So, you want Blood Elves to be the sole fair-skinned blonde elves in existence. Gotcha.
Except there should be nowhere nearly enough Void Elves in existence to oppose Blood Elves.
Void Elves don’t really love the Void like Blood Elves love the Light and have no reason to oppose it - specially in a faction with Draenei, Lightforged, the Church of Light and all that jazz.
High Elves have no issue existing as NPCs. They’ve managed just fine so far.
I believe Blizz shouldn’t hand identical flavors and experiences to both Alliance ad Horde, no. If that means light skinned elves to you, sure (even though Night Elves have plenty of fleshy tones).
In an expac or two we probably won’t even remember Void Elves exist. So far, from the look of it the writers have no intentions of using them in the story.
Good thing they’re not identical in flavor or experience, having followed very different paths since Kael’thas’ renaming.
You’re welcome to your opinion, however, there is no legitimate reason to not make High Elves playable. Other additions make any reason players or even Ion has come up with pointless.
Can’t have similar aesthetics on both factions? Pandaren and Nightborne. Even Void Elves.
Too few in numbers? Void Elves, Darkspear Trolls, Pandaren, etc…
Can’t use the same model as an opposite faction? Nightborne/Void Elves.
There is no good, legitimate reason to not add High Elves that is not specific to this expansion. Once BFA is over, unless a new reason is given specific to the next expansion, then High Elves should be added. Likewise, if a new reason is even needed, then it should be discarded immediately. This request has been on-going for too long now.
They helped bring in reinforcements during the Siege of Lordaeron
Umbric tried to assassinate Gallywix
Umbric helped us steal the magic scepter of water
They reanimate dead dinos using the Void during one (1) faction assault
That’s it. That’s the great story of the Void Elves. That’s also all the history they have since they were introduced yesterday, and half of it only involves Umbric
Honestly, Dark Iron Dwarves have done more this expansion than Void Elves.
This thread: “We don’t want Void Elves! They were just made yesterday! They have no lore! No characters! No story! There’s like 12 of them! They aren’t a compromise! We want High Elves!”
The story that would be told for the High Elves would not be “taking away” from the Blood Elves. It’s a different story. An unrelated story. A story that has little to do with Blood Elves or Quel’thalas aside from maybe a reference to their brethren here and there.
Nothing has to be taken away from Blood Elves to make High Elves playable.
When pro-'s say they don’t want Void Elves, they mean they don’t want Void Elves instead of High Elves. They didn’t ask for Void Elves, but that doesn’t mean they don’t necessarily like them.
I like Void Elves. But that has nothing to do with the fact that I am unhappy we got Void Elves instead of High Elves. It isn’t what I asked for. And anyone who tells me I should be grateful I got anything at all can go pound salt.