The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The War part of the game is still supposed to be Horde vs. Alliance to my knowledge

I’m not saying that the game can’t exist without the Faction War

I’m saying to either commit to it (which I’d find more reasonable, since peace after all that’s happened again seems an even more distant dream) and never have us be friends ever again, or end it once and for all.

It’s tiresome to be superfriends with the other faction for two years and and then be at eachother’s throats for the next two.


The thing is that Alliance vs Horde makes it way more personal. People discuss Taurajo, Theramore or the Purge of Dalaran to this day, while Deathwing or the Legion are forgotten after the threat is over. Blizzard failed to create a new Arthas and, even if there was an easy formula to make villains like that, you can’t have a new Arthas every expansion.

Faction war stories are far more difficult to predict. We all knew the Legion was going to be defeated somehow. Everyone was pouring theories on the last boss being Sargeras or whatever. In BfA, however, we are discussing a possible Voidwell or the destruction of Stormwind. Anything can happen, and it’s not so clear-cut on who’s going to be the final boss, who’s going to win, and how the world will be changed by it.


the topic isn’t about why alliance should get playable high elves.

That isn’t why these threads were made. this isn’t for the discussion of whether or not they should be playable.

These threads exist to discuss how they would be playable and what they would be like.

You and the others that oppose us have constantly been coming in here derailing the topic of the thread.


Most of what would be World of Warcraft was made in Warcraft III alone, and in World of Warcraft itself most of the elements that compose it doesn’t round the factions at all, the sole reason why it is keep being pushed over and over is to serve as a base to a MMORPG 2 faction system, and it trampled lore to do so.
My biggest problem with it is the fact that in many real world situations, countries, kindgdoms and empires that used to be mortal enemies for centuries became sudden allies and even friends after uniting to fight a common enemy, on top of my head is the UK and France.
BfA was flawed since the very beginning, fighing over some glowing rocks that can be found everywhere while ignoring world threats just after joining together to fight other world threats? The whole thing of Sylvanas “They cannot forgive us, we should wipe them out for that” is ridiculously flawed considering herself forgive the orcs for the Second War, why the rest of the Alliance cannot do the same…

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I mean, Astalor Bloodsworn, the man who more or less made the Blood Knights, would not be an unreasonable option in a worse case scenario, but as Rommath hasn’t had a chance to shine, and Astalor’s only real claim to fame is developing the techniques for the original Blood Knights to exist (which might not do him any favors in Liadrin’s Human-Paladin version of the Blood Knights), it’s still a waste of one character for another that isn’t as valued.

I remain of the opinion that the Alliance doesn’t have much reason to go after Silvermoon, especially while Kaldorei lands are still swarming with Horde forces. The only real reason to attack Quel’Thalas is to secure the Eastern Kingdoms and, honestly, it would probably cost less resources and manpower to just keep the Horde bottled up in Quel’Thalas instead.

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quite honestly there are so many plot points that BFA demands itself to go to 8.4 and then the following expansion still be BFA part 2. I don’t think the war ends in this expansion.

We just enter the endgame phase in the final patch of it. the next expansion still has the factions at war but the horde rebellion has their footing. I don’t think it would be another MoP though. I think the war would end in the middle of the expansion with thrall back as warchief and sylvanas having stepped down. The rest of the expansion would focus on growing external threats.

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Those warring countries took a whole lot longer to become friends than the time that has passed in-game. The First, Second and Third War aren’t that old. Gilneas, Taurajo, Southshore, and Theramore are all still very recent. It probably hasn’t been a whole year since Teldrassil and Lordaeron.

The things the Alliance and Horde have been doing to one another continuously over the years can’t be forgotten and forgiven that easily.

Then again, what the Iron Horde did to AU Draenei couldn’t either, and yet we got “Draenor is free!”. That’s the one thing I don’t want in any way, shape or form.


Same devs that told us to “wait and see” TM regarding Sylvanas and the Burning of Teldrassil? the same devs that denied this was a MoP retreat just to end up saying it WAS indeed a MoP recreation? No, sorry but I rather not believe any of the BS they say conveniently.

N´zoth destroying the capitols for example perfectly fulfills this paradigm, for example. The way I see how they have conducted the War plot, I doubt any lasting consequences appart from Undercity and Darnassus will be achieved by it´s cause.

A free advice: don´t believe in reddit´s threads nor insane headcanonish theories, so far tehy fail at predicting stuff more times than not (heck the Darkshore WF totally went over their heads, and all things considered it is particularly relevat to the faction war plot).

Also… Velves of course had a purpose: to make accesible the thalassien elf model to the Alliance with modifications that made it semi unique. So far, they have fulfilled that purpose, no need to expect villain batting of a race that frankly got whitewashed in teh very instant they rolled Alliance (no really, the depiction of Velves in the game is pretty tame… frankly they´re High Elves with superpowers. No drawbacks. No disadvantages shown in the game, just awsome perks!!).

You are the one obssesed with messing up with Horde characters (I mean I was having this conversation with Vexander over Lor´themar and Rommath; but you of course had to come and put your 5 cents pver how amazing your scenario of killing the Grand Magister on a raid was for the character… ergo if someone derailed the thread, it was you).

I´ll repeat just once: you suck at suggestion of Horde content, so please refrain from doing so and stick to High Elves.

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Which is why it’s time to move away from it. Just like Warcraft 3 set up WoW, BfA seems like the setup for the next era of Warcraft. The world will be left changed, and we will explored that new world afterwards.

You can’t compare the modern world with Warcraft. Our world has had some peace after the Second World War, but before that countries would go to war for the tiniest reasons.

Our world today is more peaceful than ever due to two things: prosperity, comunication and commerce. In the past, wars were ways to amass riches by stealing them from other countries. Today, starting a war makes you poorer, as the world is so interconnected that the destruction of a neighbor will hurt you in the process.

Warcraft is a world that has barely left its medieval period.

Wars for resources are nothing new. Sylvanas reasoning is just an excuse, not the true reason behind this war. She wanted the humans dead from the beginning, she used azerite as a catalyst to make the Horde afraid of the Alliance and strike first.

I’m not saying Blizzard storytelling has been good. But it’s not that farfetched. Real world wars often started in similar ways.


exactly. Which is why in my theory I want the alliance to do something very bad such as accidentally turning the sunwell into a voidwell.

While thrall would be back as warchief that action alone would be justification to not be on friendly terms with the alliance. The war ends but mistrust remains.

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That was the worst conclusion to a storyline ever.

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I just hope Tyrande stays true to her promise of “No more mercy”. I certainly don’t want it to be swallowed into the Void because “We cannot defeat N’Zoth/Azshara/Void Lord Whatshisface alone!” (despite each faction having almost an entire continent worth of resources and more manpower than ever)


You aware this automathically would transform your beloved Helves and the Belves into Velves, right? reason why this theory isn´t sustainable, the very canon lore prevents it (Sunwell passivelu irradiates elves no matter where they are; ergo a Voidwell would affect them ALL. Yes, even the Highvale ones.)

The most you can ask is for the Belves to literally explode the Sunwell before it becomes a void infested thing just like they did in “Blood of the Highborne” when it was contaminated by necrotic. I wouldn´t mind that scenario if they take a good chucnk of the Alliance army with it as they did with the Amani in the novella…

It is but like most long standing threads other topics at times side tracks the main topic of the thread.

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Blizzard’s storytelling is very chaotic, but they do things with a plan in mind. Void elves are one of those things.

I’ve been afraid since the beginning that this will be the case, actually, and talked about this possibility several times over the course of this thread.

Usually, we talk about what we want here. Right now, however, we are talking about what may be Blizzard’s goal, not what we wish it would be.

Heh, something tells me that, by the end of the expansion, blood elf fans will be wishing we had gotten high elves instead. It would have hurt them way less.


If World of Warcraft move into a eternal Alliance x Horde stalemate i will consider unsubing and leaving it forever, i still play this game hoping to get some things that i always loved (like the race we are supposed to discuss on this thread) and expecting it to move forward, away from this overused plot. Just as you said, it’s time to move away from old things, like the Horde x Alliance war, i and many had enough of it already.

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Oh I have thought about this one; What if Void Elf children are born as “normal” High Elves?

At least, in the way the void doesn’t manifest on them. I haven’t thought if appearance wise they should look like VE or HE, or something in between, but upon reaching certain age they could go through a ritual/initiation to fully gain their powers, or being cut from them if they so choose.

That way there can be a sense of choice that I do feel should be relevant for VE thematically (Even if practically I’m okay with a second accident to make them a viable race to begin with) And we’d have a small surplus of non-void elves to spare for anything (cause I also kinda like the idea of Void Elves and High Elves becoming “symbiotic” races, in the way there could be crossover from both sides. Or who knows, Half Elves in like 20 more years lol)


Like it or not, Alliance and Horde are the foundations of the Warcraft.

The faction war itself is supposed to end this expansion, and next expansions will move into new stories, but I doubt we will ever have true peace.

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Not a possibility dear, a fact. Canon lore IS canon lore until devs outright come to retconn it. And last time we saw, they have kept themselves consistent in their “Sunwell irradiates ALL elves with thalassian roots, no matter where they are in the universe” motto.

Blizzard´s goal is to give MoP 2.0 a chance to roll. Saidf by themselves in their most recent interview. And last time I saw Void was pretty irrelevant appart from directly empowering a couple of bosses from the last raid of the expac.

This sounds more as wishful thinking (“those jerks!!! I hope Velves destroy them and make them cry and, and…!!”… I can almost hear you saying that, you aren´t very good at disguising that) than fact. All things considered, the story hardly can support a “kidnapping” of the Sunwell or worse an outright transformation of it without literally messing up with a core race and it´s derivates. The most you guys can expect is either the factions dissolve BEFOREHAND -making possible Helves by indirect means- or Alliance attacks Quel´Danas and the Belves blow up their biggest handicap just to prevent themselves to become void infested loons, period. It´s no big deal for them after all, they have already done it once under more stressful circumstances…

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They are not the foundations of many things, in Warcraft III many new things were completely out of that, like the Scourge, the Night Elves, the Naga, and even the Blood Elves on some degree. It was moving into a good direction with the addition of new things in the universe, far away from Orcs x Humans, but when the MMORPG game came in, they had to reduce most things to either blue or red on detriment of lore to support the 2 faction system, and the result of that are atrocities like Alliance Night Elves and Horde Blood Elves, i prefer when both were their own thing and had their own allegiances, but i guess i cannot go back in time.