The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

We know Blood Elves are High Elves Lydon.

But we want to play the High Elves. Not the Blood Elves.

Do we need to like… draw you a picture… why is this so hard for you to understand?


Prove that


He’s just being obtuse and using semantics.


Have you considered that maybe Blizzard doesn’t understand it’s players? This is the company that though they should make an entire race based off one character because she was popular.

Both factions have their Thalassian Elves, High and Blood. Yet only one faction can play with them. Why?


aye. that kind of response comes from the flawed idea they they are so similar that they are the same thing and thus should appeal to the same people when in reality that just isn’t true.

They can’t see beyond looks just because this is a video game based in a fantasy universe. They can’t comprehend that division in culture and ideology can exist


You’re free to draw pictures if you like. Won’t make High Elves a different species.

I don’t want to roll a Blood Elf. I also don’t want to play Horde. I don’t really enjoy playing Horde content most of the time and I level a Horde alt just to see the story and for metagaming purposes (like the upcoming Horde Horse/Alliance Wolf achievement).

I don’t like the Horde narrative. I don’t like the Horde aesthetics. I don’t like feeling like a villain or that I am working for people who seem to act like villains.

Even if I did roll a Blood Elf it won’t give me what I am looking for from playable Alliance High Elves.

I swear sometimes you seem reasonable Lydon and other times you seem to shift into snark-mode.


Here you go. I know you’ve seen it before. But maybe it’ll help.

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well it is a good thing we don’t play entire species but instead play a character part of a certain faction of said species.


They are literally the Mag’har to Blood Elves’ greenskins.


…you don’t like feeling a villian and you rolled a Void Elf? They literally said they added that to give goody two shoe Alliance a much needed dark side.

I don’t feel like a villain as a Void Elf. :man_shrugging:

They are doing a poor job in making Void Elves seem like “bad guys”. They are more edgy/emo than “dark” or “villainous”.


And what Darkness have they shown, indeed. All they (read: Umbric) ever does is desperately try to show he’s loyal and worthy.


I do love that when he pulls the, “Blood Elves are High Elves” thing he still defeats his argument because that kind of logic increases the validity of, “Shal’dorei are Kal’dorei.”

The nuanced stance in this argument is a loss for him and the un-nuanced stance is a loss for him.


Nor do I as a Blood Elf. :tipping_hand_man:

Oh, here we go again.
Sits back to watch the show; sips some tea.


What game you play? The game that i play have multiple races with two playable variations, including in the other faction.
By the way, you didn’t explained how the Blood Elves are the WoW’s High Elves yet. Can you make a primer?


Yeah. He’s just trolling at this point.


I can roll Blood Elves and I can roll Nightborne.

Please tell me where the loss for me is.

I’m merely paying in kind here. You want to dogpile me, that’s fine. I don’t have to be nice all the time.

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At least you’re admitting you’re trolling.

Flagged. moving on.