Go to Suramar and eat the magical fruit that removes mana addiction?
Though, with their Lightwashing thing going on, truly getting rid of the Sunwell seems out of question…
Go to Suramar and eat the magical fruit that removes mana addiction?
Though, with their Lightwashing thing going on, truly getting rid of the Sunwell seems out of question…
But you did just invent a new elf race.
Though… theoretically… they’d just turn into whatever the Nightborne are going to turn into eventually. Night Elf guy says it’ll be awhile before they become fruit elves.
aye. That is how id imagine things to be. It would be absurd to think all of a faction’s bases and hubs just be ripped out of the continent.
Just the major places that could obviously be used to gather and supply an army such as cities.
The horde for instance would still have stonard, its bases in stranglethorn, the dragonmaw and reventusk tribe villages.
The alliance could have the rebuilt auberdine with the warfronts being concluded. lor’danel would still be in ruins.
Ashenvale for the most part belong to the horde. Astranaar would be in ruins. Places such as the silverwing hold and perhaps that draenei settlement would still be active.
For the rest of kalimdor it is really up in the air. We will have to wait and see what changes are made with a barrens warfront if/when they add it.
although my theory pretty much leaves them both in ruin I would prefer both the myst isles and quel’thelas to be restored and placed in the old world.
No longer separated from the actual open world. People say it would be a lot of work but really it is mostly a copy/paste job. They copy paste them to start with and then they update them to modern standards and in the case of quel’thelas altering the mountains north of the plageulands to actually fit it.
the leveling zones would still be the old version on the outland map. the modern versions are made to reflect what has happened over the years with much of the ghostlands healed and reclaimed and the myst isles being built up by the draenei into something akin to AU shadowmoon valley. the exodar being turned into a new karabor with a harbor similar to it. They could place ships going to different places such as the new auberdine and stormwind.
Having civillians back in Darkshore with the Horde so close wouldn’t be all that wise.
Hyjal would probably be more comfortable, since it’s much more difficult for an army to get there.
And I’d rather the Draenei move from their Crash Site into an actual settlement, really.
I mean sylvanas wouldn’t be in power for long most likely and the war is over.
Junker gnomes are such a bad idea. No offense to those that want them as an allied race but they present 2 major problems. one is that they would be barely played by anyone and two is they take away the only 2 gnome characters with any sort of development that being kelsey steelspark and mekkatorque.
They would be much better served as customization options unlocked via questline similar to the night warrior stuff.
Only now that you replied to it.
I’m having problems keeping up with this discussion
Since we crossed 10k, post rate has increased substantially.
Updates for Silvermoon and Exedar are some of the most fervent player request.
And they ain’t ever going to happen unless Blizzard has a reason to do it.
I think they could’ve worked, if Blizzard have made then like this:
With robot voice over etc. Something NEW and COOL, but instead Blizzard choose Gnomes with missing limbs…
Quote, We are not trying to take anything from Blood Elf Players. I have no idea where they keep getting this idea from. We just want playable High Elves on the Alliance.
Let’s give Silvermoon City to the Alliance, destroy the Sunwell, and kill of one of their major Lore Characters.
Honesty we don’t want to take anything from the Blood Elf players.
Honestly, yes it should. Do a visual update and enable flying but keep the faction war out of them. Just let the Draenei and the Blood Elves have their cities and land.
Rather the Silvermoon Warfront happens or not has nothing to do with getting High Elves. (Other than being a good time to add them)
All this stuff you mentioned has already been hinted at.
Honestly it would probably be Blizzards answer to the low Void Elf population.
Silvermoon Warfront is the worst time possible to add High Elves, it will look like they are somewhat related to Quel’thalas when they aren’t, if we want to distinct the High Elves from the Blood Elves and drive them away from anything related to Quel’thalas we need to stop supporting this, seriously.
The Void Elves are the ones who need this kinda of treatment, not the High Elves.
If it has nothing to do with High Elves, why bring it up at all in a High Elf Thread. I have to wonder, are you specifically trying to upset the Blood Elf Players at this point.
Here have a snickers, and calm down, not all High Elf supporters are after your precious city. Most of them want nothing to do with it. They just want to be able to play a race that has been on the Alliance since the Warcraft franchise began.
We’re talking about Silvermoon not because of High Elves, but because of the Blue EK/Red Kalimdor idea.
I honestly wish the people on my side (the pro-high elf side) would stop bringing up ANYTHING related to Silvermoon or Blood Elves.
All it does is annoy people like you and justifiably so. It also does little to nothing to support our call for playable Alliance High Elves. In the worst case, it actually hurts our efforts.
Even if its all just “what if” banter, it’s antagonizing people who already think we’re trying to “take away” from Blood Elves. Better to avoid such branches of dialogue entirely IMO.