Unfortunately that’s the bed Blizzard made, and now everyone has to lie in it
Exactly. I wish some things were done differently, but that’s what we have now. The system will keep evolving, I don’t doubt at some point we may get Alliance/Horde mixed parties and more neutral storyline, but the Alliance and Horde are likely to remain a core part of the game and the world.
If the game lives long enough, we will eventually have another faction war expansion in the far future.
A bed of spikes for me. It’s hard to swallow how many interesting things in the universe are reduced to blue or red, the World loses nuance, it’s all about “you are a Night Elf, go blue, hate the Horde”, “you are a Blood Elf, go red, hate the Alliance”.
Well, now the Night Elves have a very good reason to hate the Horde, forever and ever more.
And they beat them to the ground just to give them a reason to hate the Horde. Not a good deal.
That’s the consequences of war. War is ugly.
And it actually gave me hope that the night elves will evolve into something interesting.
I think changing the status quo is good. The entire Warcraft 3 storyline was about shaking the status quo of Azeroth. How many kingdoms were lost in that story alone?
But we can’t go back, can we?
How can the Night Elves ever accept the Horde’s continued existence without looking pathetic? How can the Gilneans just let them go after forcing them to be refugees not once but twice?
Should players just accept that all the horrible things done against their race will never have retribution?
In my opinion, the idea of a red Kalimdor and blue EK does feel satisfying as a faction war ending. Each faction has its major defeats and major victories, the continents change and can be explored as if they were new lands in the future, the status quo of several races also shift radically, and the war is over but the hate and distrust that caused it remain.
I was counting on it until the Darkshore Warfront put a wrench in the idea. With the Alliance on the offensive in Kalimdor, it would mean the night elves would be losing again. So, I’m not so certain it will happen anymore.
how would it turn them into void elves? When the sunwell was plagued during the scourge attack on quel’thelas the elves remaining didn’t whither and die of disease.
That simply isn’t how the well works. They don’t have to tap into it.
If this is so then you’re not staying on topic at all. How can you complain about anyone else going off topic?
Night Elves don’t really have to lose Darkshore - just not building another big capital like Teldrassil could work, I think.
Because there’s a difference between going off-topic organically and someone showing up and starting to talk about something completely different outta nowhere.
Cinthoric, I don’t have a problem with things going off topic at all. That orc goes around telling others to stay on topic but goes off then himself…that’s really my point.
No there really isn’t. That’s totally not the point.
Nothing like someone just popping in just to spam replies to people and leave just as suddenly.
Its almost like you have nothing else to contribute…
I guess some areas of the continents could remain under constant guerilla threat. Some small blue areas in Kalimdor and red areas in EK, but no major cities. That possibility still stands.
I’d be inclined to agree with you since it makes sense. But on the other hand. They can just zone it like they did with destroyed Teldrassil and Lordaeron. So while it makes sense that they won’t be touched, it’s not really impossible.
I feel like the World Tree still belongs to the Kal’dorei too though. That’s a zone that should be zoned and updated as well.
Leaving the Myst Isles and Quel’thalas in limbo forever shouldn’t be an option.
I’m not saying I disagree with you. But burning Teldrassil to the ground shouldn’t have been an option either and they did it.
They also blew up the Undead Capital.
So while rationally I think, “They’re not going to give Silvermoon to the alliance” and I believe that…
They CAN blow it up.
Actually, they may not be able to narratively pull it off… because what would the Sin’dorei do without their Sunwell? Even if they retreat to Kalimdor they’d have another problem.
I’ve never thought they could technically pull it off. Like, re-purposing it for the Alliance would be too much work. Also, if you zone it, would you be able to instance the city so Alliance and Horde could be there simultaneously? Seems like too much technical legwork to me.