My BFA end theory I believe does rommath justice. The continents are being secured by the factions. The alliance is laying siege to silvermoon in an alliance only raid while the horde have their own separate raid.
The alliance fights throught he city facing various defenders. Halduron being the first boss at the walls of the city.
The city is secured and we move on to the sunwell. At the sunwell itself we confront liadrin, lor’themar, and rommath. With lots of protest and resistance rommath forces liadrin and lor’themar through a portal to orgrimmar and safety and then we fight rommath as the final boss.
All in all that seems like exactly what rommath would do. The city is lost. He isn’t going to let his friends and leaders die in a pointless final stand.
I don’t see the value in Silvermoon as a target though.
It’s the last bastion of Horde strength on the Eastern Kingdoms, which absolutely makes it a target, but at the same time, securing Alliance lands should be a higher priority. There’s no point to attacking Quel’Thalas while the Horde is still running roughshod over Ashenvale and Kaldorei lands.
Because even if the Alliance claims Quel’Thalas, what then? Either the Blood Elves leave it (and I doubt they’d leave it in a state where it’d be of any use, more likely as a gigantic crater), or they’re still there and a military force needs to occupy the territory, drawing forces away from other fronts.
The whole point of Stromgarde warfront is that the Horde is trying to retake the north, and the Horde forces gather and move from their last bastion in the continent, Silvermoon.
Remember Taurajo? It was destroyed because it was being used as a staging area to launch attacks on Alliance troops. That’s exactly the role that Silvermoon has right now. Silvermoon is in the way of the Alliance having complete control of the continent.
If the war keeps escalating, Silvermoon will be attacked eventually. Only way to avoid it is if the blood elves or the Horde wave the white flag before the Alliance decides to do it.
You’d expect the Forsaken getting mostly kicked out of EK to screw over the Blood Elves since they need them to keep the undead in the Ghostlands in check, but apparently it’s all fine and peachy
I’m still pretty upset about those twists in Cataclysm. The Alliance lost Archbishop Benedictus to madness, and to this day NPC’s still claim he’s still “away.” Not even hinting at his fate or his treachery.
He was such a major lore figure in the Alliance, and for him to just be tossed aside was… crushing.
I mean if the ghostlands haven’t started the healing process by now and the undead mostly wiped out I would say they should burn down the entire place.
The question is not about if it’s a choice or not, it’s about if the war ever continues, being honest, i’m tired of it, i was already tired of it before even the expansion launched, and i think BfA is going to move out of this plot in the next patch already, Azshara is already at our very doorstep and N’zoth is being more and more proeminent in the narrative.
I don’t care about Silvermoon or about “redeeming” it, we should leave the place alone, i wish WoW quit Faction War already, it is badly written so far and it is going to continue like this if the devs continue forcing it, and leave the Thalassian Elves out of the bad writing of this expansion.
Sure, sure, cause the the best thing that can happen for the Hordies and the Belf players is to lose their most important Mage practicioner as a Raid Boss, amrite? I mean we have ABUNDANT HEROES!!! who cares if they continue dropping dead as Raid Bosses!!
You deffinitely are the new “Alurna”… so, kindly keep your suggestions to yourself and stay 100000000 ft from Belf lore or Horde lore overall. THIS is the type of fooslish things that will NOT get you support to your cause. And I don´t say it because of losing the city, I say it cause making us lose the very few decent characters we have left SUCKS.
To put it in perspective, if you want to make us lose Halduron and Rommath, then sacrifice Jaina and Veeresa, period. They die in a lose fight on that invasion, probably in the inevitable explosion of the Sunwell.
They cornered themselves by trying to make a Faction War expansion just after the two factions were in the best terms since a long time. BfA is the perfect plot filling expansion, no enemies to fight after the Legion? Make the other faction the enemy, doesn’t matter if you fighted along them some months ago. BfA will have no legacy or meaning after it’s ending unless the plot actually evolve into something better and more epic.
The Darkshore Warfront is literally leaving things hanging on. The status quo BEFORE the Warfront was “Horde won the place”… with the Warfront, this notion was questioned… making the whole “buut, buut!! muh Red Kalimdor and Blue EK!!” paradigm pointless. There won´t be a separation by continents, I´m afraid. And the huge logistics involved in updating both Azuremyst and Quel´Thalas almost guarantee the devs won´t touch those zones anytime soon (heck they literally called those “the last bastions”… why do you think they did? Cause they´re subtly telling us “we won´t touch those zones, NO, non negotiable!! not even with a 10 ft pole!! accept they´re in perma TBC and move on!!”).
I agree with you, most things in this expansion are left hanging on, it’s filled with plot holes and unfinished storylines, Red Kalimdor and Blue EK is never going to happen, it’s like putting salt in the wounds of Night Elf and Undead players saying that they will never get their homeland again. I hate this expansion with every nerve of my being.
There was a time everyone would laugh at the thought of Blizzard blowing up a major city. And a dev said somewhere (I really don’t remember where, or I’d link it) that BfA is meant to leave Azeroth forever changed.
We are still in the first patch of the expansion cycle, and I think the final one will shake the world even further.
I think everyone should be prepared to see major things being changed. I won’t be surprised if Stormwind is the final raid, for instance. However, since the void is also involved here, I don’t think the idea of war reaching Silvermoon and the Sunwell exploding into a passageway of darkness due to void elf involvement is that far-fetched at this point. You have faction war and you have the Void, all in a single major patch.
Void elves were introduced for some purpose, after all…
As for major figures dying, I have no problem with it so long as it is a good death. Varian was cool. Garrosh was horribly done. I think BfA has had no major deaths yet, so I’m expecting some major characters to die before it’s over. My prime candidate is Saurfang on the Horde. On the Alliance, I’m not sure who could bite the bullet this time.
I just wish they finally decide if they want this to be World of Warcraft or World of Peacecraft. Either stop with the Horde-Alliance cooperation in future expansions and have them be enemies forever or end the faction War once and for all.
There’s plenty of war to be done outside of the little Horde x Alliance box. We weren’t chatting with the Burning Legion on the last expansion.
Warcraft III was the peak of lore writing in the Warcraft’s universe in my opinion and see how little Horde x Alliance there was on it, it was still Warcraft nonetheless, but against the Burning Legion and the Scourge.