The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And I will thank you for bumping this thread. :wink:


a whole 12 minutes worth lol

There can never be too many Elves! :joy:


What current lore?
And my point is just supposition. “I can totally see” means I’m picturing something in my mind.

But my other, previous point stands: if Jaina had commited a crime, why would she remain the leader of the Kirin Tor? Instead, the Kirin Tor backed her decision, as we saw in the Isle of Thunder one patch later. She was also still the leader in WoD, and only left the position when she was outvoted to allow the Horde back in Legion. If she had commited any crime, they would have punished her way before that.

What the Sunreavers did was a crime. They used Dalaran’s resources to retrieve a magical weapon of mass destruction that was under the Kirin Tor’s surveillance and gave it to a warmongering tyrant. That is treason. It should be noted it was the second betrayal of the Sunreavers, and the previous one cost Theramore and the life of the Kirin Tor’s previous leader (which helps explain both Jaina’s and Vereesa’s reactions).

Whatever you say of Jaina’s (over)reaction, it was not a crime within Dalaran’s rules. We may discuss the morality behind it, sure, but not its legal status.


May I just say how much I love that this topic is still going?


Queldorei and Sanlayn
Ogres and Wildhammer pls


Furbolg are neat, (aside from the fact that if someone so much as sneezes a whole tribe goes mad and has to be put down) but honestly I don’t really get the appeal of Vrykul as a player option. I mean, they had to downscale Tauren a ton to make them feasible, wouldn’t Vrykul do the same?

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Oh snap, Casmir with the blue post.


I’m 66.666% sure that ogres are coming. Kul tiran model made it possible, and Rexxar model shows Blizzard has at least worked on the idea.

I’m worried about what the Alliance will get as their counterpart


My wishlist is something like this:

Horde / Alliance


Ogres / Vrykul
Vulpera / Sethrak or anything but those creepy gnomes
Hozen / Jinyu


San’layn / High Elves
Forest(Amani) Trolls / Wildhammer Dwarves
Mok’Nathal / Broken Draenei


Yes, i don’t see the problem, they wouldn’t be as large as the Vrykul we have now, but they still would be big and their mount size would be equivalent to Tauren. The same for Ogres.


Blizzcon 2019
Dev: As for the Alliance, don’t worry, we’ll give you something cool and new!
Show a slide with Fatter Humans, Mecha Dwarves, Voidforged Night Elves, Lightforged Undead and Fel Worgen


My real bets/fears are junker gnomes and the so-called “lightforged undead” (who will probably not look like undead at all, but more like light-infused thin humans). Thus making 4/6 of the Alliance races total behind-spawns (the real word I’d use made me be silenced for a week once, so I’m avoiding it).

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I’m sincerely hoping the silence from the Devs on the next Allied Races is indication that they’ve been listening to feedback from players and changed their minds on what they had originally planned. Junker Gnomes, Lightforged Undead, etc
 Maybe we’ll get them as customization options for Humans/Gnomes, but not as Allied Races.


The thing is that I’m not counting on them repeating models, nor wasting work already done. If they are far along with junker gnomes, and if they are excited about junker gnomes (and I think they are), they won’t change plans.

The lightforged undead is something not very likely, but since there’s nothing else in the horizon for 8.3.5 and Calia’s story will be continued, the possibility is left open. Also, with ogres being based on kul tirans, a Horde race being the base for the Alliance counterpart makes sense, and the undead model has not been reused yet.

Things could, however, go into a total different direction: maybe Calia can restore undead back to life, for instance, and we get thin “redeemed” humans, or maybe Calia becomes the new Forsaken leader and is not the origin of a new race at all.

I think suggestions will mostly be used for next expansion or beyond. Of all the fan requests, I feel San’layn have the biggest chance of becoming real, because it’s a neat idea, it’s not far-fetched, it doesn’t step on anyone’s toes, and it reuses a model not yet used for an allied race of that faction. It also can cover for Dark Rangers, as they look alike.


no, it should have been void elves for alliance ofc since they cant have a core horde race and horde should have gotten sanlayn instead of highmountain tauren :thinking:

if they at least made the highmountain taller like the lore i would accept them, but they just gave them bigger antlers :smile:

My comment was much more a ironic approach to things, i actually have the same feelings about their silence on Allied Races, they aren’t sure of continuing the trend of “new and cool” races, because so far the feedback about it is mostly negative and the current AR’s are not helping keeping the playerbase invested in the game, especially Alliance. It might also represent a change in their philosophy over them, and perhaps they are going in the direction of more traditional and popular race demands based on some recent interviews.


Keep in mind the Night Elf model has been used twice for Horde Allied races. Nightborne, and Zandalar.

I don’t think we’ll be getting High Elves in BFA, that said I don’t think I’d be surprised if we did either. 2019 is a lean year, so releasing anything that’ll boost microtransactions is probably a top priority in the upper echelons of Activision-Blizzard.

As for possible Allied Races, I see Saberon coming down the line. Maybe I’m the only one who does, but it does use the Worgen model.

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im betting on junker gnomes. hopefully theyre next! would love to play as one!

I feel saberon are sooooo underwhelming. Yeah, I get people think their looks are badass, but as an actual part of the lore, they are completely unnecessary. They could not exist at all and WoD would be pretty much the same, and their only mentioning in Chronicles in the entire history of Draenor was as the threat in Terokk’s story.

But yeah, with Saberon now living in Kalimdor, there’s a possibility of them being fleshed out, and their blank state in lore allows for a lot of creativity in that regard.

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