that’s the case then why didn’t Void Elves cause a mass exodus? Or a minor Exodus?

I mean maybe some people jumped ship for Void Elves but the number has to be so vanishingly small as to be inconsequential. I just don’t see the logic that having something that might look similar to blood elves on the Alliance side, will cause a large number of players to uproot themselves from where they are established and have the benefits of higher population and more active endgame scene just for something that looks similar to what they already have on a side that has a smaller population, less active raiding and what some say are still less powerful racials (I personally believe the racials are all in an ok place these days myself).

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When will you guys learn to not reply to Fyrebusche or Starlagosa? They are after your attention.

On the whole Silvermoon Warfront thing, people are overreacting to that. This thread is huge and usually branches off into tangential topics. Sometimes we spend time discussing void elves. Sometimes we get to talk about blood elf lore. We just spent a lot of messages early today on the Purge of Dalaran.

Silvermoon warfront is just one of the many tangential topics this thread has. It has little to do with turning high elves playable, it’s speculation based on the possible directions the current expansion may take.

The overreaction towards it is silly. Now I imagine how they’ll react if the speculation ends up being close to the truth. Will they come here and blame us for influencing Blizzard’s ideas?

Don’t laugh. I did see pissed blood elf fans cursing void elves and saying they were our fault when they were announced.


With the hope from some of you that Void Elves will get a non-voidy look, yes you will be getting an even more Blood Elf look-a-like than you already have. Anyone in this group wanting that option is asking for a carbon copy of Blood Elves.

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Void Elves were literally Blood Elves just couple months ago, High Elves are living separate from Blood elves since they start doing things that are changing them over time.

The model used in game doesn’t exactly reflect what High Elves are.

While Blood Elves have been corrupted by the fel, holy light, and also doing things with blood magic since Throne of Thunder, the High Elves are avoiding magic addiction, living in a different environment and also diminishing their bloodline with humans.

That’s pretty clear for anyone that High Elf model doesnt reflect what they’re now. I have posted about it in the past.

Blood Elf before their introduction in BC, were literally carbon copies of Night Elves:


Fyrebusche you got your hair did. :blue_heart:

thats like saying humans who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are somehow a different species or culture compared to the vast majority who arent addicted to such things. and not every single blood elf tapped fel

you can have 3rd generation half elves. which are barely distinguishable from normal humans. blood elves own the monopoly on fair skinned elves anything else is stealing from us


Panda’s are on both sides and Shal’dorei look like Kal’dorei.

I know you won’t agree and that’s fine.

What I’m saying is that looking exactly the same isn’t a deal breaker.


Well Blizzard actually mentioned that as a possibility.

So you better hope High Elves get added with new distinguishing features because if they just make Void Elves look more like Blood Elves then you would have lost everything you where fighting for.

Literal Blue Eyed Blood Elves on the Alliance with the same exact lore and themes aside from some Void Stuff.

And High Elf fans would still not be happy.

Shame a good majority of the Anti-High Elf people are pushing this suggestion.


Though, they don’t seem particularly worried about Void Elves getting High Elf Customization…

Which means that they may be lying about that, 'Blood Elves and High Elves are the same" bit.

I have a presumption of their concern now:


Blizzard can do better than that, they can make a new fair skinned Elf that aren’t a Blood Elf copy, just like the Nightborne are purple skinned elves that are different enough from Night Elves.

Blizzard can give High Elves a new model following the same rules of the Nightborne, replacing all older High Elf NPC’s ingame and be done with it. I think they must do it ASAP, just to help with this whole toxicity that are among those who want a High Elf playable race, and those who wont.

I don’t think you guys are wrong for being against Alliance receiving a carbon copy of Blood Elves. That’s why I keep saying that High Elves must receive the same treatment that Nightborne had.


the problem with that comparison is nightborne are biologically and culturally different. where as high elves/blood elves are not culturally/biologically different only politically :thinking:

thats the only difference. they didnt want to sever ties with the alliance

Panda’s are only politically different.

High Elves are culturally different. They don’t have blood knights. Didn’t do that draining energy from cute critters, fel crystals, The Naaru bit. Don’t live in Silvermoon. They hang out with Dwarves, some don’t practice magic, etc. etc.

Kal’dorei and Shal’dorei aren’t biologically different they’re cosmologically different and so are Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei. Quel’dorei are running low on arcane magic. Blood Elves are a little bit of arcane with arcane and holy thrown in.


these are basically just hobbies. tapping magic can be compared to smoking ciggs. idk how that implies a different culture. they dont have alot of things besides blood knights, like a significant army or a kingdom backing them. they bring nothing to the alliance. they are literally just a few NPC elves that decided to stay with the alliance and blizzard agrees with that narrative. thats why they gave alliance void elves

Even though that video is a joke I think there is a lot of truth to it…

Lydon is talking about how new Blood Elves would have never mana tapped things because the skill doesn’t exist. Obviously this is incredibly poor logic because your mature Blood Elf didn’t just spring into being suddenly. (Well he did. But that’s not how the Lore works.)

But we heard it earlier tonight too, “People choose the good guys over the bad guys.”

I think that there is this idea that playable High Elves means you choose between the Good Elves or the Bad Elves…

So I guess that’s a real concern out there. Personally I like the character of the Blood Elves and I don’t think their actions should be reduced to black and white in that manner.

At the same time. It’s the same fallacy. Quel’dorei exist right now. They just aren’t playable.


Sorry, but the Elves of Warcraft pretty much look based in the type of magic they use:





This is something that I will never agree. If the Horde can have a playable purple skinned elf, the Alliance should be allowed to have one playable fair skinned elf also. Your logic is complete flawed.


the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

  • The Blood Elves whole redemption arc makes them a different culture from the High Elves.

we didnt get purple. and you got void elves

if i wanted a tall purple elf id just play night elf

Fyre… I’ve been wondering this for awhile…

How old are you? (Also are you Shadows?)


Blood Elves and High Elves have a differente culture now.

While Blood Elves have been corrupted by the fel, holy light, and also doing things with blood magic since Throne of Thunder, the High Elves are avoiding magic addiction, living in a different environment and also diminishing their bloodline with humans.

Blizzard just need to change the High Elf model to reflect those distinctions.


I think you should do a colorblind exam, because Nightborne and Night Elves share the same color pallete, Nightborne is only a little bit more vibrant, High Elves can follow this rule by being less vibrant than Blood Elves.