The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

So you are saying because other people are vain and petty and can’t see beyond looks that we shouldn’t get what we want?

and we are the ones being called illogical…

also please get it through your head that blue eyes are not the sole eye color of high elves. All things considered it is a rather minor color compared to what they could have.


I agree a race is more than its appearance, but you don’t need a poll. Just look at data from this game, or any game really, regarding the top played races. Vast majority play conventionally attractive races and characters. Humans are shallow.

As I’ve said, it damages the flavor of the Blood Elves. For players, the majority party of Thalassian Elves fight under Horde banners.

Playable Blood Elves are the high elves, for players. You cannot add without taking away. They. Are. The. Same. Race.

To add another, near identical off-shoot on the opposing faction for players would be as diluting of the faction race flavors as Defias Humans on Horde or Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance.

Did you know Horde had more unique High Elves added to them in BFA than Alliance did. How is this so?

Laidrin. Galell. Alastor. Solanar. Halduron. Rommath. Lor’themar. Sylvanas. Kael’thas. Anasterian.

All added in their High elven state as part of the Blood Elf Heritage Armor questline, detailing the most major events High elven history. Our history. Horde player history.

It’s not flavor I want to see watered down to give the Alliance side a second version of a story already told. Void Elves are doing a great job in BFA, and High Elven NPCs have filled the opposition role as needed prior.


In what way do high elves step on or cross over with blood elven themes? and don’t say farstriders because the fact is that blood elven culture has shunned them and they have fallen out of relevance. You can’t claim something that is made clear by the modern story is something they actively wish died off.

You also confuse the history of quel’thelas with the history of alliance high elves.

You need to stop seeing alliance high elves as having anything to do with quel’thelas. As far as anyone should be concerned they are children of human nations such as dalaran and stormwind.


No, it doesn’t. You feel it does, but it doesn’t. There’s no fundamental change to blood elves required for high elves to exist. None of your cited NPCs need to transfer to the Alliance. Racial crest, heritage armor, capital, nothing changes.

That heritage armor questline shows the story that made the blood elves no longer high elves. If it were played by high elves instead, the story would be the same one, but the conclusion at the end would be vastly different.

All your feelings of loss are just that, feelings. There’s no real loss. You lose nothing.


There’s already a Thalassian Elf race fighting under Alliance banner. But I’m sure you might’ve missed them since they have done so little so far.

They are not. They have different names. Different histories. Different cultures. Different natures, now with Cosmic Energies being involved. Fight under different, opposing factions.

They added literal Night Elves to the Horde and literal Blood Elves to the Alliance last expansion.

It wouldn’t be a “second version of a story already told”. The High Elves’ history is different from the Blood Elves’.

They are, objectively, not.


Exactly. Many alliance human players have over the years felt that the forsaken took away things from them. They actually have but no one is saying forsaken should be on the alliance.


I’ve said my piece for the day. I can’t play with you guys all the time. I have a hockey game to catch.

I’ll be glad to go back to repeating myself, as we all have, when I return from vacation.


Please don’t, it’s tiresome. Arguing with a wall is no fun.


As I’ve said, it damages the flavor of the Blood Elves

No it doesn’t. How can it when the High Elf story begins at the point of their split with the Blood Elves? It’s an entirely different story. Aside from a visual resemblance that can be addressed with different hairstyles, idle stance, and customization options, what exactly is being “damaged”?

For players, the majority party of Thalassian Elves fight under Horde banners.

So what? A minority of Thalassian Elves have been part of the Alliance since before Blood Elves were playable. An even smaller minority of Thalassian Elves were just recently made playable. The “majority” excuse objectively doesn’t hold up.

Playable Blood Elves are the high elves, for players.

That’s an opinion, and one which not everyone shares. You don’t get to speak for all players.

You cannot add without taking away. They. Are. The. Same. Race.

Why can’t you add without taking away? It. Doesn’t. Matter. If. They. Are. The. Same. Race.

They can be differentiated from their kin by culture and political differences (and even physiological differences assuming a diluted bloodline) which can be be represented visually by different hair options, a different idle stance, and different customization options. Blood Elves lose NOTHING. Stop saying they do because they don’t. If you can’t point out specifically what they lose without resorting to some nebulous, vague, “my feelings”, reason, then it’s a downright lie.

To add another, near identical off-shoot on the opposing faction for players would be as diluting of the faction race flavors as Defias Humans on Horde or Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance.

That’s an opinion and a poor example because High Elves have been and are still part of the Alliance while those example of yours have never been associated with those factions. They also don’t have to be “near identical” when made playable. Stop focusing on that. It’s not a good excuse.

Did you know Horde had more unique High Elves added to them in BFA than Alliance did. How is this so?

So what? This is irrelevant. The heritage armor quest is history. A history that might be shared with the High Elves still part of the Alliance, but the story for High Elves since those events has diverged. No one is trying to take that history away from you. Stop trying to claim they would because its not true.

It’s not flavor I want to see watered down to give the Alliance side a second version of a story already told.

No one is asking for watered down Blood Elf history. We’re asking for the story of High Elves who never became Blood Elves. Who stayed with the Alliance. Who have trials and tribulations of their own to explore that have little to do with Blood Elves.

Void Elves are doing a great job in BFA, and High Elven NPCs have filled the opposition role as needed prior.

Void Elves are irrelevant to the discussion of playable Alliance High Elves.


“you cannot add without taking away”

exactly what are high elves taking away from the horde and blood elves?

last time I check auric sunchaser and vereesa windrunner don’t associate with the horde so we arent taking them.

Farstriders are shunned by blood elf society in the lore and have no relevance nor pull in the political state despite whatever horde players may believe because of the quests done in BC. So therefore we are not taking away the ranger theme because it isn’t theirs to claim

You could argue they take away the magical theme of things but really high elven mages don’t seem too different in culture than human mages in the alliance. The magister title is held by some as a relic of the past system. We see more transition to using the archmage title associated with the kirin tor and dalaran which is an alliance nation despite often choosing to allow horde into the city and even the kirin tor.

You people can ask all you damn want, but please keep a modicum of respect while at it. Disgraceful suggestions like the one for the hypothethical “Silvermoon Warfront” Is the type of stuff that literally detracts from the Belf themathics, narrative and even character development (Yes, Farstriders are STILL a Belf thing, the Ranger themathic IS NOT a Helf exclusive thing no matter how much you desire so; no, Halduron is no negotiable chip you people can villain bat or worse steal for your side and just replace it with something we already have -I mean, Liadrin is NO Ranger, so proposing her as “replacement” and pretending you are doing us a favor is insulting by default and exactly the same damned thing you lot acuse the anti people of doing in regards to your petitions-; and if you want a hardcore Alliance affiliated thalassian elf thirsty over conquering back Quel´Thalas you already have the two Windrunner nutjobs, use them instead of trying to put the blame on Horde Belf NPCs).

Which military faction does the Belf racial leader belongs to? FARSTRIDERS

Which leaders from the Belf military factions -sans the racial leader- were present both to discuss support to the Kirin Tor against Malygos and in the confrontation with Sylvanas regarding the War in Northrend? Grand Magister Rommath and GENERAL RANGER OF SILVERMOON HALDURON BRIGHTWING.

Which factions were involved during the recuperation, reconstruction and purification of the Quel´Delar? Sunreavers and FARSTRIDERS -I mean people… Halduron is literally the NPC that hands Horde players the quest to purify the sword on the Sunwell-

Which Belf military unit was deployed in Cata to dealt with the Amani menace against Quel´Thalas? FARSTRIDERS, commanded by Halduron Himself.

Which Belf military units made expecific appearances during MoP and lorewise were called to support the Horde military efforts in Pandaria? MAGISTERS AND FARSTRIDERS (Heck we literally had TWO leaders with a Ranger background -Lor´themar and Halduron- and two with a Magister background -Rommath and Aethas- in Isle of Thunder… meanwhile Blood Knights and their long eared human pally of a leader were STILL AFK since Sunwell Plateau)

Who were the hunter representatives for Horde in the Hunter Class Hall (and this includes active participation in the Class Quest Chain) Rexxar and HALDURON BRIGHTWING (Curious fact btw: in the ending cinematic involving the de-powering of the artifacts, the NPC that is shown holding Thas´dora is HALDURON -again… and even after the artifact quest chain showed Veeresa finding it. Which implies she gave him the bow, lul-. And this fits perfectly with the eleven part of the artifact story, in which BLOOD ELVES are the ones mentioned).

Ohhh, such amazing examples of " Belf lore shunning the Farstriders!!"… yeah no, lore says you´re wrong dear. Start backing up what you preach and USE YOUR OWN HIGH ELF NPCs in your narratives and suggestions. You supposedly are full of Rangers, well… then prove it and use them!! No need to kick Belf characters and annoy Belf players just for the lols.

Says the poster that suggested Halduron faction changing in the Warfront scenario… /rofl

I totally agree, then kindly remove your dirty unimaginative dirty pawns from our Horde NPCs -you see, Horde is kinda lacking in the notable/heroic NPC department (consequence of dev villain batting); the last thing we need is to lose them just to catter to some obscure agenda for people arguing "their fav race has TOTES NOTHING TO DO with Quel´Thalas and Horde Belves!! in the first place…-


I actually can’t argue with this post.

Ariel is right. We shouldn’t try to co-opt Horde NPC’s or the Farstriders.


their main pros for alliance fair skinned elves is that they have a different culture and different eye colors :roll_eyes:

this is based on the fact some but not all elves in quelthalas tapped fel magic. thats like saying some humans have a drinking problem while some flat out refuse to consume alcohol. does that mean they have a completely different culture? ofc not :smile:

they then point to their different eye colors which is even more laughable. so are the golden eyed blood elves a different race then the green eyed elves now too? i mean come on

and dont forget the devs still have to get permission from story team before they can just start creating random named alliance high elves because there are so few. 9/10 of all living high elves are now blood elves after all

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We don’t need to co-opt the Farstriders, no.

The issue is that when we bring up the Ranger theme as being central to High Elves, antis claim that is way too important to Blood Elves so we’d just be copying their race. Despite Blood Knights and Magisters having much more prominence than Farstriders.


To that I would just say, the ranger theme isn’t exclusive to any race. On top of that, one ranger’s theme doesn’t have to necessarily be the same as another’s.


this isn’t something to associate with the pro high elf community. We are not asking for it in conjunction with high elves. It was “leaked” early on in bfa by being able to type a certain command line that displayed a list of warfronts those being arathi, the barrens, azshara, and silvermoon.

When we speculate and talk about a silvermoon warfront we do so as an entirely separate reason from high elves.

I am not the one that suggested halduron faction changing. I talked about it when it was brought up in conversation but I didn’t suggest it.

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That has nothing to do with playable high elves by itself and more to do with the themes of BfA. Darnassus and Undercity have just been destroyed as a prelude to this war. A Silvermoon warfront info was datamined in the game files. It does not mean it will happen, but, if this expansion can radically change night elves and undead, why do you think you are immune to that?

Attacking Silvermoon is not a requirement we have. It’s just one of many possible scenarios that BfA enabled.

But, if you fear it so much, then high elves are the least of your worries. Blizzard just added a new blue blood elf race that can destroy the Sunwell by just being near it. And it was been hinted that:

  • They’ll still have a big role to play in later patches
  • They aim at “reuniting their people” under the Alliance
  • We may end up with a Horde-only Kalimdor and Alliance-only EK
  • Edit: BfA will radically change Azeroth.

You should be very worried not about high elves, but void elves. And those are already playable and current content, in an expansion that has already destroyed two main cities. Good luck with that.

(And BTW, this same expansion introduced a Horde race that hates the Draenei, whose capital city is in Kalimdor and is the opposite of Silvermoon)


I don´t have a problem with you people getting your Helves AS LONG AS you leave our Belf toons alone.

My worries over playable High Elves are more related to the actual current writers of the game. They are in this “let´s villain bat Horde!!!” trend since Cata that frankly make us quite nervous… Just look at the inanne and incoherent narrative surrounding Veeresa: Dalaran is MY home and I never returned to Quel´Thalas but BELEVES TOTES NEED TO BE REDEEMED BY ALLIANCE AND HELVES!! /facepalm

… she shouldn´t even care about what happens in Silvermoon ffs… she never did, so her comments in “The Three Sisters” were embarrasing -Sylvanas may be a psycho, but her telling Veeresa that the Belves don´t need any “Alliance flavored” redemption is spot on, cause they certainly don´t.-

Personally, I´m worried Belves would get a villain bat of silly proportions just to “stimulate Alliance players to roll Helves” (and before any of you try to contradict me: both Aethas and War of Thorns say “Hi”).

I would agree with it, but the low language on it prevent me from doing it. Also, i hate when people write as they are holders of truth putting themselves above others, it’s ridiculous.

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Blood Elves are power-hungry, arrogant, prejudiced, isolationists, pyromaniacs and abuse magic for everything in their lives. High Elves have none of that.

9/10 of the 1/10 that Survived the destruction of Silvermoon are Blood Elves.

The Elves in Stormwind, Dalaran, Outland and elsewhere are not and were never accounted for.

Blood Elves and High Elves are separated by history, culture, allegiances, and magic affecting them.