The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You are correct unfortunately there’ll always be the ones that hop in here just to cause problems.

Blood Elves are High Elves…wrong…Blood Elves were High Elves. Were key word, we gave up that name to honor our fallen, at least I did. Seeing as how we are now the Sin’dorei, we no longer hold claim to the High Elf name.

If High Elves are introduced it will ruin the Blood Elf story.
How? Just because we share the same lore up to a certain point, doesn’t justify the exclusion of High Elves. It’s not about the Past we shared, it’s about the future. Instead of focusing so.ely on where we’ve been. Let’s instead look at where each is going. Both Blood Elves and High Elves have taken completely different paths. Neither of those paths damages the other. Plus having the ability to walk both of those paths, would be amazing.


How would playable high elves ruin blood elves if- as you said, they’re taking completely different story paths?

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They wouldn’t. That’s what Jericha is saying. They’ve gone in different directions; they no longer share the same story.


Jericha’s one of us.

She just doesn’t like it when PHE’s (pro-high-elf-advocates) try and blow up Blood Elf blue eye options.

Which happens in reaction to AHE’s (anti-high-elf-advocates) trying to make the High Elf path to playable harder.

To be fair, I do stockpile counter-argument evidence.


Ah, I see. I guess I just misunderstood. My apologies Jericha.


We get attacked frequently so it’s not strange to misidentify someone with a more nuanced opinion.


Forgiven, :smiley: with the way you are all trolled and constantly attacked. I don’t blame you for making a mistake. I find nearly all the excuses used for why High Elves shouldn’t be playable to be ridiculous. My hope is that Blizzard will one day realize this as well.


I’m just glad we can be reasonable. There are… certain people that like to come in here just to screw with everyone.


Objectively speaking, you’re easy to screw with.

Keep in mind not every random that pops in here and rattles off their 2 cents in opposition to High Elves is doing so maliciously, or strictly trolling. Some posters just like to make their armchair spiel and leave.

What I’d like to see less of is these types of statements:
“We’ve debunked all these points.”
“We’ve already proven X, Y, Z wrong.”

I get it makes you feel good, but the developers aren’t radio silent because they’re waiting for you to “win” this debate. This medium is a fluid one. If you’re going to rely on potential future changes to support your side, you must also acknowledge the same can be done against it.

There’s no High Elf prize at the end of the tunnel when you feel you’ve arbitrarily settled your case. It’s not a court, it’s not a contest.

Blues are silent because they’ve been told to be. To not endorse one side or the other. The only blue posts on previous threads were just to inform of raising the post cap or to call out trolling/bad behavior.

This is a player debate. A passion project. A lore discussion. Fan feedback, from both sides.

Please remember that.

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In like clockwork.


More like in like coffee, but don’t worry, I’m on vacation soon, so you’ll have some lasting peace.

That would be nice. Could you take it a bit early? I’d personally appreciate it.


Waves at Lydon. Might I say you were much cuter as your Blood Elf self, and not a walking Warcraft logo.

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To be fair, comments such as, “We’ve debunked these points,” aren’t so much a, “We win! Bring on the High Elves,” and more of a, “The circular arguments are pretty tiresome, if you can’t think of something new to argue against them, why keep posting this?”

The medium is a fluid one but circular discussion doesn’t really do much aside showing the Devs the passion involved around this Allied Race. Which, you know, is great since it’d be so much worse for us if people just ignored the topic. Instead it’s been a top page discussion for well over a year now.


The first paragraph did you mean is, or is not?

The second paragraph perhaps PHA’s would stop using them, if AHA’s would stop coming in with the same excuses as to why they shouldn’t be playable.


Posts like this might get you some hearts because I’m an easy villain, but are ultimately counter to discussion.

I don’t know when my avatar reverted to the logo. :man_shrugging: Edit: Read it aloud. “…not every…is”

It’s 12,000+ posts long. At this point, everything said is probably a version of something already said. We’re in pure circle territory already.

Aside from that, under the current forum format, it’s not a huge feat for a segment of the same faces to bump a topic for a year, especially on an issue so polarizing.

While it’s a pro thread, it’s not absent opposition posts, just as mine has no shortage of Pro posts.

I never suggested it was absent of opposition. Passion for a topic, whether for or against, is still something that catches the attention of the Developers. There were people vehemently opposed to Classic as well, and their voices didn’t really prevent Classic from becoming a reality.

At this point, this thread is one of the oldest on these new forums. I don’t think there are any from the point the new forums came in that are still at the top of the forums.

Whether people are for High Elves or against them, the passion surrounding them is there.


You’re kinda setting yourself up as one.


As Vexander says, we’ve always known that whether your arguments stands or not it has no bearing on whether Blizzard adds High Elves or not.

But we’re not trying to spend all day arguing against some counter point that’s obviously wrong for the millionth time.


You made your entrance with, “Objectively speaking, you’re easy to screw with.” and every time your arguments get smashed you become a really petty troll.

You’ve got some growing up to do before you can talk about what’s ultimately a counter to the discussion.