this is all true. A ghostlands warfront would be the perfect time to give the blood elves some spotlight. Leading up to the warfront itself they would either have quests involving the area in the war campaign or they would get their own independent questline like darkshore had.
I want to see quel’thelas updated to modern standards. I want to see the ghostlands finally healing and not overrun with undead. Tranquillien could be a flourishing trade hub. We would see properly the might of the blood elf military. We would also get access to some sorely needed armor sets and weapons looks at spellbreakers and the new blood knights
Do Blood Elf players really think that Lor’themar shouting that the Arcane Sanctum being completed as Anima Golems smash against the enemy gate and you train Spellbreakers to follow you wouldn’t be awesome?
I asked her this, I asked her to explain to me, this misconstrued notion, that Playable High Elves would Ruin the Blood Elf Player base.
This was her answer.
High Elf supporters will say that most Blood Elf Players aren’t going to bother pay g for a faction change. They might be right, but there will be those that do. However it isn’t about Characters made it’s about characters played. All these Blood Elf players don’t need to switch, it will still effect the Blood Elf player base when they stop playing. If you go to realm pop, and look at all the characters from 1-120 theirs more alliance characters made than horde. Yet when you just look at the 120 bracket there’s more horde. Why is this? Because characters made don’t equal characters played.
She then went on to explain that it isn’t only about how it will effect the existence of the present player base but how it will effect the future player base for both Blood Elves and the Horde in general.
Her point of view.
First most people that pick up the game to play it now, probably know nothing of the lore, considering how old it is. Most are just people who are fans of rpgs and the fantasy genre in general. They come to the game from other rpgs, from table top role playing games and fantasy movies. Most of these there’s usually the stigma of Humans, Dwarfs, Pale skinned pretty Elves, and your token little race are on the good side. Orcs, goblins, undead, and other monstrous races are on the bad side.
Second like it or not most people are fickle, most are going to choose the pretty race over the ugly race and the good guys over the bad guys. Blizzard broke convention by giving the pale skinned pretty Elves to the evil faction. Suddenly new players that wanted to play them were forced to chose. Do I play the token Fantasy Elf or do I play the good guy. Pale skin pretty Elves being one of the most popular fantasy character to play along side humans, gave the horde a better chance at getting new players. If you give the people the choice to play the prettiest race on the good guy side, why would they chose to play Horde? The reason the Horde was given the Blood Elves was so those fickle looks matter players would have a reason to choose them. Playable High Elves would mean that 7 out of ten players if not more would always choose to play alliance.
The Fallacy is, in discussing new arrivals to the game deciding to play High Elves over Blood Elves, they completely forget that Allied Races are rep locked, and therefor new players to the game won’t be able to even make a High Elf until they’ve unlocked that Allied Race.
I can understand her concerns, but I don’t agree with them. Personally I’ll be curious to see how the player population is affected by the addition of Zandalari. The Alliance is already fewer in numbers than the Horde, after all, and Zandalari are turning out incredibly popular.
I was halfway typing my response when Vexander posted his. Yeah pretty much my thoughts exactly.
Blood elves are available from the start for new players. High elves will be gated behind a rep wall, so new players won’t have access.
In order to play as a High elf you would need to spend a considerable time on the Alliance rep grinding- and if your’e playing a blood elf… you’re not doing that.
I think people under estimate how popular the Horde is.
People are over-estimating Quel’dorei as well.
Any allied race can have the effect that she’s worried about. There was a chance for both Shal’dorei or Ren’dorei to have this effect.
What about San’layn? Everybody wants them for the Horde. People like Vampires.
They’re not just a threat to the Void Elf/Night Elf/Alliance population. They’re a threat to the Blood Elf population…
But I think the reality is, and my hope is, that people actually want to play Blood Elves… and if they don’t want to play Blood Elves, then “Trapping” players as Blood Elves doesn’t make a lot of sense.
There is also that whole, “We don’t want pale elves on the Alliance because it’ll make us feel less special.” what’s so special about playing the most played race on the Horde? Less Blood Elves, which isn’t even likely, makes you more special. not less special.
We talked further about the very points that you three bring up. I also pointed out to her that players should be able to chose, and not be forced into a faction based on their preferences. I was glad however that she took the time to actually try and explain her worries, which I’ve noticed most just say it will ruin them then say nothing else.
She started seeing some of what I was trying to say. Then she logged in read about the Silvermoon warfront idea and completely lost it.
I also think that people that are against playable High Elves don’t ask themselves the question: So what?
So all the Blood Elf Players go to the Alliance. Ok. So what? Your Blood Elf is fine. It’s not like the Orc or Troll players are going anywhere. There are still Hordies.
It’s not the end of the world. It’s an insanely small chance in the first place and if it did happen… Yeah? Great. It’ll be fine.
I’m really sorry its upsetting her. I wish there was something that could be done to calm her down.
I mean, its still all speculation at this point. We don’t know if it’s even gonna happen. They’ve claimed things in the past that have never come into fruition.
thank you Bladinas, she just needs some time off of the forums to calm down.
I mean there’s nothing wrong with speculation, the entirety of this thread is based on it. Although I do sincerely hope that High Elves are one day playable on the Alliance side. Would I unlock and play one? why yes i would, However my Blood Elf Hunter will always be my main. This Character would most likely be faction changed as it plays better into her RP story.
I know the feeling. I’m a pretty introverted person, so I tire of conversations quickly- even ones that I enjoy.
I feel like I have a “stamina meter” when dealing with people, and more argumentative/problematic people drain it pretty quickly. I can get pretty irritable when my stamina is gone, so I tend to leave before that happens.
I hope she feels better. I don’t think any of us here mean her any harm or intentionally tried to upset her.
Sorry I’m late to answering this I’m working on dinner as a type this.
As mentioned before, you would not have a “Choice” of High Elf or Blood Elf. You have to grind rep and do intro quest after you maxed out a character.
“Pretty” is subjective. I find Night Elves more attractive and Void Elves slightly more attractive then Blood Elves.
The Horde also has the option of more “Pretty” races lately, including a close copy of our Dark Mysterious Elves. They have both options of Dark and ‘Standard’ Elves.
A lot of the reasons Blood Elves are popular has nothing to do with their looks directly. They are the only Demon Hunter option on the Horde, as well as the only one of 2 (soon 3) Paladin options and their racels have been amazing for the last 2 expansions.
Just because you have the option to play another race doesn’t mean you quit one you already have. I actually might make another Blood Elf if time lets me so I can get the fire mage artifact and be a sort of spell breaker.
Blood Elves (and all other races) aren’t necessarily defined by their looks. Blood Elves where literally the darkest race in the Horde next to the Forsaken when they where added. (Though that’s been whitewashed) Thus never fitting the stereotypical Elf archetype anyway.
Also Horde/Alliance is not so much good guys vs bad guys (Despite the Villain Bat falling on the Horde) but more about conflicting ideals.
If Horde get Vulpra they will have more ‘cute’ options then Alliance. But that’s not going to be a major game changer unless people really like Vulpra for Vulpra.
And a controversial opinion, Allied Races should be made for people who would want to play them. Not for people who don’t.
That’s about all the thoughts and points I can think of.
the majority of that race are now blood elves and have joined the horde. and the elves were never core allies. they would only ever support the alliance with small token armies
stop trying to belittle the sanctity of quelthalas and the blood elves by asking for blizzard to copy paste our race for the alliance. yes alliance has a few elves among them but the fact is 9/10 of all high elves are now blood elves and giving them to alliance would be an insult to blood elves