I’d also love the Classic comparison dropped. It’s not even remotely on the same scale, or level of profit.
Blizzard had a very nominal section of the playerbase that was dodging a sub and playing on private servers who wanted the ability to play the old version of the game, something you can do with every other Blizzard game. They had a strong case, a huge amount of support, and forced Blizzard into a decision because it came down to legally being obligated to protect their IP. Once finished, they’ll be getting a sub fee from even the people who want to play in the past.
It’s pretty much completely different from fan support for adding a race, both in the situation, popularity, and potential for profit.
I disagree. Popularity wise, High Elves are up there. Devs have acknowledged they’re a fan-favorite race when it comes to Allied Race discussion.
In terms of support, we’re here right now, talking about it as it has been talked about for years. That talk went up big time when Allied Races were revealed, and it has not died down since then.
In terms of potential for profit, Blizzard makes a lot of income from micro-transactions, and Allied Races are a great way to get those rolling in. Lots of players will race change, level boost, or even faction change, all for High Elves. For a lean year with no new releases, an Allied Race like High Elves would keep the accounting books nice and happy.
To be fair, this - and the threads preceeding this one that form the whole chain of threads going back god-knows-how-long - have never been about settling an argument.
If anything, that’s a by product of members coming in here and telling us how bad an idea High Elves are. It’s that opposing sentiment that stokes the fire of those arguments on the merits of High Elves as an Allied Race.
You see this in the lull between arguments, where posting activity becomes talking about brainstorming narrative ideas, or working on fan art, or discussing various other aspects like racial abilities and the like. There’s a hell of a large percentage of this thread that isn’t about fighting to justify High Elves, but rather working on possible ideas on how to implement them instead.
TBH it becomes a courtroom when members come in and start telling people that High Elves aren’t a valid request to make. And that’s also where most of the circular arguments come from.
Not that I’m saying people shouldn’t post their disapproval. But when someone comes in going ‘but Blood Elves are High Elves’, you can almost hear the collective exasperated sigh because everyone knows we’re going to go over that part of the lore and re-explain it all for the thousandth time. That’s where things get circular.
That’s exactly what this thread does. You kind of have to address the same points over, or ignore them. Let’s not pretend you like leaving my stuff unchallenged.
I mean, you guys don’t exactly make it hard for a random to get you mad. All I have to do is play the April 26th Q&A in here and it’ll be in a tizzy. Trolling is only successful when it gets a reactive response. If you want to stop getting trolled, aside from reporting the obvious and repeat offenders, you really just need to ignore them.
It’s already got more likes and views than this thread, and it went up yesterday.
Please try to be objective here and realize it’s not this giant checkmark on the greater playerbase’s list of demands, especially in this expansion where so much else has gone wrong.
To be honest, likes and views don’t mean much considering you can alt-hop and Like the same post multiple times from different characters. That aside, this isn’t the first High Elf thread either. They were on-going from the original forums, caps extended multiple times.
It’s not a great metric to use to measure community interest. I think Blizzard has better tools for that, and considering the Devs have outright stated its a community favorite, I’ll stand by them rather than easily tweaked forum metrics.
Oh absolutely. I try to keep my expectations reasonable. I don’t see High Elves coming in BFA unless someone further up the chain tells the Developers to make sure the next Allied Races will break the bank on microtransactions. At that point there’s not much you could add to the Alliance to ensure that, other than High Elves.
“You’re trolling.” (Because if you are I can write you off and I win)
“I want to keep saying your points are defeated.” (Because then I win)
“When your points, which I already said aren’t backed up anyway, are defeated, then you’re a troll.” (Column A + B above, end result is I get to say I win)
“That’s not a winning strategy.” (Again, I get to say I win)
You’re kind of the prime example of what I’m talking about. Everything you do is to try and “win”. You’ve literally gone into posts talking with yourself and being so proud of how sound you think your argument is. It’s not a healthy way to look at this, or any topic.
It’s a general issue in the game, that every player has to deal at some point. Our matter is much more specific.
Plus, that thread has a blue response, which then gets linked and stays in the front page of WoWHead, MMO-C and other places.
And finally, this thread has had multiple versions in the past, when the forum had max size for threads and it would be restarted from scratch. THEN, when the new forum was enabled, we lost again all the likes, despite the thread being copied over. There’s a lot of people who participated in this thread at some point and is no longer around.
exactly. These threads were never made to discuss whether or not high elves should or can be playable but instead discuss how they would be playable and what they are in game.
I have this guys RP eye color listed as one being green & the other purple for that exact reasoning. Green for the Fel & purple for the Void energies that he infuses his spells with.
Blood Elves: High elven remnants of Silvermoon united by Kael’thas Sunstrider renamed Blood elves in honor of their fallen people. Learned to drain energy from demons and other lifeforms leading to changes in appearance- notably green eyes and more rugged skin colors. Mostly a part of the Horde.
High elves: Members that did NOT join Kael’thas due to refusing the new lifestyle changes or simply not being near Silvermoon when it fell. Did NOT resort to draining energy from demons- meaning they retained their original skin colors and blue eyed appearance. Most belong to the Alliance or Kirin Tor.
Oh, and to add: if you really want to compare this thread to others, why not other race requests? Those too are specific issues that a large part of the playerbase does not care about. Most races are played by 5% of players or less.
San’layn thread has 115 likes.
Vulpera thread has 48 likes (thought it, like this one, has lost a lot of likes in the forum transition).
Ogre thread has 66 likes.
They are all valid threads, I don’t wanna make it seem like their requests are lesser than ours. The point is that high elves are very requested in comparison to other races. And I think that’s the exact reason why our request bothers you guys: because it is popular, it has endured the test of time and people always come back asking for them. Heck, I don’t doubt asking for high elves will become a meme eventually. (If it isn’t already)
And the discussion is ultimately pointless. High elves exist, they are in the canon, they are in the books, in the games. We are not discussing if they can be playable, we know it can be done. Do some visual changes, add new lore developments, whatever, but it can be done, and, to boot, it can be easily done. Easier than most introduced allied races.
It’s just a matter of Blizzard changing its stance.
We are not here to argue. We are here to request the inclusion of high elves as an allied race. And we seize the opportunity to discuss how it could be done.
That you guys end up so bothered that a “tiny vocal minority” is just proof enough that we are making ourselves be heard. If we were just a few dozen people, you’d consider us something unworthy of your time and attention. All the controversy you raise only makes the request more noticiable, and I thank you for that.
I’m not bothered. I’ve stated before, I respond here and made my thread to give voice to the opposing stance. Not everyone wants High Elves.
Wether you want the thread now to be more speculative in nature is irrelevant. The thread is about adding High Elves. People who don’t agree with that direction have every right to, especially considering the megathreads only exist because Blizzard forced them to, lest the back and forth continue to ruin the front page of the forum.
I also don’t understand your need for exposure or visibility. The High Elf request isn’t new, hidden or secret. The playerbase knows. The developers know. Very little has changed from similar threads I saw a decade ago, aside from Allied Races existing.
Again, I have no problem with the Pro side existing, and as I’ve said I’ve had some great lore discussion with you in particular, but I’m not going to stand by idly to certain people making comments insisting opposition is irrelevant, unwelcome, or has been snuffed out. None are true.
Sure, but there’s only so many ways you can say “I don’t agree with your request” before it becomes trolling.
In essence, you are campaigning as much as we are. Except that we are asking for something we want, while you are asking for people to not get what they want.
There are some issues that giving someone what they want will take away from others, so it’s okay to protest. But the high elf request takes nothing from the Horde.
Because, as we say here in Brazil, quem não chora não mama, or, “(the baby) that does not cry doesn’t get breastfed”. Staying silent is consenting with the status quo. An issue is only made visible when people make it visible.
If there’s something we find wrong with the game we come here and talk it. That’s the very purpose of the forums. Why would we not use a tool that was made for it?