The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I need to be able to use animated gifs for this crazy plot twist. This is such a wasted moment.

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Is it really such a twist? When Pontifice did the Christmas/New Year’s post, he added, ‘Alurna/Vexander.’ I figured if anyone didn’t realize from posting style before then that it’d have been a give-away.


And you as usual ran to complain and didn´t read my post, did you? I don´t give a flying monkey´s begind over the warfront per se -heck, I´m one of the worst Belf fangirls ever and believe me, I can accept losing Silvermoon as long as lore respect itselfs and the Sunwell goes the way of the dodo-, but it does annoy me when you people have the gal to say “we don´t want your stuff” just to contradict yourselves in the very fist post of the thread.


You did? Then why it is a feature on the first post of the thread? I mean if it was so widely unpopular as you pretend, it shouldn´t even be there don´t you think?

I´ll believe in your good faith people when you actually remove “widely unpopular” suggestions from the post geared to bring people to your cause.

I mean it in regards to them being people willing to use downright beligerent and terrorist means to get their way… Lor´themar was IC indeed by only exiling them thanks to their rebellious denial to stop a dangeorus research (that btw, was indeed proven as dangerous in both the NB and the Velf intro scenarios); however his “softness” may cost the Sunwell to the Belves again (no a problem inmo as a player, but lorewise it will be troublesome for the Belves to go back at TBC status quo)


that is because they scanned and found old god corruption to be seemingly out of control (which it still very well might be) therefore protocal was to wipe the planet to get rid of the corruption so the titans could reorder the planet. Life wouldn’t exist so the old gods could do little to try to sow chaos in that time.

Of course doing so would have doomed the planet more than likely since the pantheon was out of action. Us beating algalon merely showed him that perhaps the defenders of this world could beat the corruption.

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surprised pickachu face

I have known this since the beginning anyway. One of the benefits of being a major contributor of the entire high elf community.


Haha. I mean, my perspective of it is Ariel being really upset at a person and agreeing with you and then realizing that you are that person.

I started working on doing this medical program thing three years ago. So I’ve got no frame of reference of anything that’s happened before Hurricane Nyshant showed up to Beowulf some trolls.

I played like… one day of Legion and thought, “That’s not gonna work.”

Ironically, I’m getting crushed way harder by everything than I was back then. So you just adapt eventually.


OMFG, you grew up from the hate!! Congratulations.

May Blizz concede your petition for as long as they don´t screw the rest of us while at it. On the other hand this explains your proficiency at villain batting Belves in that thread in SF.

She´s a baddly written moron, you people need more characters like Auric. He´s more mature and sane than she will ever be. Blame Knaak for that too…

Well, take into account their boss (A.K.A. Rommath) DID warn them against the research and they went totally “NUHHHH, WE WILL DO WHAT WE WANT!!”… and that type of behaviour is VERY dangerous in military units like the Magisters. I like to think they got exiled as a last resort option.


I mean, I don’t really disagree with her. A lot of my early comments on Lor’themar specifically were pretty ignorant of the feelings of Blood Elf players. As this topic has given me an appreciation for how Alliance interests should not be dictated by Horde players, I now realize the same should apply in reverse. My interests, as an Alliance player, should not influence Horde content.

So, as far as I’m concerned, let the Blood Elves replace the statues of Kael’thas with statues of Lor’themar (his new model is great for that purpose). Let them love Lor’themar and support him as much as they want. It doesn’t affect me, nor does it concern me.


That’s also one of the big things separating High and Blood Elves - Quel’thalas.

Blood Elves are all about Quel’thalas. Lord knows they’d probably never go outside its walls if they could, except maybe to visit Suramar to exchange recipes with their new buddies.

Meanwhile, there is no reason for High Elves to give a damn about Quel’thalas, no more than humans from other nations care about Stromgarde.

Highvale abhor magic, the Dalarani already have a city of their own, possibly never having lived in Quel’thalas themselves, and the elves in Outland are way too tightly tied with the Alliance, having them long for a Quel’thalas that chose the Horde would be bizarre.

Alleria hoping for Silvermoon to rejoin the Alliance is understandable, since she’s been away for 1000 years, but Vereesa doing so really makes no sense, specially after the whole Bombing of Theramore/Purge of Dalaran thing.


And you didn’t even understand what I posted.

Silvermoon warfront is hinted at = We think it would be a good time to add High Elves.


We want High Elves = They should make a Silvermoon Warfront.

You mock me for not reading and then you say this?

The Silvermoon Warfront as NOTHING to do with wanting Farstriders. They are two seperate things you mashed together in your head.

1 Person wanted Farstriders to switch and suggested it happen during the Warfront. That doesn’t make the topic about the warfront about the Farstriders.


Yeah. I’ve always been against the inclusion of Quel’dorei taking anything from Blood Elves… I think that if you do it really diminishes both races. The Quel’dorei are fine without Silvermoon and fine without Blood Elf structures. Which are pretty vastly different anyways. Blood Elves are pretty authoritarian.


I’d like to think Auric would make for a good leader. I don’t think I’d be upset if Vereesa died and Auric stepped up to fill the absence of Leadership role. I just don’t imagine Vereesa will die anytime soon. Single Mother and all. Not unless Arator raises her kids. Which, could be a neat storyline.

Yup. Like I said, the Void Elf story was stupid. It remains stupid. Now that a Dev has suggested Void Elves can create more, we’ll find ourselves with a reverse-Forsaken conundrum. “(Blood Elf Character) should become a Void Elf!”

It’s a can of worms that should not be opened. I hope some Dev states the Void Elves can’t create more Void Elves just for that reason.


Ughh, no please, no Lor´themar cult of personality. Don´t torture the Regent (I mean one of the biggest parts of his appeal is precisely the fact he isn´t interested in the job for the power. He is in it because he genuinelly loves his people, and in a game narrative obsessed with making the Horde racial leaders suck at caring over their subjects -I mean Sylvanas, Garrosh, Baine, Saurfang, Gallywix… our leaders DO suck at valuing the people they´re in charge of- his portrayal is quite precious).

Surprise indeed… this woman (man?) used to annoy me A LOT. We had the worst fights ever.

Glad to see she got the point finally (I mean both factions of thalassian elves CAN coexist, but the key to achieve this is NOT to follow on the current dev´s team path of destroying one to develop the other).


I’m honestly ok with a path to Void Elfship….

If you’re a crazy Shadowpriest, or Mage/Warlock that’s in too deep or Rogue that’s spent too long in the shadows I think it’s fine.

But I think that those people should be so few and far between that it basically just maintains the Void Elves size.


I’d just like for High Elves to be developed within the Alliance. Relations with Dwarves, Night Elves, and Draenei are all there waiting to be explored, and I’d like to see that.


Should they want to, even? Void Elves wanting to make more of themselves should be a big red flag for the Alliance that maybe it’s time to get rid of their mentally unstable crack squad.

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Unfortunately we can’t really remove a playable race…

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If anything they could just confirm that Void Elves are fertile and their offspring inherit their connection to the Void.

Granted that also requires some major gymnastics to explain how a void infused fetus doesn’t become some gruesome tentacle ridden monstrosity tearing its way out of its mother or just being completely insane from birth, but it is one way to explain Void Elf propagation over the long term.

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as much as you people like to gaslight the forums that high elves and blood elves are a separate race; they arent. at the end of the day they still care about the people and home they left behind to stay with the alliance :woman_shrugging:

Haha. I’ve only ever known Vex to be level headed and insightful. Which was good because I came in with a torch and burned my ethos to the ground along with everything else when I got here. Haha. It took awhile to establish myself as any kind of rational actor after that. Good that there are posters like that.

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