The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m still not convinced that trash gnomes are the next Allied race tbh - the reveal at Blizzcon looked to me like a couple of premade looks, not a set of character customisations.

I could be wrong of course (though I hope I’m not), but it just has the vibe of an NPC race (like the original Nightborne models) rather than a PC/Allied Race.


I’m not at all convinced either. How would existing armor work on their skinny mechanical arms and legs? Not to mention they’re all wearing goggles. What if you’re an engineer? Goggles on top of goggles?

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True, but I feel the possibility is strong. Junker gnomes hints were already present way back in alpha. We knew the name “junker gnomes” more than eight months before they were first seen in Blizzcon.

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The thing about allied races is that they now need to have ones that are in demand. They need to have things that people look forward to to retain the players. I think few people are going to play Kul’tiran humans. That is why they put all the work into them. Perhaps when they see .10 percent of the player base even make one, they will give high elves a second glance. This is why I think if they add junker gnomes, they need to do it as a customization.


I mean, it could be like Troll feet etc. where they just don’t get customisation at all and are always on show…but that seems pretty sub-optimal.


Yeah, I don’t think a whole lot of people would be happy if they can’t see their gloves or leggings/boots. :confused:

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Some races do not show some gear slots. Draenei and trolls do not cover their feet/hooves with boots, undead have bones showing despite using armor and so on.

I can see the Junkers having special geosets to cover their feet/hands/lower legs/part of the arms and allow use of gloves and boots, while keeping the arms/legs exposed despite armor. As for the goggles, it’s probably a geoset that’s turned off when you wear some types of headgear.

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I dunno. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Between you and me though, I’d rather play as a normal Gnome and have ALL my armor.


Pretty much. I mean, there’s enough engineering-themed transmogs to more or less fake it anyway.

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Gnomes are not a popular race. I love them, but they are quirky enough and don’t need a subrace that’s even quirkier. I don’t care about junker gnomes or mechagnomes, I don’t feel they are interesting at all. And I don’t think there’s any hype towards them anywhere. All junker gnome threads have little to no following.

However, I doubt their model will be ignored as a possible allied race. It’s very likely that it will be reused, so that’s also something that weights in the possibility of junker gnomes as an allied race.


Is it, though? I think that assumes that Blizzard plans on making an allied race based on every core race. I’m not sure they’ve ever commited to that many Allied Races.

Hell, with the way Blizzard drops features, there’s half a chance we’ll get to the end of this expansion and Ion will just tell us in a Q&A several months into the next expansion that the re are no future plans for any more Allied Races after all.

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I’d rather Gnomes got the Vulpera Treatment then. An Allied Race that shares the model, and nothing else.

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Trust me, I feel the same way. I like gnomes a lot, and I’m pretty sad at how they’re underrepresented in the Alliance both among NPC’s and playerbase.

I feel more like its Blizzard’s fault for that though. Mekkatorque has been criminally underused over the course of the game and Gnomes have gotten probably the least exposure of the core Alliance races.

I think High elves have gotten better treatment than Gnomes!


I really doubt it. Allied races are by far the most talked about and hyped feature and BfA, and it gives Blizzard a lot of money through subscription time to unlock and level up races and character services like race changes or faction changes. No way they’ll drop that feature any time soon.


At this point, I don’t really give Blizzard the luxury of the benefit of the doubt anymore.


It gives them money. It’s enough incentive for them to keep doing it. Don’t believe in Blizzard, trust the money flow!


Him getting very little screentime saved his characterization. I mean Lor’themar acted a lot on side material, but not in the game. In a rare show of competency, devs were smart enough to coherently mix all those portrayals in novels and comics into something rational in MoP (though Neilson still worked for Blizz at the time, and he deffinitely was the best writer of Belves).

Rommath is the same, he has avoided a lot of potential villain battings by miraculous means… Maybe it’s better NOT TO give him so much screentime, at least while the current writers stay in office.

It’s a sad state of affairs when fans would rather their favorite characters remain inactive due to lack of faith in the writers.


Horde - San Layn
Alliance - Toxic Sludges from Gnomerang

Horde - Ogres
Allaince - Troggs

Horde - Saberon
Alliance - Leper Gnomes

Horde - Dryads
Alliance - Bog Beasts

Horde - Shivarra
Alliance - Imp Brood mothers

Horde - Gnolls
Alliance - Kobolds

Horde - Sethrak
Alliance - Pygmy

Horde - Satyrs
Alliance - Podlings

Horde - Mogu
Alliance - Grummies

Horde - Vrykul
Alliance - Geriatric Humans

Horde - Arakkoa
Alliance - Magni crystal dwarves.

Horde - Regular and Lightforged Draenei
Alliance - Replaced with Broken


Rommath was meant to be a Twilight’s Hammer agent in Cataclysm, there’s even datamined sound files for him. Thankfully, Blizzard backtracked on that and made Sauranok the Mysthic the traitor instead.

Rommath is the kind of character that can be easily misunderstood. He’s harsh, he’s not likable. He does what he thinks must be done, and people often understand such traits as evil. I feel he is a compelling character that should have more screentime, without fear of him being seen as a villain.

I mean, people still call Jaina evil for the Purge of Dalaran, while completely ignoring everything that led to it and exagerating the Purge’s actual events. Sure, it was her lowest point, but far from unprovoked and very far from the indiscriminated slaughter of elves that people seem to believe it was.

That’s what it takes for a character to be misunderstood, and guys like Rommath can easily fall into that. But it’s either that or be banished to limbo. I prefer when characters act, even if it happens in a less than perfect way.