As I’ve said, it damages the flavor of the Blood Elves
No it doesn’t. How can it when the High Elf story begins at the point of their split with the Blood Elves? It’s an entirely different story. Aside from a visual resemblance that can be addressed with different hairstyles, idle stance, and customization options, what exactly is being “damaged”?
For players, the majority party of Thalassian Elves fight under Horde banners.
So what? A minority of Thalassian Elves have been part of the Alliance since before Blood Elves were playable. An even smaller minority of Thalassian Elves were just recently made playable. The “majority” excuse objectively doesn’t hold up.
Playable Blood Elves are the high elves, for players.
That’s an opinion, and one which not everyone shares. You don’t get to speak for all players.
You cannot add without taking away. They. Are. The. Same. Race.
Why can’t you add without taking away? It. Doesn’t. Matter. If. They. Are. The. Same. Race.
They can be differentiated from their kin by culture and political differences (and even physiological differences assuming a diluted bloodline) which can be be represented visually by different hair options, a different idle stance, and different customization options. Blood Elves lose NOTHING. Stop saying they do because they don’t. If you can’t point out specifically what they lose without resorting to some nebulous, vague, “my feelings”, reason, then it’s a downright lie.
To add another, near identical off-shoot on the opposing faction for players would be as diluting of the faction race flavors as Defias Humans on Horde or Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance.
That’s an opinion and a poor example because High Elves have been and are still part of the Alliance while those example of yours have never been associated with those factions. They also don’t have to be “near identical” when made playable. Stop focusing on that. It’s not a good excuse.
Did you know Horde had more unique High Elves added to them in BFA than Alliance did. How is this so?
So what? This is irrelevant. The heritage armor quest is history. A history that might be shared with the High Elves still part of the Alliance, but the story for High Elves since those events has diverged. No one is trying to take that history away from you. Stop trying to claim they would because its not true.
It’s not flavor I want to see watered down to give the Alliance side a second version of a story already told.
No one is asking for watered down Blood Elf history. We’re asking for the story of High Elves who never became Blood Elves. Who stayed with the Alliance. Who have trials and tribulations of their own to explore that have little to do with Blood Elves.
Void Elves are doing a great job in BFA, and High Elven NPCs have filled the opposition role as needed prior.
Void Elves are irrelevant to the discussion of playable Alliance High Elves.