The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No you are here just to troll people, others are doing the real argumentation, the same Void Elves that you love to defend are the actual recolored Blood Elves given to the Alliance.


By referencing the Farstriders at all, I can see how it can make Blood Elf players feel like we’re trying to infringe on their stuff. No matter how much prominence or lack thereof the Farstriders may or may not have in Blood Elf society, they are objectively Blood Elf content.

Best to avoid referencing them at all and just establish stuff for Alliance High Elves on their own. High Elves can have their own Rangers/Trackers/Scouts without infringing on Blood Elves in general or the Farstriders in particular.


To control your own lack of sense, of course. Nicodemùs got it quite quickly. You and some other on the other hand… don´t seem like you got it.

And as long as you don´t get this CRUCIAL fact, you people will sabotage yourselves in front of the playerbase. No Belf player complained terribly over Velves precisely because thanks to the Void theme we don´t feel like they tresspass into our own identity… however any time you come with suggestions like the Warfront one, the message we get is: “we don´t care over you constructing your game for 10+ years, we want your stuff without having to compromise and play Horde!!”… and sorry, but no. Adults don´t just take others stuff for the lols, period.


I never got why anybody was interested in the Farstriders at all.

Allerian Hold is comprised of a High Elven Alliance Ranger corps.


Please, Alliance players don’t need to be, ‘Stimulated to roll High Elves.’ It’s a long standing request. High Elves could be added and receive no more representation in the game than they already do and we’d be satisfied.

If you’re worried about the Villain-Batting, I don’t know why you’re not more concerned over Void Elves. I’ve already pointed out the sheer absurdity of statements from Umbric and Alleria about, “Liberating,” Quel’Thalas from the Horde, and if that doesn’t make you nervous, then the fact the Light is being shored up as tyrannical Thought-Police should.


I don’t know why people are even arguing anything about the Farstriders, we never talked about them aside from saying how they are disrespected and mocked among the Blood Elves even tough they have a key role in their Kingdom.


Blood Elves already have a Thought-Police though.

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Ariel brought in that people elsewhere talked about the Farstriders and Blood Elf NPCs switching to the Alliance.

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I mean, we had a similar situation earlier where someone was worried we were trying to take blue eyes away from Sin’dorei.

Just kind of a knee jerk reaction. They’re worried we’re gonna take blood elves/silvermoon/all their players from them and being pretty deep into the lore seems to be kind of a pre-requisite for most people that want to play Quel’dorei so we talk about it and it makes people nervous.


Your statement is very hard to glean understanding from.

What are we asking for that has anything to do with blood elves? It doesn’t matter what you feel like it does. Factually it doesn’t infringe on them but void elves actually do despite many feeling like they don’t


Exactly, so they’re doubly-susceptible to this form of Villain Batting. Blizzard seems interested in inverting the Trope of, “Darkness Bad, Light Good,” and unfortunately for the Blood Elves they are FIRMLY entrenched in the Light category. If there is to be concerns over Thalassian Elves in the Alliance being a reason to Villain-Bat the heck out of the Blood Elves, it should be squarely focused on the Void Elves, not the High Elves who themselves walk the line of morality. Feeding Sunreavers to sharks and all.


Didn’t we corrected whoever suggested that?

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And Yrel just showed up what happens if you get too into the Lights Order… and you see it in the Titans too where they’re like, “Hmm. This is disorderly! Must organize!”

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Yeah. But Ariel’s been worried for awhile.

Ariel isn’t against playable High Elves by the way. She’s technically one of us.


Blizzard is the ones that decided to paint the continents red/blue in their preview for BFA and people just ran with it.

Silvermoon Warfront was datamined early on.

Silvermoon is the last bastion of Horde might on the eastern kingdoms.

Anduin considered attacking it.

Umbric, Alleria, and Vereesa all talk about taking it back from Horde control.

Warfronts are a major feature of this Xpac.

A Eversong/Silvermoon redo is ridiculously requested.

None of what I listed has anything to do with the request for High Elves. It’s something that’s highly hinted at and we are tailoring our request to IT not the other way around.

And a Silvermoon Warfront is also speculated to be a good time to add San’layn and Forest Trolls on top of all that.

We don’t want or need your shunned Farstriders.

Only 1 person even asked for them after someone said a “What if” and the majority of us rejected it. Stop acting like it’s a major request.

Oh, and go ask the city guards where the hunter trainer is and see how ‘loved’ the farstriders are in Silvermoon.

One person did that. It was widely rejected.


Do take into account Vexander that I mention this in regards to the devs, not the Helf fans -well, most of them… Alurna still has to be keep with a 10 ft pole from making any story suggestion; I won´t have her villain batting Lor´themar just because she´s salty the devs made him the scapegoat that made Belves roll Horde-.

We both know the current writting team has their heads in the clouds (I repeat: War of Thorns… now that is NOT paying any attention to your own playerbase)

Cause so far, Belves already survived the worst chance to be villain batted regarding the Velves (the intro of the race could gad gone SO badly… but actually it was very rational and forgiving on Belves). I´m one poster that believes the reasoning of both Rommath and Lor´themar was spot-on on that NB scenario -if anything, we could argue Lor was too soft letting Umbric and Co. stay alive-.

Honestly I expected this eventual plot point of “too much order” coming from the titans but really they are just down to a well oiled machine type of order. They don’t try to control every facet of life.

The light has this ideal vision of turning everything into this crystalline perfect state. To make everything nothing more than a statue that has no chance to cause any sort of chaos.

The titans want life to flourish without it getting too unwieldy.

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I mean, killing off people because they’re studying some magic you don’t like would be a very nice way to villainbat Lor’themar or Rommath.

It’s not like they were interested in the Alliance before Alleria found them.

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I mean… they literally tried to destroy the planet and you have to beat them down to make them stop in Ulduar. There is a really annoying speech about mortal power or how the players are special or something in it.


Full disclosure? I am Alurna. I decided when the forums changed over to use a different avatar for posting.

If it makes you feel any better, your impassioned views on Blood Elves largely changed my own. I never had much interest in having playable High Elves have anything to do with Blood Elves to begin with, but these days I leave my comments on Blood Elves strictly to speculation on the worst the Devs could do.

I wasn’t surprised the Void Elf intro made the Blood Elves’ views logical and common sense. Honestly I agreed with them. I don’t know if outright exiling the Ren’dorei was necessary when they could’ve just been forbidding from going any further into Quel’Thalas than the Ghostlands, but Void Elves were a terrible idea to begin with anyways.

I’m still worried about how the Light is being set up as an antagonist, and on the Alliance side, Void Elves received a very different portrayal than Horde players see. Considering Void Elves were Blood Elves, I think they have more reason to go after Blood Elf themes and such than High Elves ever do. As I’ve said before, High Elves have families and lives in the Alliance and shouldn’t have a desire for anything to do with Quel’Thalas. Even Vereesa’s comment about thinking the Blood Elves could be, ‘redeemed,’ someday felt less like it had anything to do with her wanting to go back to Quel’Thalas, and more her just being a naive little girl who doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

I mean, think about it. Vereesa is by all accounts a very, very young woman. When the Second War was being waged she was told to stay home with the family rather than fight. She might be a mother but she feels like a Teenage Mother.

Part of me is still pretty annoyed she’s our best chance at a racial leader for High Elves.