The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And yet that is not the way the conversation always runs and you know it. Off topic and even silly postings are here and there. But if something you don’t agree with comes up that’s when you don’t like it or consider it ‘trolling’.

And we argue here to the people that want them, if there are people that didn’t want them, they just don’t need to play one, no need to negate with arbitrary reasons or stand in the front of to those who do. No Race in this game is made for everyone to like and enjoy.
Even the most popular and played races in the game have lots of haters but they are still playable nonetheless, i’m not going to stop requesting High Elves because they might hurt someone else pride


Ultimately , your position is that you don’t want something added to the game.

While we do want something added to the game.

Your position is one of denial. It is to prevent us from getting something we want, not to get something you want. You gain nothing by preventing us from getting what we want, yet you fight vehemently regardless.

You insist that us getting what we want somehow costs you something but that is objectively not true, unless you’re talking about “feeling less special”, “damages the identity of Blood Elves” or whatever other nebulous emotion-based-reason-not-based-in-reality you come up with. The fact remains, if we get High Elves, you still have Blood Elves, their lore, their aesthetics (not talking about the body model here), and their story.

The High Elves we get have a different story, and I would hope different aesthetics even if they share a similar body model. They take nothing from Blood Elves or the Horde. They might share a history with the Blood Elves but their story going forward has diverged from that of the Blood Elves. We want to see and play that story but you don’t want us to get that opportunity because you insist it somehow diminishes Blood Elves when it has little to do with them.


Your characterization is incorrect. You have an implied bias in reducing the Anti position to simply one of strict enjoyment denial.

Just because I don’t want High Elves to be added means it’s for the enjoyment of others disappointment or misery, even if that ends up being a side-effect. I get no personal satisfaction from High Elves being unplayable.

I feel High Elves would damage the identity and flavor of the Blood Elves and the Horde. I can’t think of any Horde race I’d be ok with giving blue eyes and shipping across the faction line as a playable option. It’s not unique to High Elves.

I get people on this side don’t agree that it would damage the Horde, but I’m not exactly surprised people who play Alliance either don’t understand, see, or care how or why Horde would be damaged by playable High Elf addition.

I see the game as a whole, and from my experience across decades of High Elf threads of one variety or another, High Elf proponents only care about the half they’re primarily, or exclusively playing.


Not everyone wanted gnomes.
Not everyone wanted blood elves.
Not everyone wanted draenei.
Not everyone wanted goblins.
Not everyone wanted worgen.
I’m pretty sure a lot of people were against pandas.
Not everyone wanted lightforged.
Not everyone wanted highmountain tauren.
Not everyone thought mag’har were a good idea.
Lots of people do not want fat humans.
And no one wanted void elves (because they didn’t exist)

It matters not. A race is added for those who will play it, not those who won’t.


:wine_glass: puts his arcwine glass ontop of Star’s head. He stopped himself earlier but he just couldn’t help it.

The real reason Shal’dorei joined the Horde is because Goblins are the best.


Need to be reposted every 100 posts.


Adding the other races wasn’t at the strict expense of anyone else’s flavor. I expect all future Allied Races to follow this idea.

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In essence, you want your feelings protected. And that’s reason enough to deny others something.


I give up arguing with you, this is the 100th you post the same argument, and every time you do it you are proved wrong.


I believe that would be spam.

That’s a cute line for a Pro High Elf billboard maybe, but no, I haven’t.

I’d also add that if anyone is sick of arguing, maybe a public forum isn’t for you.

Lol, I just found out one of Umbric’s lines “High Elf? Please! Why would you want to be a High Elf when you can look all tragic and brooding?”

I wonder if this is actually what the devs were thinking when they made these freaks…

High Elves are not blue-eyed Blood Elves.


Visually, that’s all they are. Maybe we love lore and culture in this thread (I do), but for most players, looks are all they care about.

As is, High Elves look like blue eyed Blood Elves, even if they aren’t only or strictly so.

Some unique hairstyles, customization options such as tattoos, and perhaps a new idle stance will address the visuals issue you have.

High Elves also have a unique story to tell from the point of splitting with their brethren so that addresses the issue of infringing on Blood Elf lore.


But a race is more than its appearance. And I’m not sure there has been any poll regarding what players care about the most when choosing a race.

If Blood Elves’ entire worth as a race is skin-deep, I’d say they’re the ones that shouldn’t be playable.

High Elves have been in the Alliance from the very beginning of the game. The only real, “new” consequence Horde Players would feel from their presence is seeing them in Battlegrounds.


Perhaps, but I feel like Blizzard consisered it and thought it wasn’t enough.

I’ve never argued that it can’t be done, as the potential is always there. You can’t argue with possibility.

What I’m saying is it shouldn’t be done, as it comes at an expense to others.

You keep saying that but its not true.

It doesn’t cost anyone else anything.

The High Elf story is different. Their aesthetic can be different.

So what does it cost you exactly?


So we are trying to make it reconsider.

The Horde would lose nothing.


What expense
What damage will be done
What will the Horde lose with the addition of High Elves to the Alliance?

Beyond, y’know, the exclusivity of fair-skinned blonde elves. Is that all Blood Elves are? Is that all they’re worth?